Fertile, fertility, fertilize, fertilizer

a)___ are chemical or natural substances put in the land to make

crops grow better.

b) Some species of fish are very . They lay thousands of eggs.

c) Chemicals thrown in the water can diminish fish's .

d) Bees___ the flowers.

Metropolis, metropolitan

a)___ is a chief city or the capital city of a country.

b) New York__ area includes parts of New Jersey, Connecticut,

and Long Island.

4) affluent,affluence

a) The term__ denotes people having much money or possessions.

b)___ is one of the chief values for many modern people.

5) slum, slummy, slumming

a) New York__ were famous for poor conditions and unrepaired


b) He was fond of_ – visiting places of lower social level.

c) Sometimes this place is very .

Task 9. Many well-known today terms were either coined or widely used in the 1950s. Match the term from column A to its explanation from column B.



1) a blue-collar worker

a) a society where most jobs involve intellect rather that manual labor

2) a white-collar worker

b) a large shopping area with cinemas, cafes and entertainment

3) postindustrial society

c) a story told in pictures with small amount of writing



4) megalopolis

d) a style, activity or interest popular for a very short period of time

5) baby boom

e) a worker employed in service or management

6) highway

f) a cinema where people can watch movies without leaving their cars

7) sit com (situation comedy)

g) an important road that joins cities and towns together

8) paperback (pocket book)

h) an amusing television or radio show in which the same characters appear in each program in a different story

9) comic (comic book)

i) a large increase in the number of babies born among the particular group

10) a drive-in (theater)

j) a cheap book with paper cover

11) fad (crazy)

k) a worker employed in manufacturing

12) mall

1) an interrupted metropolitan complex stretching from one big city to the other

Task 10.Fill in the table and compare the goals and accomplishments of the most important movements of the 1960–1970s.

Movement Goals Accomplishments
The Civil Rights movement    
Black Power    
Native Americans' movement    
Chicano movement    
Feminist movement    

Task 11.Answer the following questions.

1. What were the most important projects of Kennedy's presidency?

2. What was the impact of the Cuba missile crisis on the USA-Soviet relations?

3. When and why did the USA enter the Vietnam War?

4. Why did President Nixon resign from the office?

5. What were the causes of the Civil Rights movement?

6. What methods were used to protest against segregation?

7. What did the Black Power ideology suggest?

8. What were the methods used by Native Americans to protect their rights?

9. How was the white dominance challenged by Mexican-Americans?

10.What were Asian Americans campaigning for?

11.What were the challenges women faced before the feminist move ment started?

12.What were the goals of the Affirmative Action program?

13.How did the Revolt Generation demonstrate freer attitude to life?

14.What were the goals of the environmental movement?

Task 12. Vocabulary development. State the meaning of the following derivatives and fill in the gaps.

Pledge (v, n), pledged

a) By the solemn promise she was to secrecy.

b) This ring is a__ of our love and friendship.

c) During the wedding the bride and bridegroom       to always remain

faithful and support each other.

Fuse, fusion, defuse

a) The heat of the fire_ all parts of the toy that fell into it.

b)___ the bomb the soldiers prevented it from explosion.

c) His painting is a__ of several different styles.

Identify, identified, identity

a) The criminal was easily as his pictures had been in all newspapers.

b) Being a second generation American she managed to preserve her Chinese .

c) Reading this book we can with the main character easily.

Assimilate, assimilation

a)Many immigrants from different countries into American


b)Today___ – a fusion with a foreign culture, is viewed as opposite

to integration – an adjustment into a foreign culture, when the native culture is preserved.

c)You have__ the facts, not just remember them.

Harass, harassed, harassment

a) Jim was__ by all the work in his office.

b) Your behavior_ me.

c) Sexual__ brought employee to the court.

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