Persecute, persecution, persecutor

a)Thousands of immigrants escaping from political came to the USA

b)Religious minorities were     in most New England colonies.

c)During the Civil War many black people rose against their .

Legislate, legislative, legislature

a) New England's townships had________ power. They could .

b)__ is a set of laws suggested by a government and made official

by a parliament.

Tolerance, tolerate, toleration

a) Though the New England Puritans were religious, they could not other congregations.

b)__ means acceptance of other people's views and beliefs.

c) People noted for religious   accept beliefs even if they do not

agree with them.

Proprietor, proprietorship, proprietary

a)__ is a person owning a particular type of business.

b)_____________ Some colonies were     territories of the people who controlled

government bodies.

c)                                          Such form of granting land was called    .

Mission, missionary

a) Catholic religion was imposed on Native Americans through         

scattered over the Spanish colonies.

b)__ are people sent to a foreign country to teach their religion.

Moderate, moderator

a)Town meetings were chaired by    .

b)His opinions are not extreme, so he our party meetings.

Revive, revivalism, revival

a)Great Awakening marked a religious in America.

b)American policy is characterized by the spirit of .

c) Some historians tried to early colonial days.

Enlighten, enlightment, the Enlightment

a)                In Buddism      is the highest spiritual stage that can be


b)_________________________ I don't understand this saying. Could you    me?

c)__ was the period in the 18th century in Europe, when particular

thinkers began to emphasize the importance of science.


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