Match the two halves of the sentences. Determine the conditional type. Translate into Russian

If inexpensive lasers hadn’t been constructed, you would have felt much more pain.
If laser wasn’t used in surgical operations, a new era of laser machining would not have started.
If laser had not been used during the surgery, recovery time would be longer.
Should you decide against the laser surgery, complex design furniture would be more expensive.
If laser couldn’t reveal molecular structure, it may take you longer to recover.
If the signal is transmitted via fiber-optic cables, many scientific discoveries wouldn’t have occurred.
If laser machining didn’t become so widespread, it will travel very fast.


Transform the sentences using the alternatives to IF

As long as • in case • provided that • unless

1. The experiment will continue if there is enough funding.

2. The students will not enjoy the class if they don’t find the subject interesting and the teacher motivating.

3. Don’t start a full time job if you don’t need money badly.

4. You can do the assignment if you have the Moodle account.

5. If I don’t procrastinate, I will finish my PhD thesis this year.

6. If you are interested in languages, you could get a degree in linguistics at Bauman MSTU.

7. We will receive the researchfunding, if we meet all the criteria.


Make sure you know Active Vocabulary

amplify, v construct, v fine, adj melt, v reveal, v trigger, v
award, v crest, n groundbreaking, adj pave (the way), v scale, n trough, n
beam, n employ, v increasingly, adv propose, v semiconductor, n via, prep
coherent, adj expand, v machine, v ray, n sync, v wavelength, n
collimated, adj fibre/ fiber, n matter, n refine, v tiny, adj weld, v


Дата добавления: 2018-05-02; просмотров: 443; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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