Give feminine gender nouns for the given masculine gender. Name the lexical means of gender expression.

boy-friend, landlord, lion, drake, bridegroom, stallion, actor, bull-calf, man-producer, master, wizard, count, baron, bachelor, cock, buck, tom-cat, cock-sparrow, he-bear, jack-ass, businessman, executor, peacock, beau, widower, hero

Characterise the cases of personification below. Describe the grammatical mechanism and semantic grounds for it.

а) 1) “What kind of car do you have?” Ochs’s eyes twinkled. “British Jaguar. She runs like the wind” (Isles). 2)”We have our differences, gentlemen, but the sea doesn’t care about that. The sea – well, she tries to kill us all regardless what flag we fly” (Clancy). 3)”Look at the moon up there. You see her very plainly, don’t you? She’s very real. But if the sun were to shine you wouldn’t be able to see her at all” (Christie). 4) “It looks like a lot of boats are heading into the North Atlantic… Two old Novembers. One’s a raven conversion doing an ELINT job off the cape. The other one’s sitting off King’s Bay making a damned nuisance of itself.” Ryan smiled to himself. An American or allied ship was a she; the Russians used the male pronoun for a ship; and the intelligence community usually referred to a Soviet ship as it (Clancy). 5) Russia will not solve the crisis using Western methods or Western thinking. She must turn inward, build on her own spiritual experience and her own spiritual insights to move ahead into a new future... The very least the Russian nation can do now for Orthodoxy is to protect her from the outside world - at least for a few years - to allow her to get back on her feet and to embark on the course that Russia and Russians demand of Her (Moscow News).

b) 1) The Grim Reaper is often thought of as a skeleton in a cloak with a hood, carrying a scythe to reap (=gather) his crop (=the dead) (The Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture). 2) I had been stalking the bluebottle fly for five minutes, wai­ting for him to sit down. He didn’t want to sit down. He just wan­ted to do wing-overs and sing the prologue to Pagllacci. I had the fly swatter poised in mid-air and I was all set. There was a patch of bright sunlight on the corner of the desk and I knew that sooner or later that was where he was going to fly. But when he did I didn’t even see him at first. The buzzing stopped and there he was (Chandler).


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