EU Finally Concurs on New Leader

Урок 10

(Европейский парламент)


executive a. (having the power to put laws into action) executive power chief-executive n.     legislator  n. legislative a. ['ledZIslqtIv] predecessor n. ['pri:dI"sesq] successor to smb n. to succeed smb syn. to replace smb voting syn. balloting (secret voting) to vote for (against)  the vote was one hundred to fifty with six abstentions to abstain from voting  to count votes stance n. to nominate candidate (for a post)   to approve a nomination term (the fixed time for smth) term of office  one’s term may expire e.g. His term of office expires in May to judge judgement n to show sound judgement   requirement n.[rI'kwaIqmqnt] to require smth (make necessary) appointment n. to appoint smb as ... to allege [q'ledZ] (make a state- ment without any proof) allegation n. ["xlI'geIS(q)n] to rebuff allegations   to appreciate [q'pri:SIeIt] appreciation n. [q'pri:SI'eIS(q)n] to pledge to respect a pledge industry n. to show great industry justify (confidence) officer n.    co-officers to join an alliance (a union) to admit new members into a union to extend the union’s membership   expansion of a union syn. enlargement to count on smb (smth) to fail smb   lack of total lack of (courage, wisdom, wit, knowledge) исполнительный   исполнительная власть глава исполнительной власти (стра­ны, штата, какой-л. организации); президент; пред­седатель законодатель законодательный предшественник преемник приходить на смену   голосование   голосовать "за" ("против") "за" голосовало 100 человек, "про­тив" - 50, шесть воздержались воздерживаться от голосования подсчитывать голоса позиция, точка зрения предлагать кандидатуру (на какой-л. пост) одобрить кандидатуру (на пост) срок срок полномочий истекать (о сроке полномочий) срок его полномочий истекает в мае давать оценку чему-л. суждение проявить здравое суждение, здраво судить требование, необходимое условие требовать что-л. назначение (на пост) назначить кого-л. на пост заявлять (голословно)   утверждение (бездоказа­тельное) отрицать наотрез какие-л. утвер­ждения быть признательным, высоко ценить признательность, высокая оценка давать обещание выполнять обещание усердие, трудолюбие проявить огромное усердие оправдать (доверие) сотрудник (учреждения, организа­ции) коллеги (по работе) присоединиться к союзу принять новых членов в союз увеличить количество членов со­юза расширение союза   рассчитывать на кого-л. (что-л.) подводить кого-л.; не оправдать ожиданий недостаток полное отсутствие чего-л. (му­жества, мудрости, ума, знаний



Упражнение I.Переведите текст 1 письменно:

Текст 1

An Activist EU Parliament

By Tom Buerkle

BRUSSELS - The campaign for the European Parliamentary elections on Sunday was easy to ignore, but the new European Parliament will be anything but.

Leaders of the new Euro MPs are determined to wield its powers, beginning with the approval this fall of a new European Commission, the executive agency of the European Union.

Like its predecessors, the new Parliament is likely to take its strongest stance in defense of its own growing powers, the issue that unites all party groups.

In addition, legislators are determined to have a real voice in the next stage of EU reforms, a voice that they lacked three years ago.

The former Belgian prime minister who heads the European People’s Party, said one of Parliament’s top issues would be to ensure that it gives them a say in the work of the EU.

International Herald Tribune

Упражнение II. Дайте русские эквиваленты:

Chief-executive of the EU, legislator, to succeed smb, balloting, to approve a nomination, his term will expire in, to show sound judgement, to rebuff allegations, to appreciate, to show great industry, to count on smb, to fail smb, lack of wit, to elect unanimously.

Текст 2

EU Expansion, to 16, Looks Likelier

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Parliament looks increasingly likely to say "yes" to European Union membership for Austria, Finland, Norway and Sweden in a vote next Wednesday, parliamentary officials said Friday.

But they added that many European MPs would seize the opportunity to press for assurances from EU government that they would be given a bigger say in the Union's future. The parliament's assent in the votes is needed if the EU is in fact expanding to 16 members, as it hopes to do on Jan. 1.

Упражнение IV. Переведите тексты 3 и 4 с листа:

Текст 3

Santer Gets EU Vote

STRASBOURG, France (AP) - The European Parliament on Thursday narrowly approved the nomination of the Luxembourg prime minister as the European Union’s new chief executive.

The close vote of 260 – 238 signalled the assembly’s unhappiness with the way EU leaders chose Jacques Santer as a compromise after Britain vetoed an earlier candidate.

The narrowness of the balloting could hurt Santer’s effectiveness in leading the executive agency, the European Commission, over the next five years. Santer would replace Jacques Delors, whose term will expire in January.

A simple majority of the 567-seat assembly was required to approve his nomination.

Текст 4

EU Finally Concurs on New Leader

By Robert j.Wielaard

BRUSSELS - European Union leaders, hoping to close the book on three weeks of infighting, agreed Friday to appoint Luxembourg Prime Minister Jacques Santer as their new chief executive.

"He has what it takes to be a strong president," Helmut Kohl, current holder of the EU’s rotating leadership, said of Santer.

The British Premier called Santer "an excellent candidate," who would be a "reconciler and a healer."

Santer said repeatedly: "Judge me by my acts... and when I’m able to do something."

He spoke fluently in English, German and French as he sought to rebuff allegations that he was a lightweight from the EU’s smallest member state.

Helmut Kohl, too, stressed that theme. "We are convinced that Jacques Santer is the right man at the right time" to guide the EU toward the turn of the century when the Union is to have a single currency and planning to let in some East European na­tions.

Santer succeeds Jacques Delors of France, who will step down in January after 10 years.

In recent days, Santer, 57, emerged as the only acceptable re­placement capping a frantic leadership search that began when Britain vetoed Dehaene as Delors’successor.

Упражнение V.Переведите на слух речи, произнесенные по случаю выдвижения на пост нового президента организации. В текстах есть незнакомые вам слова, к которым возможно найти близкие контекстуальные значения.

Текст 5

Nomination to a Post

I nominate for president of this organization Kelly S. He is a man of tested ability, sound judgement, and keen perception. He is possessed of a fine character. He is a sincere friend and a devoted worker. These are attributes which qualify him for the office we are about to fill.

So on behalf of the members of this organization and myself, I wish to express congratulations upon your appointment.

Текст 6


Let me say without hesitation that I accept this great honour. I accept it with pride and gratitude and a full heart. Most of all I thank you for confidence you express in me. Today I thank you in words. After today, I hope to translate my appreciation into deeds and conduct.

I devotedly hope that I will justify the confidence placed in me by the Union which nominated me, and its members who have elected me.

I recognize clearly the weight of the responsibility that you have placed upon me and I assure you that I shall never give short weight to those responsibilities.

I pledge my best efforts as your president to continue the glorious work of our organization. I know I can count on your support and co­operation. With it, I cannot fail. Thank you.

Текст 7

Дата добавления: 2018-05-02; просмотров: 314; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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