III. Case system in New English period

           The two case system which was typical for Chaucer’s language has been preserved in NE (MnE). The sphere of the Genitive case has been restricted to nouns denoting living beings and some times notions, e. g.: year, month, week, day. With words denoting inanimate objects or abstract notions the Genitive has been generally replaced by the phrase “of + substantive (noun)”. Thus, for example, Chaucer’s phrase every shires ende now is replaced by the phrase the end of every shire. But in contemporary English there seems to be a tendency to extend the use of the Genitive, for example, in such phrases as the book’s fate. This is a problem to be dealt with in a theoretical grammar of the English language.

           As far as written English is concerned, we must note the use of the apostrophe to denote the Genitive case. In the Genitive singular the apostrophe was first approximately used in 1680. Originally, it meant to denote omission of the letter e. Eventually it became a conventional sign of the Genitive case.

           Using of the apostrophe in the Genitive plural dates from about 1780. In the plural form the apostrophe was of course a conventional sign of the Genitive case from the outset, since there was no vowel letter whose omission the apostrophe might have denoted.

Seminar 6.

The noun. The evolution of its morphological system in the Old English, Middle English and New English Periods

IV. Old English Period. Nouns.

1. Preliminary remarks.

2. The Categories of OE nouns.

3. The Category of Declension.

4. The System of cases in OE period.

V. The most important changes in the system of nouns in ME period.

VI. Case system in New English period.


-Great Vowel Shift;

-Influence of –"R";

-Special cases [u:], [i], [a:].

3. Phonetic changes. Consonants.

-Development of [h];

-Loss of [l] before [k, v, m, f];

-[j] merged with Preceding consonant.

4. Analyses of Chaucer's Prologue according the model (see Instructions for seminars).

           Lecture 7



I. OE strong verbs.

II. OE weak verbs.

III. OE preterite – present verbs.

IV. Categories of verbs in OE

V. Conjugation of OE Verbs.

VI. ME and NE Verbs.

    Evolution of the Morphological System of the Verb. OE period.

OE was a syntactic language. All the forms of the verb were syntactic.

Grammatical categories were expressed by suffixes and endings. There were several groups of the verbs in OE – strong, weak, preеterite – present, suppletive, mixed verbs.

I.Strong Verbs.

Strong verbs formed their main forms by means of changing the root vowel. This phenomenon (the phenomenon of changing the root vowel) is called gradation – (аблаут). In other words S. V-bs formed their main forms by means of the vowel gradation in the stem. The gradation was common to all IE languages, but only in Germanic languages gradation was used as a morphological means of building main forms of verbs. There were 4 main forms in OE-

   Infinitive  - I form

   Past (singular) – II form

   Past (plural) - III form

 Participle II – IV form

Strong Verbs had 7 classes. The class of the strong verbs depended on the complicator. A complicator is a phoneme that follows the root vowel. 


 First Five Classes of Strong Verbs                                              Table 1

Main Forms     

Class       Complicator                  I II III IV
1 I Ridan Rad Ridon Riden
2 U = Curon Coren
3 Sonant+cons. Helpan H־ealp Hulpon Holpen
4 Sonant Beran bær b־æron Boren
5 Noisy cons. Stredan træd trædon Treden


As you see from this table the strong verbs of the first class have the complicator /i/ -OE strong verbs of the first class are:

risan ( вставать) ras – rison – risen

bidan (жить)

bitan (кусать)

glidan (скользить)

writan (писать)

scinan (сиять)

OE strong verbs of the 2 nd class have the complica-tor –u-

drosan (падать) dreas – druron –droren

freosan (замерзать) freas – fruron – froren

drepan (ка́пать) dreap – drupon - dropen  

OE strong verbs of the 3 class have the complicator which consists of a sonant plus a consonant:

Climban cleamb – clumbon – clomben

Drincan dreanc – druncon – droncen

Winnan weann – wunnon – wonnen

 OE strong verbs of the 4h class (sonant) have the complicater – (sonant) –

stelan     stæl – stælon – stolen

helan hæl – hælon – holen

teran  tær – tæron - toren

OE strong verbs of the 5 class (noisy consonants)

etan (питаться) æt - ton -ēten


lesan (собирал)

except the main 7 classes of verbs there were some more special groups of strong verbs. They formed their main forms by means of other linguistic phenomenon, not by gradation.

II. Weak Verbs

Weak Verbs formed their main forms by means of dental suffix. Weak Verbs had three classes. Weak verbs of the 1st and the 2nd classes were formed from nouns, adjectives and some strong verbs.

Ex. “deman” was formed from the noun “dom” – суждение

        “fyllan”- adj. “full” (полный)

  The 3d class of weak verbs included only 3 verbs        

  Past Singular Past Plural
habban (have) hæfde hæfd
seczan sæzde sæzd [g]
libbon(live) lifde lifd


The first class  of the weak verbs formed Past Tenses and P.II by means of the suffix – “d”, it was added to the root, if the root vowel was long.

  dēman – demd – demed (судил)

But if the root vowel was short the suffix “d” was added by means of the vowel “e”.

   fremman – fremede – fremed

Among the weak verbs of the first class there was a group of irregular verbs, which had  changing of vowels and consonants in their main forms.

Ex. of these irregular verbs :

tellan – teald – teald (tell)

sellan – sealed – seald (sell)

bencan –bohte – boht (think)

The second class of weak verbs  formed Past Tenses and PII by means of dental suffix plus vowel “o”.

  Ex. lufian – lufode – lufod (love)

  metian – metode –metod (supply)

   lōcian – lōcode – locode (look)


Infinitive Past Participle
1st class deman 2nd class babian 3rd class secgan dēmde babode sæzde dēmed babod sæzd


The predominant part of the OE verbs was weak verbs. The number of strong verbs started reducing even in OE period. In ME period some strong verbs became weak verbs. Some of them died out.


III. Preterite - Present Verbs - the third class of OE verbs

These verbs formed their main forms by means of the vowel gradation in the stem in Present Simple and by means of dental suffix “d”(t, ) in Past


     Ex: Infinitive       Pr. Singular      Pr. Plural            Past

      (дать) unnan            ann                   unnon         ub

      (иметь) ozan             ־az                    azon          ahte

 In ME preferite-present verbs correspond to modal verbs, but in OE they expressed other meaning too. 

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