Stock, stockholder, joint-stock

Task 1.Study the schemes and talk about causes of exploration and motives for it.

Causes of Exploration

1. In the 15th century, powerful centralized states of England, France and Spain were established   New powerful monarchs tried to expand their territories and wealth through conquest
2. In the 15th century, Europe witnessed significant technological change   New navigational instruments were invented to enable seamen to cross oceans
3. The printing press was invented in Germany in the 1450s   Newly printed books and accounts of voyages stimulated Europeans' curiosity about overseas countries


Motives for Exploration

1. Popular accounts of voyages   European rules hoped to in-
  in the 15th century described   crease their nations' wealth by
  the riches of the East: pepper,   establishing direct trade with
  silk, dyes, perfumes, jewels   the East
  and gold    
2. Catholic Church dominated   European explorers and co-
  European societies in the Mid-   lonizers wished to convert ot-
  dle Ages   her peoples to Christianity


Task 2. Fill in the table representing different types of the first European settlements in North America.

  Spanish French Dutch English
Reasons for establishment        
Type of settlement (model of colonization)        
Main occupation of settlers        

Task 3. Answer the following questions.

1.Who were the Paleo-Indians?

2.What groups of Indians lived in North America?

3.By whom was the "mother culture" of America created?

4.What were the other advanced early civilizations in America?

5.Why was Leif Ericsson officially declared the discoverer of the New World?

6.What were the factors that caused the great geographical discoveries in the 15th century?

7.Why was the continent named by Amerigo Vespucci?

8.What model of colonization was established by Spaniards in the New World?

9.Why didn't the French establish permanent settlements in the New World?

10.How did the Dutch attract new settlers to the colonies?

11.What was the climatic difference between England and North American east coast?

12.How did contacts with Europeans change life in the New World?

13.How did the Old World benefit from the contacts with the New World?

Task 4.Vocabulary development. State the meaning of the following derivatives and fill in the gaps.

Nomads, nomadic

a)__ are people who move from one place to another rather than

living in one place all of the time.

b)__ tribes travel these regions with their camel herds.

Polytheism, polytheistic, monotheism, monotheistic

a) The three religions with the most followers are Christianity,

Judaism and Islam.

b)__ is a belief that there is only one god.

c)__ is a specialized belief in many different gods.

Most Native American religions were .

Sacrifice (v, n), sacrificial

a)The ancient Aztecs people to their gods.

b)Native Americans had no tradition to give a    for their sins.

c) The priest held up the head of the goat.

Tribe, tribal, tribalism, tribes people

a)__ is a state of existing as a tribe, or a very strong feeling of

loyalty to your .

b)In Pueblo cultures there was no government at the   level.

c) The Iroquois united    into tribes and tribes – into Confederation.

Conquer, conquest, conqueror

a)The Spanish the New World in the 16th century.

b)Spanish of the New World were called conquistadors.

c) Geographic discoveries of the 15th–16th centuries led to the Spanish of Mexico and Peru.

Explore, exploration, exploratory, explorer

a)                                                In 1492, Columbus set out on the voyage of which led to the

discovery of the New World.

b)_________________________ After Columbus many Europeans went on expeditions to the

New World.

c) Magellan was a famous 16lh century .

d)After Europeans North America a little, they established per manent trading post there.

Population, populate, depopulate, populous

a)________________________________ When the first Europeans arrived, the New World was a_______________________ place,

but soon European deseases it.

b)In the New World Europeans saw rivers and woods with fa miliar and unknown species.

c)After the first European settlements started, Native American        

was constantly decreasing.

Task 5.Historical consequences. Match two statements from columns A and B into a compound sentence with a conjunction "so".

1.Cultural revival increased technological development and political changes in Europe in the 15th century a) thousands of them died in the epidemics of smallpox, influenza and measles
2. Native Americans had no immunity to European diseases b) the new land was given his name
3. Amerigo Vespucci was the first explorer of the New World, whose notes on voyage were widely disseminated c) Catholicism became the first European religion to be imposed on Native Americans
4. The Spanish established colonies in Central America d) local Indian tribes abandoned traditional modes of life
5. Europeans established permanent trading posts ki North America e) Europeans began to explore the world


Task 6. Study the diagram representing causes and motives for establishing English colonies in the New World using the scheme. What were three main causes for establishing English colonies?

In the 15th century, powerful centralized states of England, France and Spain were established   New powerful monarchs tried to expand their territories and wealth through conquest
In the 15lh century, Europe witnessed significant technological change   New navigational instruments were invented to enable seamen to cross oceans
The printing press was invented in Germany in the 1450s   Newly printed books and accounts of voyages stimulated Europeans' curiosity about overseas countries


Task 7.Fill in the table representing thirteen original colonies. Speak about the colonies using the information from the table.

Colony name Year founded Founded by Main population groups Reason for establishment
Virginia 1607 London Company    
Massachusetts 1620 Puritans    
New Hampshire 1623 John Wheelwright    
Maryland 1634 Lord Baltimore    
Connecticut 1635 Thomas Hooker    
Rhode Island 1636 Roger Williams    
Delaware 1638 Peter Minuit and New Sweden Company    
North Carolina 1653 Virginians    
South Carolina 1663 Eight Nobles with a Royal Charter from Charles II    
New Jersey 1664 Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret    
New York 1664 Duke of York    
Pennsylvania 1682 William Penn    
Georgia 1732 James Edward Oglethorpe    


Task 8. Fill in the table representing differences between three groups of original colonies.

  Patterns of settlement Main occupations of settlers Religious affiliations Educational patterns
New England        
The Middle colonies        
The Southern colonies        


Task 9. Answer the following questions.

1.Why did English colonial planters refuse the idea of following Span ish model of colonization?

2.How were the first successful colonies financed?

3.When did the Virginia colony form self-government?

4.How did Maryland differ from Virginia in terms of religion?

5.What happened to the Pilgrim settlement in New England?

6.Why did the Mayflower Compact give the legal authority for the colony?

7.How did most New England colonies preserve Puritan values?

8.Why were the Middle colonies diverse societies?

9.Why was founding of the Southern colonies of strategic importance for Britain?

10.Why did General Oglethorpe's attempt to ban slavery in Georgia fail?

11.Why did colonial economy much depend on the mother country?

12.How did the system of self-government develop in New Eng land?

13.Why did the Enlightment movement deeply affect the learned men?


Task 10.Match important notions of colonial vocabulary to their definitions.

1) joint-stock company a) the colony given to one or some people, who controlled the government
2) self-government b) a group of people who decide in a law court whether a person is guilty or not
3) legislature c) a right to pay money to release an accused person until trial
4) governor d) a meeting of freemen to decide upon town regulations
5) proprietorship e) the country immigrants arrived from
6) religious affiliation f) a group of plantations in the south
7) the right to bail g) a business owned by people who have shares in the company
8) jury h) a religious sect or denomination
9) town meeting i) a group of people, who can make or change laws
10) mother country j) a person in charge of the colony
11) neighborhood k) the control of an area by people living there



Task 11.Vocabulary development. State the meaning of the following derivatives and fill in the gaps.

stock, stockholder, joint-stock

a)__ company is a business which is owned by a group of people

who have shares in the company.

b)__ has a part of the ownership of a company, s/he buys   as

an investment.

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