The plan of the fourth practical work

Steppe’s civilization of Tucks.

Culture of Kazakhstan in the VI-XII cc.

Writing and literature. Art. Religion.

Spread of Islam in Kazakhstan. Science. Al-Farabi.


The control questions:

1. When appeared (VIII-X cc) Kimaks-Kypchaks group of Tongue?

2. Why Arabian language in IX-XII was more spread?

3. What style of literature and science in VI-VII was spread? (oral-poetical tradition)

4. Can you say about the date of the main monuments:

- epos “Korkut-ata”

-epos “Oguz-name”

5. Tell about the poems and outstanding persons of medival ages: Usuf Balasaguni, Makhmud Kashgari, Khodja Akhmet Jasaui, Akhmed Ugnaki, Abu Nasr al- Farabi, Abu Raikhan Biruni


9-10.The plan of the fifth practical work:

Kazakhstan in period of Mongolian invasion

Mongolian state foundation.  Mongol Ulysses in Kazakhstan.

Foundation of the Golden Horde.

Social-economic consequences of Mongolian invasions.

The control questions:

1. When did Mongols conquer Central Asia and Kazakhstan?

2. To how many sons did Chingiz Khan divide his Empire?

3. To whose uluses did territory of Kazakhstan belong?

4 .When did “the Otrar catastrophe” happen?

5. How long did Emir Timur rule in Central Asia?

6. Where was the territory of Maverannakhr?

1. What the state did at the territory of Jetysu and Eastern Turkestan in 14th and 15th centuries exist?

8. Which ruler destroyed the White Horde?

9. What the state religion of Moghulistan was?

10. What descendants the rulers of Moghulistan were of?

11. When does Chengiz-khan died?

12. Which town resisted most during the Mongol conquest?


11-12. The plan of the sixth practical work:

Kazakhstan in new period.

Kazakh Khandom.

Formation of Kazakh nationality. Reasons of the foundation of Kazakh Khandom.

Kazakh Khandom in the second half of the XV-XVI cc.

Kazakh Khandom in the end of the XVI-XVII cc.

The control questions

1. When did Abulkhair I rule?

2. Which city was the capital of Abulkhair’s State?

3. Kazakh sultans Kerei and Zhanibek separated in 1458-59 from:

4. Abulkhair I was from the dynasty of:

5. Kazakhs Khans were descendants of:

6. Foundation of the Kazakh khanate was a logical completion to what?

7. What social group was a member of khan’s council and participated in government?

8.Who is author of «Tarikh-i-Rashidi»?

9. What has become the cause of the struggle beginning for Syrdarian towns in 70th years of XV century?

10. What results do Kazakhs achieved in struggle for Syrdarian towns?

( Mukhammed Shaibani was expelled)

11. How was ended the struggle of Muhammed Shaibani for Turkestan in 80th of XV cent.?

12. Which year Kasym became a khan?

13. When and who promoted to Muhammed Shaibani’s death?

14. What was the reason to joining Zhetysu to Kazakh Khanate?

15. What historian noticed in the work, that number of Kazakhs had reached 1 million persons?

16. At what khan had begun repeated rising of Kazakh khanate in XVI cent.?( Khak-nazar)

17. With whom Kazakh khanate had internal-political connection during the ruling of Khak-nazar?


15-16. The plan of the seventh practical work:


The main stages of struggle Kazakh nation for independence and sovereignty.

Djungarian invasions. Tauke Khan.


The control questions:

1. When began the largest campaign of Jungars in first quarter of XVIII c.?

2. In what reason Kazakh’s couldn’t reject pressure to Jungars in 1723-1725 years?

3. At which Jungar khan had worsened kazakh-jungar relations ?

4. What value had Anyrakaisky battle?

5. Growth of contradictions and weakened of Khanate.

6. Khans and situation in the Khanate.

7. Consolidation of the supreme power by Tauke-khan. Zhety Zhargy – a code of law.

8. Foundation of Dzungaria state.

9. Congresses in Karakum.

10. The main battles, Kazakhs, Kabbanbay, Bogenbay, Karasai, Raimbek and other batyrs.

17-18. The plan of the eighth practical work:

Joining of Kazakhstan to Russia.

Historical reasons of the joining of Kazakhstan to Russia.

Historical significance of joining of Kazakhstan to Russia.

 The control questions:

1. Position and action of Abulkhair.

2. Mission of Tevkelev A.

3. When did the Incorporation of Kazakhstan into Russia start?

4. What was the first administrative centre of Russian Empire built for controlling Kazakhs?

5. How long did the process of Incorporation into Russia take place?

6. What was the main direction of Russian colonization in the 18th century?

7. Colonial policy of Russia.

8. What was the first administrative centre of Russian Empire built for controlling Kazakhs?

9. The major document of 1822 that eliminated Khan’s power in the Middle Zhuz?

10. What kind of administrative division was established by Ustav of 1822?

11. What happened according to the Reform of 1822 with traditional Kazakh court of bi and kazi?

12. The basic administrative unit that united several auls according to Ustav of Orenburg Kirgiz of 1824 was called?

13. The name of the tax system by reforms of 1867-68?


19-20. The plan of the ninth practical work:

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