Does press publish materials about the conferences, exhibitions, seminars, etc?

PR practitioners were—and are still often—recruited from the ranks of journalism. Some journalists, concerned with ethics, criticize former colleagues for using their inside understanding of newsmedia to help clients receive favorable media coverage. Despite many journalists' discomfort with the field of public relations, well-paid PR positions remain a popular choice for reporters and editors forced into a career change by the instability of the print and electronic media industry. PR historians say the first PR firm, the Publicity Bureau, was established in 1900 by former newspapermen, with Harvard University as its first client. Press is always publish materials about conferences and etc if company communicate with this journalists.


How to organize a press conference?


There are three basic types of meetings with the media. Consider them.(a). (a). Press conference. This is a meeting with journalists who had come to receive the information in the course of its discussions. This press conference can be organized very quickly and held both inside the company and in a rented room. In this case, treat guests is minimal. Press conferences are often held at the airport on arrival from abroad interesting biggie. Usually used for this purpose room of the press center airport, of course, it requires contact with the PR-airport employees(b). (b). Acceptance of the press. Members of the press are going more on social activities, the organization of the bar, buffet or lunch, and program communication, demonstrations (and possibly audio-visual nature). For the organization of such an event can take weeks or even months.(c). (c). Site visits or other structures of the organization. Journalist or group of members of the press are invited, for example, to visit the factory, at the official opening or a demonstration of the equipment. Such an event may require the organization delivering the participants, their treats and possibly overnight. Such events may be held abroad, for example, in wineries or visiting holiday destinations served by tour company.Although the press conference - a simpler event than the previous two, but they must all have value in terms of news, and in this respect it is important good organization.


Who should be invited to a press conference?

One of the most popular events held for the media, are the press conference. Press conference - is the most effective in reaching the audience the way of communication with the target audience through the media. The main objectives of the press conference are: to inform the audience, establishing communications and contacts with the media, conflict resolution, public controversial moments. The main audience for the press conference - they are representatives of the media, but sometimes it is advisable to invite business partners, and representatives of the government, regulatory bodies and other government officials. To organize and hold a press conference should have an important newsworthy, in other cases, to convey information and provide press releases, announcements and other means. A press conference is preferable in the middle of the week. It can be - Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Choosing the date of the press conference is to analyze this date to coincide with other significant events with journalists. Timing of depends on the situation. Usually, the press conference was held in the morning.First you need to make a list of those invited to the press conference journalists. Next, prepare the announcement press conference, and depending on the frequency of the media no later than a week to send it. Then sent invitations to the press conference, which set out the required items: the place, day and time of the press conference, the theme of the press conference, the main topics of the papers, the names and positions of the speakers. For the press conference, you need to prepare all the necessary information materials (press releases, briefs, abstracts of speakers, photos, CDs, catalogs, reports, etc.), which will be awarded to a guest after the event.


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