Social-economic and cultural development of Russia in the XIX c.

 Colonial policy of Russia. Development of capitalistic relations.

Culture of Kazakhstan in the second half of XIX c.

The control questions

1. What role played Kuldja treaty in Kazakh-Chinese relations?

2. What can you say about Sea way and Transiberian railroad and role of them for Kazakhstan?

3. Tell about colonial character of Russian trading in Kazakhstan:

-export of capitalism;

-foundation of foreign joint-stock companies

4. Why Kazakhstan became attractive for the Russian Empire?

5. How Kazakhstan was adjusted for the R.E.’s interests?

6 What branches of industry were developed in Kazakhstan?

7. What was like Kazakhstan’s credit system?

8. Whose belongings were the private companies?

9. What was the level of the social consciousness of the Kazakh people?

10. What was like the Russian and foreign investment policy for the economy of Kazakhstan?

11. The main activities of Altynsarin can be defined as…

12. How old Chohan Valikhanov began studying in Russian?

13. Sibirsky Cadet Corps was located in the city:

14. When did Chohan Valikhanov undertake a mission to Kuldja? (1859)

15. What year in the Kazakh steppe was opened Asian School, prepared the scribes and translators of indigenous populations? (1789)

16. The famous Russian scientist, exploring the traditions of the nomadic Kazakhs in 1 half of the XIX century.

17. What the aim of the arrival of Alexander Pushkin in Kazakhstan was?

18. Years of living Chohan Valikhanov

19. Agrarian policy of Tsarist in Kazakhstan, colonial character.

20. Masses migration of Russian peasants to Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan after the First World War.

 February bourgeoisie-democratic revolution.

Provisional government and national question in Kazakhstan.

“Alash” party and it program.

The control questions:

1. What was the situation in Kazakhstan at the beginning of the First World War?

2. What was like the February Revolution in Russia and what was the effect in Kazakhstan?

3. What was the sense of the Dual Power in Russia and how was it reflected in Kazakhstan?

4. Who were “Mensheviks” and “Bolsheviks”?

5. What were the main points of “Alash” Party Program?

6. Did this party try to solve the urgent problems by the means of liberal-democratic movement or by the means of revolution?

7. Whose line was more civilized from your point of view?

8. Comment on some points of “Alash” Party‘s Program?

9. Why Russia suffered from two-staged revolution: first in February, named February revolution, then later in October named The Great October Socialist Revolution?

10. What problems were solved by the First Revolution? Can we name them the bourgeois-democratic way for progressive development of this country?

11. What problems were out of its agenda that brought another revolution?

 12. Did Kazakhstan have the same level of development to follow these?



21-22. The plan of the tenth practical work:

Kazakhstan in period of Soviet power.

 Kazakhstan in the first half of 20-s. NEP.

Industrialization. Collectivization. Foundation of the Kazakh ASSR.

The control questions:

1. What was the essence of “military communism”?

2. Uprisings against policy of “military communism”.

3. What the main directions of NEP were?

4. What the goal of NEP was?

5. When was the XIV- th Congress of the Communist Party that defined the course of industrialization?

6. The main objects of industry in Kazakhstan.

7. What were the positive outcomes of the industrialization?

8. Call the years of construction of Turksib.

9. Call the periods of collectivization in Kazakhstan.

10. Who were “25 thousands”( двадцатипятитысячники)?

11. What was the essence of collectivization?

12. Call the reasons of masses slaughter (забой) of cattle?

13. What did mean “Steppe’s collectivization”?

14. When was adopted resolution about confiscation of private property?

15. What did mean struggle with Kulaks?

16. How do you explain Genocide?

17. Characterize policy of Soviet power in period from 1929-1937.

18. How many revolts were in these time in Kazakhstan?

19. When was adopted Decree “About formation of Autonomy Kirgiz (Kazakhs) Soviet Socialist Republic?

20. Who was a chairman of Central Executive Committee in Kazakh ASSR?

21. Call the capitals of Kazakhstan.


23-24. the plan of the eleventh practical work:

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