Negotiate, negotiable, negotiator, negotiation

Task 1.Union Jack. You know that the Union Jack is a combination of 3 crosses: St George's Cross (England), St Andrew's Cross (Scotland) and St Patrick's Cross (Ireland).   Colour these flags or name the colours of each flag. Task 2. Fill in the table representing common and different institutions and symbols of England and Scotland. Put "C" for common and "D" for different: Institution Cor D Parliament   Church   Law system   Language   School system   Flag   Monarch   Task 3. Discussion. Before the 18th century the key political figures of historical interest were kings and queens, after the 18th century — Prime Ministers. Why? What were the factors that caused this change? Why is this system so typically English?   Task 4.Speak about the forces that led to the Industrial Revolution in Britain using the following scheme. Use the conjunctions when, because, after, so etc. The great wealth was accumulated in Britain after colonial wars and expansion.   The system of banks developed in the country to support people, who wanted to start or expand their business.   The Agricultural Revolution let the landlords invest their money through the developing bank system into industry. It also provided necessary labour supply for industrial growth.   Money was invested into engineering. Many important inventions provided further development of industry.   Industrial development led to great changes in the lives of ordinary people and changes in political forces.   Task 5. Add the details. The Act of Union restricted economic and political development of Ireland for more than a century. Study the scheme representing the main measures taken by the British government and add the information to the text.     Economy   Politics       Irish customs duties were abolished and free trade was introduced   The Irish parliament was dissolved           Irish goods were no longer protected by tariffs, so they  were replaced by British goods   Only Protestants could be sent to the British Parliament       The Irish industry was destroyed by the competition with the British industry   Protestants got a privileged  position in the mainly Catholic society       Severe economic crisis led to mass immigration and poverty   Tension between Irish Catholics and Protestants led to further struggle   Task 6. Finish the sentences. 1. The 18th century in Britain saw another "Hundred Years War" — the wars were carried ... 2. The end of the War of the Spanish Succession gave Britain ... 3. The age of Queen Anne is called "Augustan Age" — the age of prosperity, because ... 4. The hostility and enmity between England and Scotland were the result of different factors: ... 5. The main purpose of the Act of Union was ... 6. The Hanover Dynasty was started by ... 7. King George let the Cabinet Government System shape because ... 8. The reign of George II was marked by two success,ve wars against France — the War of Austrian Succession and the Seven Yi ars War. These wars were successful for Britain — ... 9. The special laws, which regulated the economic organisation of the Empire shaped the trading triangle — ... 10. George III actively participated in British political life with the help of..., who ... 11. The severe economic measures taken by the British Parliament against American colonies included ... 12.As the result of the War of Independence in American colonies, Britain ... 13.The policy of personal government provided by George III showed ... 14.The main causes of the Industrial Revolution were ... 15.The main changes caused by the Industrial Revolution in Britain were ... 16.The Union with Ireland was the result of... 17.The movement of Enlightenment was aimed at... Task 7. Vocabulary development. State the meaning of the derivatives and complete the sentences. 1) bankrupt (n, adj, v), bankruptcy a) He went__ after only a year in business. b) They feared that the loss would      them. c) He was declared_ in 1921. d) The company was forced into . 2)dispute (n, v), disputed, disputable, disputation, indisputable, indisputably a) A series of wars and       over the colonial territories make Britain ___ mistress of seas. b)Today the USA is_ the mightiest country in the world, though the politics of this country is often . c) He is beyond all__ the finest actor in Hollywood. d) They___ with the local council over the new road and this     seems to have no end. 3) enemy, enmity a) The main___ of progress is the people's refusal to see change as an opportunity rather than a threat. b)Better historical__ underlie the present violence.

negotiate, negotiable, negotiator, negotiation

a) The agreement was reached after a series of difficult .

b)___ reported that the details of this agreement are still under .

c) In state matters not everything is     .

d) The strike was caused by the management's refusal with the


5) prosper, prosperity, prosperous, prosperously

a)Britain reached its greatest__ at the second half of the 19th


b) A lot of computer manufacturing companies today.

c) After the war not so many people lived      .

d)She was a daughter of_ merchant banker.

