Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions

Module 10

Lesson 2


Fill in the gaps with the suitable words from lesson 1

1. All m_______ is made up of t___ particles called atoms.

2. Conventional commercial lasers can m____ a metal by a depth of 2mm per pulse.

3. One of the main benefits of laser w_____ is that it offers a high level of accuracy.

4. Transistors are devices that can a_______a weak signal in a circuit.

5. Class IV lasers are e________ for surgery, cutting, drilling, and micromachining.

6. Microf______ diameter is larger than 0.2 micron, but not larger than 10 microns.

7. 3D maps created from aircraft-mounted lasers are helping to r______ hidden secrets at a historic estate.


VIDEO History of laser 0:50)

Answer the questions before watching the video

1. Who laid the foundation for the science of laser?

a. Isaac Newton                      b. Nicola Tesla                        c. Albert Einstein

2. When was the first laser constructed?

a. 1920s                                   b.1960s                                    c. 1980s

3. Laser was invented …

a. for a specific practical purposeb. without a definite practical purpose

Watch the video and match the personality with the achievement

award, v –присуждать, награждать


pavetheway –подготовитьпочву

propose, v­предлагать

construction, v– сооружение, изготовление

groundbreaking, adj – революционныйпрорывной

trigger, v – инициировать, дать начало

  AlbertEinstein Charles Townes Nikolai Basov Alexander Prokhorov Theodore Maiman
constructed the first working laser          
described the basics of stimulated emission          
laid the fundamentals of quantum physics          
was awarded the Nobel prize in physics          


Translate these sentences from the History of Laser video into Russian

· A beam of light needs eight minutes and nineteen seconds to reach the Earth.

· The man who paved the way was Albert Einstein.

· By pure logic Einstein proposed that there had to be an until then unknown type of light emission that would allow us to control the characteristics of light to a degree that was not dreamt possible before.

· Four years later in 1921 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his groundbreaking theories about light.

· One day Townes would study physics and his fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics enabled the construction of the very first masers and lasers.

· The laser was a groundbreaking technology that would find applications in every sector of modern life and activity. It was an invention that triggered innovations itself.


This Laser Timeline contains 7 factual mistakes. Can you find them all?

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions to fill in the missing information

E.G.When was the first CO2 laser developed?

(It was developed) In 1964.


refinement, n – улучшение, повышение качества

refine,vулучшать, совершенствовать

expand, vрасширять(ся)

machine, vподвергать механической обработке


Growth of laser materials processing

1960s. The first CO2laser, developed in ______, had a power output of only one milliwatt. By 1967, CO2 lasers with power exceeding 1,000 watts were possible. The first commercial application of laser materials processing was in May _____ when Peter Houldcroft of TWI (The Welding Institute) in Cambridge, England used an oxygen-assisted CO2 laser beamto cut through a sheet of steel 1 mm thick.


1970s.Continued refinement of CO2 lasers along with developments of new types of lasers introduced the first laser machining applications. Laser-Work A.G. developed the first ____________ system in 1975. The earliest applications were driven by automobile and aircraft manufacturers who were discovering the value of lasers for metal cutting and welding.


S.______________________ started a new era of laser materials processing. Applications expanded from metal cutting and welding, to processing organic materials such as plastic, rubber and foam.




refinement, n – улучшение, повышение качества

refine,vулучшать, совершенствовать

expand, vрасширять(ся)

machine, vподвергатьмеханическойобработке

Growth of laser materials processing

1960s. The power output of the first CO2 laser developed in 19____ was__________. By 1967, CO2 lasers with power exceeding 1,000 watts were possible. The first commercial application of laser materials processing was when Peter Houldcroft of TWI (The Welding Institute) in Cambridge, England __________________________ with an oxygen-assisted CO2 laser beam in May 1967.


1970s. Continued refinement of CO2 lasers along with developments of new types of lasers introduced the first laser machining applications. The first 2-axis laser system was developed in 1975 by Laser-Work A.G. _________________________ stimulated the industrial laser applications as they were discovering the value of lasers for metal cutting and welding.


S. A new era of laser materials processing started thanks to the introduction of small, inexpensive lasers. Applications expanded from metal cutting and welding, to processing organic materials such as plastic, rubber and foam.




Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions

1. If you decide to eat out, which restaurant or cafe will you go to?

2. If you didn’t eat breakfast today, would you feel hungry now?

3. If you didn’t get any homework, how would you feel?

4. If you had more free time, how would you spend it?

5. If you have a day off on Saturdays, will you study more?

6. How will you feel if you fail your next test?

7. If your phone breaks tomorrow, what will you do?

8. What medicine will you take if you catch a cold next week?

9. What would your teacher say if you were always late?

10. When will you go to bed if you are really tired tonight?

11. Who will you ask for help if you have a problem?

12. Would you ask your groupmates for help if you had a problem in class?


Alternatives to IF:

unless – если не Do not operate this device unless you are 100% confident.
incase – в случае если; Read the manual againin caseyou missed something.
providing/provided (that) – приусловии, что The mechanism will keep working provided there is enough fuel.
onconditionthat – при условии, что They spoke on condition that their names would not be mentioned.
as/ solongas – если As long as there’s life, there will be hope.


Дата добавления: 2018-05-02; просмотров: 1044; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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