Suggested Topics for Discussion

1. What is traditionally meant by "translation"? What is the translating process? What mental processes make up the translating process?

2. How can the translating process be studied and described? What is a model of translation? How can translation models be classified? What are the strong and the weak points of translation modelling?

3. What are the relationships between the contents of a text and extralinguistic realities? What is meant by the "situation"? How does the situational model describe the translating process?

4. What are the basic assumptions of the semantic-transformational model of translation? What types of transformations can be used in the translating process? Do all such transformations involve semantic shifts?

5. What transformations are oriented towards the form of the SL units? What is the difference between transcription and transliteration? How are transcription and transliteration used in the translating process? What are loan translations?

6. What are the main types of lexical transformations? Do lexical transformations imply semantic changes? How can the logical operations of specification and generalization be used in the translating process? What is modulation?

7. What are the main types of grammatical transformations? What is a word-for-word (blueprint) translation? What are the characteristic features of the partitioning and integration techniques? In what way can grammatical units be transformed in the translating process?

8. What are complex translation transformations? What is the technique of antonymous translation? What is the role of compensation in translation?


(1) Until the close of World War II active speculation about the technological features of the future was restricted in the main to the literature of science fiction. (2) This literature was regarded until then as an exhilarating avenue of escape from the humdrum of the all-too-solid present. (3) Undeterred by premonitions, the reader's imagination could soar freely through time and space. (4) He might even smile at the naive reassurance provided by some of the tales of such pioneers of the genre as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, in which contemporary society continued to move soporifi-cally along its customary grooves undetected by the cataclysmic discoveries of some scientific maniac. (5) And what could be cosier than a Wellsian time machine that, following a fearsome trip into the far future, could be depended upon to return the author to the present in good time for tea around the parlour fire? (6) It is this once-powerful sense of the here-and-now that has begun to recede since the War. (7) Much that was only yesterday relegated airily to the realm of science fiction is now recognized as sober scientific fact. (8) And there is virtually nothing in today's science fiction that is thought of as "impossible" tomorrow. (9) The increasing pace of technological and social change in the post-war world is actively dissolving the familiar signposts of our civilization before our media-soaked eyes. (10) Willingly or reluctantly we are impelled to give more and more of our attention to the shape of things to come.

Text Analysis

(1) What is a speculation? Does it differ from profiteering? How can a speculation be active? Is there any difference between "technology" and "technique"? Or between "technological" and "technical"?

(2) How can "an avenue of escape" be paraphrased? Does "humdrum" here mean "monotony, "boredom" or something else? In what sense can the present be said to be "solid"? Does one need the rest of the text to understand the meaning of this word in the sentence?

(3) What derivatives of "to deter" can you recall? Is a premonition a pleasant feeling? How are the words "imagination" and "imaginative" used in modern English? In what way do they differ from 'fancy" and "fanciful"?

(4) Why is "reassurance" referred to as "naive"? What does "soporifically" mean? Has the word "cataclysmic" a positive or a negative connotation?

(5) In what sense is the time machine "cosy"? How can the phrase "can be depended upon to do smth." be paraphrased? What is the parlour fire? What idea is implied in mentioning "tea around the parlour fire"? Why is "the author" referred to as the traveller in the time machine?

(6) What does "the here-and-now" mean?

(7) What is the connotation of the word "airily"? Does it imply easiness or light-mindedness? Why is a scientific fact called "sober"?

(8) Why is the word "impossible" used here in inverted commas?

(9) What is "a signpost of civilization"? How can anything be dissolved "actively? When do we say that something is done Before our eyes"? What are mass media? What is the figurative meaning of "to soak"? What do mass media soak people with? Is it good or bad that our eyes are "media-soaked"?

(10) Does "to be impelled" mean "to be forced" or "to be inclined"? Is there any difference between "future" and "things to come"? Does "the shape of things to come" mean "what will future be like" or something else?

Problem-Solving ExercisesA. Types of Transformations

I. Identify the types of transformations related to the translating process of

sentence (1): До конца второй мировой войны о технических достиженияхв будущем любили порассуждатьлишь авторы научно-фантастических произведений.

II. Translate sentences (1) and (2) employing the method of syntactic integration. Give some arguments for or against its use.

III. Find two other sentences in the text where this transformation can be easily employed.

IV. Is it possible to render the subject-predicate group in sentence (1) word-for-word, e.g.... рассужденияограничивалисьлитературой? If not, what other way can you suggest?

V. While translating sentence (3) choose between the word-for-word translation of "the reader's imagination" and the transformed wording: читательвсвоемвоображении .... Give your reasons.

VI. Evaluate the use of modulation and transcription in the following translation of sentence (4):

Его моглидаже порой позабавить благополучные концовкинекоторых рассказов таких пионеров этого жанра, как Жюль Берн и Г. Уэллс, в которых современное общество продолжало неторопливо двигаться по привычной колее, несмотря на самые ужасные открытия какого-нибудь ученого-маньяка.•'

VII. Can sentence (4) be partitioned in translation? What changes would it involve?

VIII. Explain in what way the meaning of the phrase: "can be depended upon" is compensated for in the following translation of sentence (5):ИчтомоглобытьприятнеймашинывремениУэллса, которая, совершивполноеопасностейпутешествиевдалекоебудущее, непременновозвратитгероявнастоящеекакразкчаюукаминавгостиной.

IX. Translate sentence (6) and state what kind of transformation can be used to render into Russian the sense of the phrase "the sense of the here-and-now".

X. Evaluate the following explication of the phrase "media-soaked eyes" in

sentence (9) andsuggestsomeotherpossiblewayofitstranslation:Все убыстряющиеся темпы технических и социальных изменений в послевоенном мире решительно размывают привычные черты нашей цивилизации на глазах у людей, пресыщенных информацией в самых различных формах.

Дата добавления: 2018-05-02; просмотров: 1215; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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