Sequence of Tenses (Согласование времен)


Passive Voice (Страдательный залог)

be + Vз(ed)


Термин Passive (пассив) говорит о том, что подлежащее английской пассивной конструкции «пассивно», оно не совершает действие, выраженное глаголом-сказуемым, а это действие происходит с ним (подлежащим).


Active - My father built the house in 1990. (Мой отец построил дом в 1990 году.)


         Passive - The house was built in 1990. ( Дом был построен в 1990 году.)

Пассив используется, когда: 1) действующее лицо неизвестно; 2) действующее лицо нас не интересует; 3) из контекста и так понятно, кто является действующим лицом. Время глагола-сказуемого в Passive определяется по глаголу to be.


Видо-временные формы глагола в Passive


  Simple Continuous Perfect
Present   Past   Future am/is/are+ V3(ed)   was/were+V3(ed)   will be + V3(ed) am/is/are+being +V3 (ed)   was/were+being+V3(ed)   have/has+been+V3(ed) had+been+V3(ed)   will have been +V3(ed)



1. Now bridges are built of strong and durable materials.   2. The bridge was built in 1990.     3. A new bridge will be built across the river.   4. Look! A new bridge is being built across the river.   5.When I visited the city last year a new bridge was being built across the river.   6. Look! A new bridge has been built across the river.   7. The bridge had been built before I visited the city.   8. The bridge will have been built by the end of the year. 1. Сейчас мосты строят из прочных и долговечных материалов.   2. Мост был построен (построили) в 1990 году.   3. Через реку построят (будут строить) новый мост.   4. Смотри! Через реку строят (строится) новый мост.   5. Когда я был в городе в прошлом году, через реку строили (строился) новый мост.   6. Смотри! Через реку построили новый мост.   7. Мост построили ( был построен) до моего приезда в город.   8. Мост построят (будет построен) к концу года.



    При переводе подлежащего английской пассивной конструкции следует помнить, что:

1) оно, как правило, соответствует русскому дополнению.

I was asked a lot of questions at the   На экзамене мне задали много

exam.                                                    вопросов.

Tom didn’t go to the party because    Том не пошел на вечеринку, потому 

he hadn’t been invited.                          что его не пригласили.



The house was built 5 years ago.       Дом был построен 5 лет назад.

                                                         (только в предложениях с русским

                                                          страдательным залогом)



2) некоторым английским беспредложным конструкциям соответствуют русские конструкции с предлогом. И наоборот.

to answer a letter – ответить на письмо

to follow somebody – следовать за к-л

to listen to music – слушать музыку


A new discovery is usually followed За новым открытием обычно следует

by a lot of research of other scientists. большая исследовательская

                                                             работа других ученых.


    3) предлог, относящийся к подлежащему английской пассивной конструкции, стоит после глагола-сказуемого.

This book is much spoken about.           Об этой книге много говорят.


    Способы перевода пассивных оборотов:

1) при помощи глагола быть + краткая форма страдательного причастия:

    Дом был построен.

2) глаголом на –ся: дом строится.

3) глаголом в 3-м лице мн.числа с неопределенно-личным значением:

    дом строят, дом строили.

4) действительным залогом (при наличии действующего лица):

   Letters are answered by the secretary. На письма отвечает секретарь.



1. Translate the following pairs of sentences.

    1. Water covers five-sevenths of the Earth’s surface. Most of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. 2. Tom has invited me to his wedding party. Are you going to the party? - No, I haven’t been invited. 3. They pay $ 100 a week. The men were paid $ 100 to do the work. 4. Nobody told me to come at 7 o’clock. I wasn’t told to come at 7 o’clock. 5. They offered him the job but he refused it. If I were offered the job, I would take it. 6. You will be given plenty of time to decide. We will give you two weeks to decide. 7. Has anybody shown you the new machine? Have you been shown the new machine? 8. She is liked by everybody. Everybody likes her. 9. The man who was driving past informed the police of the accident. The police were informed of the accident. 10. People often ask me questions about my job. I am often asked questions about my job.



2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

    1. Many accidents … by dangerous driving. (cause). 2. A cinema is a place where films … (show). 3. The Olympic Games … every four years (hold). 3. Nowadays plastics can … to almost every branch of building (apply). 5. As a structural material laminate … for exterior work (recommend). 6. Rapid-hardening cement can … in any weather (employ). 7. All building materials … into three major groups (divide). 8. Bricks … many thousands of years ago (know). 9. Look! The bridge … (still/repair). 10. As a building material wood … since the earliest days (use). 11. A new cinema … in the town centre next year (build).



