Suburb, suburban, suburbanite, suburbia


Task 1.Answer the following questions.

1. How was the Alaska territory acquired by the USA? How was this purchase taken by Americans?

2. What territories were ceded to the USA after Spanish-American War?

3. What were the causes of World War I?

4. Why did American neutrality collide?

5. How did Americans contribute to the victory in the war?

6. How did World War I change the life of Americans?

7. Why are the 1920s called one of the calmest and most prosperous period in the history of the USA?

8. What caused the Great Depression?

9. How did the New Deal program fight the Great Depression?

10. Why did the Social Security Act become the New Deal's corner stone?

Task 2. Historical consequences. Match two statements from columns A and B into a compound sentence with a conjunction "so".

1) The USA was afraid that the course of World War I could change a Western civilization in case of German victory a) the country experienced numerous riots and strikes
2) The war economic boom changed working conditions in the USA b) the factories were closed down
3) Economic policy in post-war years aimed at increasing prosperity and over-production c) the national planning was introduced in industry
4) People could not buy everything that was produced d) the country produced much more than its people could buy
5) Individualistic, intensely competitive, laissez-faire economy proved to be subjected to crisis e) Congress voted for entering the war


Task 3.Vocabulary development. State the meaning of the following words and fill in the gaps.

Isthmus, annexation, collide, ultimatum, crucial, negotiate, armistice, consumerism, disparity, subsidy

1.Territorial disputes are sometimes resolved by of parts of other


2.Wilson's evidence proved to that legal case.

3. ___  is a state when too much attention is given to buying and

owning many things.

4. Today many farms would have been closed without government

5.___ is a narrow piece of land that joins two larger areas and has

water on both sides.

6. They issued__ as the last action to prevent the war.

7. Two cars__ at the crossroads.

8. After severe fighting a two week     was declared.

9. During the strike manager refused   with the unions.

10.There is a great__ in the standards of living between the rich

and the poor.

Task 4.Answer the following questions.

1. What were the causes of World War II?

2. What was the attitude of Americans to this war?

3. When did the USA enter the war?

4. What did D-Day mark?

5. What were the spoils of the Potsdam Conference?

6. What was the effect of World War II on the USA?

7. Why did the development of the Cold War seem inevitable after World War II?

8. When did the Cold War begin?

9. What military treaty gave way to a global defense system?

10. What were the consequences of the anti-communist witch-hunt in the USA?

Task 5.Vocabulary development. State the meaning of the following words and fill in the gaps.

Disarmament, espionage, internment, surrender, turmoil, adherence, witch-hunt

1.Anti-communist__ in the USA was started by Senator Joseph


2. During the McCarthy witch-hunt many people were accused in
communist__ .

3. Today many countries support nuclear

4. He is noted for his strict to the rules.

5. These men were in the_ camps during the war.

6. The country is in a state of political .

7. President Noriega__ to the USA troops after the invasion of


Task 6.Historical consequences. Match two statements from columns A and B into a compound sentence with a conjunction "so".

1) The USA did not want to interfere into the affairs of the European nations a) they plotted a raid on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii
2) The Japanese were not ready to a prolonged war b) after the war working patterns changed
3) Americans were afraid that Japanese immigrants could spy on their native country c) the two nations soon sank into the Cold War
4) War needs brought thousands of women and African-Americans to vacant jobs d) the witch-hunt started
5) The Soviet Union was seen as a global threat to project American power on a worldwide scale e) during the war thousands of Japanese-Americans were removed from their homes and interned into "relocation centers"
6) The Cold War policy heightened anti-communist feelings in the USA f) by Neutrality Acts the government tried to prohibit trade with the warring sides

Task 7.Answer the following questions.

1. What were the factors that caused the after-war economic boom?

2. How did the pattern of jobs change in the post-war years?

3. What is a "postindustrial" society?

4. What factors caused the mobilization of the nation?

5. What megalopolises developed in the post-war period?

6. How did the baby boom contribute to the growth of economy?

7. What did the concept of "family togetherness" emphasize?

8. How did the Levitts contribute to the growth of suburbs?

9. What did the materialistic culture of the fifties reflect?

10. What population groups represented the "other America" of the fifties?

Task 8.Vocabulary development. State the meaning of the following derivatives and fill in the gaps.

suburb, suburban, suburbanite, suburbia

a)___ is an outer area of a town or city where people live rather

than work.

b)___ is a derogatory term for_ dwellers.

c) Post-war America quickly____ .

Дата добавления: 2018-05-02; просмотров: 292; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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