6) suffrage, suffragette, suffragist

a) Female__ was introduced in Britain in 1918.

b)___ is someone who supports_ .

c)___ was a woman in Britain, Australia and the United States in

the early 20th century who was a member of a group that demanded the right of women to vote.

6) stipulate, stipulation

a) That victory meant_ of free economic zone hi the country.

b) The only___ is that the candidates must be over 30.

Smuggle, smuggler, smuggling

a) The man was arrested when he tried__ a knife into the House

of Commons.

b)The drug _____ illegally_ 75 tons of cocaine into the USA in

the 1980s.

c)___ usually flourished in the countries where the free trade was


Task 8. Here are the most important events of the 18th century in Britain. Rank them in importance and explain your choice.

1. Union with Scotland

2. Loss of American colonies

3. The Industrial Revolution

4. Union with Ireland

5. Formation of the Cabinet Government System

Task 9. Historical consequences. Match two statements from columns A and B into a compound sentence with the conjunction "so".

1. George I could not speak English and did not take part in the sittings of government a) the rebellion was suppressed and the United Kingdom was created
2. James II tried to restore his rights to the English Crown with the support of the Scots b) the severe economic restrictions led to the war with American colonies
3. The Empire was steadily growing c) money was invested into engineering providing further development of industry
4. George III tried to provide his own foreign policy d) the Cabinet Government system shaped in Britain
5. The development of colonies accumulated wealth in the country e) the Dublin Parliament was dissolved and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was formed
6. The movement for independence caused mass rebellions in Ireland f) it required new laws of economic organisation


Task 10. Speak about the development of British Empire using the scheme of the capitalist and colonial system development.

Capitalist Development Colonial System Development
Merchant Capital (the 1600s—1750s) "The Old Colonial System"
The period of the "Merchant ad- The period of the conquest of
venturers", slaver trade, privileged newly discovered overseas territo-
monopoly trading companies. ries, extermination of the original
This system provided the accumu- inhabitants, and establishment of
lation of capital necessary for the colonial settlements by migration.
Industrial Revolution The colonies were regarded a di-
  rect source of wealth for the home
  country, while few goods were sent
  to the colonies in exchange
Industrial Capital (the 1750s—1880s) World Industrial Monopoly
British industries developed rap- Britain became "the workshop of
idly, British goods dominated the the world". Raw materials were
markets of many countries of the drawn from British colonies situat-
world ed in all parts of the world. British
  machine industry gave goods in ex-
  change for raw materials from the
  colonies, which were much behind
  in their economic development
Finance Capital (the 1880s—1940s) New Colonial System
Britain lost industrial supremacy The greater part of the British
first to the USA, then to Germa- Empire was acquired after 1884.
ny. Instead of goods Britain began These were dependent colonies
to export capital and continued to that paid tribute to the mother
expand colonies country. They were ruled by Brit-
  ish officials. The other part of
  Empire was Dominions — totally
  serf-governing states that accepted
  Britain's monarch as their head of
  state and followed Britain's course
  in foreign affairs

Task 11. Try to explain. During the first periods of the Colonial system development England was referred to by colonists as "home country ". During the last stage of British colonial development it was called "mother country". Why?

Task 12.Finish the sentences.

1. Napoleon made an astonishing career as he ...

2. Napoleon's army was defeated ...

3. After the Napoleonic wars Britain ...

4. The 1820s were marked by ...

5. The Reform Bill was one of the most important events in British history because ...

6. The People's Charter called for such rights as ...

7. Chartism was defeated because ...

8. The Victorian Age was marked by ...

9. The reforms, which changed the life of people during the Victorian Age were ...

10. British industrial might in the second hah0 of the 19th century was displayed at...

Task 13.Vocabulary development. State the meaning of the derivatives and complete the sentences.

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