III. Translate these sentences into English. Use the proper Tense form.

1. Я скучал по тебе, так как мы не виделись целую вечность.

2. Посмотри! Идет сильный снег. Давай останемся дома.

3. Мой друг работает в библиотеке с 9 часов утра. Он все еще пишет курсовую работу.

4. Когда он уезжает в Лондон? - Он еще не решил. Все зависит от вас.

5. Здесь часто идет дождь, не так ли? - Раз в месяц. Я не люблю дождливую погоду.

6. Каждый вечер этот мужчина со своей собакой гуляет в парке недалеко от нашего дома.

7. Во время сессии я никуда не ходил и даже не смотрел телевизор. Я много занимался и сдал все экзамены успешно.

8. Мы обсуждали новости, которые только что получили.

9. Мы прождали больше часа, до того как пришел автобус.

10. Едва я пришел домой, как позвонил друг. Он сказал мне, что вернулся из Англии вчера.



Unit 2


To be + past participle (pp)



Tense Active Voice Passive Voice
Present Simple They restore building The building is restored
Present Continuous They are restoring the building The building is being restored
Past Simple They restored the building The building was restored
Past Continuous They were restoring the building The building was being restored
Future Simple They will restore the building The building will be restored
Present Perfect They have restored the building The building has been restored
Past Perfect They had restored the building The buildinghad been restored
Future Perfect They will have restored the building The buildingwill have been restored



I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Tenses.

1. Six lessons _______________ (to give) to us a day.

2. The children ______________ usually (to send) to the camp in summer.

3. A lecture _______________ (to give) in the main hall at the moment.

4. Ten films ________ already ______________ (to develop) here.

5. Polar bears _____________ (to hunt) for their fur.

6. A new railway line ______________________ (to construct) across the desert.

7. The rubbish _______ already ________________ (to collect) when I left for work.

8. I _______________ (to surprise) by the news.

9. He _________________ (to examine) now by the doctor.

10. The house ______________________ (to decorate) by my sister.

11. The best cream cakes ___________ (to make) by Sayers.

12. A new metro line ______________________ (to construct) now.

13. Many accidents____________ (to cause) by dangerous driving.

14. The buildings ________________ (to examine) by Health and Safety experts this week.

15. Rainforests _____________________ (to cut down) in the Amazon.

16. My glasses _____________ (to throw) away by mistake.

17. Many beautiful houses ______________ (to build) in our city every year.

18. All her books _____________ (to translate) into English by the program.

19. The picture _______________ (to paint) by a famous artist.

20. They ____________________ (to hear) playing the piano now.


II. Translate these sentences into English using one of the Present Tenses.

1. Детям обычно не разрешают играть со спичками.

2. Стиральную машинку сейчас ремонтируют.

3. Футболом увлекается большинство мужчин.

4. На английском языке говорят во всем мире.

5. Интересная тема обсуждается нашими студентами.

6. Комнату в настоящий момент убирают.

7. Эти машины производят в Японии.

8. Лекция проходит в главном холле в настоящий момент

9. Новая больница построена в нашем городе.

10. Большая часть земной поверхности покрыта водой.


III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Tenses.

1. This novel ___________________ (to write) by Charles Dickens.

2. Her shouting _____________ (to hear) by everyone

3. Probably the tea _____________ (to sweeten) before I put sugar into it.

4. America _____________________ (to discover) many centuries ago.

5. The window ____________ (to break) before the children arrived.

6. The film ___________________ (to direct) by my favourite director.

7. The doctor _________________ (to send) for.

8. Mary __________ (to invite) to the party but unfortunately she couldn’t come.

9. I noticed at once that the room _________recently (to tidy).

10. Small feet _____________ (to hear) running in the hall.

11. The town library ___________________ (to build) by my grandfather.

12. After John ____________ (to award) a medal for bravery, he became a local hero.

13.   The new wing of the hospital _________________ (to open) by the President yesterday morning.

14. Sanchez __________________ (to beat) by Steffi Graff in the Women’s Tennis Final.

15. The buildings _____________ (to examine) by Health and Safety experts.

16. Her ankle ____________ (to hurt) when she fell down.

17. A new shampoo _____________ (to develop) in the lab.

18. I _________________ (to offer) a new job.

19. A new shopping centre ____________ (to build) on the outskirts of town.

20. Human bones _________________ (find) by archaeologists yesterday.


IV. Translate these sentences into English using one of the Past Tenses.

1. Москва была основана Юрием Долгоруким в 1147году.

2. Новости были объявлены по всем каналам.

3. О новом фильме очень много говорили на прошлой неделе.

4. За врачом послали двадцать минут назад.

5. Письмо отправили неделю назад.

6. Я был очень удивлен новостям.

7. Я был приглашен на вечеринку вчера.

8. Этот крем разрабатывался в научной лаборатории.

9. Мою машину обслуживали в сервисном центре с 7 до 9 вчера.

10. Молодого музыканта заметили за долго до того, как он поступил в консерваторию.


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