3. Translate.

    1.Two hundred people are employed by the company. 2. New technology is being applied to almost every industrial process. 3. The roof of the building was damaged in a storm a few days ago. 4. How is concrete made? 5. What is cement used for? 6. Prestressing is accomplished by one of two methods: pretensioning and posttensioning 7. Council (муниципальные) houses are built and owned by the local council. 8. After World War II a lot of tower blocks were constructed. 9. By 1993 1.5 million council houses had been sold. 10. During the last hundred years many new methods have been discovered. 11. The rooms in Pompeian houses were lighted by small openings on internal courts. 12. Glass is unaffected (affect – влиять, воздействовать) by gases and most acids. 13. Concrete is made by mixing cement and water with sand or gravel in right amounts. 14. Concrete is then poured into forms. 15. Cement starts hardening one hour after the water has been added. 16. The new material has been tested successfully and is now being used for many purposes.



4. Write passive sentences, beginning in the way shown.

    1. They didn’t give me the money. I … . 2. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview. I … . 3. Nobody told me that Jack was ill. I … . 4. How much will they pay you? How much will you … . 5. People don’t use this road very often. This road … . 6. How do people learn languages? How … . 7. We took these photographs in London. These photographs … . 8. I think somebody is following us. I think we … . 9. The police have arrested three people. Three people … .



5. Write questions using the passive. Some are present and some are past.

    1. Ask about the telephone. (when/invent?) When … ? 2. Ask about glass. (how/make?) How… ? 3. Ask about Australia. (when/discover?). 4. Ask about silver. (what/ use for?) 5. Ask about television. (when/invent?) 6. Ask about concrete (how/ make?) 7. Ask about the university. (when/ found?)


6. Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive.

    1. It’s a big factory. Five hundred people (employ) there. 2. I saw an accident last night. Somebody (call) an ambulance but nobody (injure) so the ambulance (not/ need). 3. Where (these photographs/ take)? In London? … (you/take) them? 4. The park gates (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening. 5. The letter (post) a week ago and it (arrive) yesterday. 6. The boat (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody (rescue). 7. Ron’s parents (die) when he was very young. He and his sister (bring up) by their grandparents. 8. I was born in London but I (grow) up in the north of England. 9. While I was on holiday, my camera (steal) from my hotel room. 10. While I was on holiday, my camera (disappear) from my hotel room. 11. Why (Sue/resign from her job? Didn’t she enjoy it? 12.Why (Bill/ sack) from his job? What did he do wrong? 13. The company is not independent. It (own) by a much larger company.

    sink – тонуть                                     bring up – воспитывать

rescue – спасать                               resign – увольняться

sack – уволить


7. Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using ‘somebody/they/people’ etc. write a passive sentence.

    1. Somebody cleans the room every day. The room … . 2. They cancelled all flights because of fog. All flights … .3. People don’t use this road very often. This road … . 4. Somebody accused me of stealing money. I … . 5. How do people learn languages? How … . 6. People advised us not to go out alone. We … . 7. Somebody has cleaned the room. The room … . 8. They have postponed the concert . The concert … . 9. Somebody is using the computer at the moment. The computer … . 10. I didn’t realize that somebody was recording our conversation. I didn’t realize that … . 11. When we got to the stadium we found that they had cancelled the game. When we got to the stadium, we found that … . 12. They are building a new ring road round the city. A new … . 13. They have built a new hospital near the airport. A new … .


8. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.

    1. There’s somebody behind us. I think we (follow). 2. My car has disappeared. It (steal)! 3. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody (take). 4. Ann can’t use her office at the moment. It (redecorate). 5. The photocopier broke down yesterday, but now it’s OK. It (repair). 6. The police have found the people they were looking for. Two people ( arrest) last night. 7. A tree was lying across the road. It (blow down) in the storm.



9. Complete the sentences using being  + one of these verbs: ask, attack, give, invite, pay, keep.  Translate the sentences into Russian.

    1. Mr. Miller doesn’t like … waiting. 2. They went to the party without … . 3. Most people like … presents. 4. It’s a dangerous city. People won’t go out after dark because they are afraid of … . 5. I don’t like … stupid questions. 6. Few people are prepared to work without … .




Sequence of Tenses (Согласование времен)

    В английском языке правило согласования времен соблюдается, когда сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в прошедшем времени (обычно в Past Simple). В этом случае сказуемое дополнительного придаточного предложения тоже должно стоять в одной из форм прошедшего времени. Выбор формы определяется тем, является ли действие придаточного предложения 1) одновременным, 2) предшествующим или 3) последующим по отношению к действию главного предложения.


Действие Главное предложение Придаточное предложение Форма глагола сказуемого
1. Одновременное                            He knew Он знал,     I thought     Я думал, that I lived in Ufa. что я живу в Уфе.     they were waiting for me outside the university. то они ждут меня у входа в университет Past Simple (переводится настоящим временем) Past Continuous (переводится настоящим временем)  
2. Одновременное                          (с указанием продолжительности) I didn’t know     Я не знал,     I was told   Мне сказали, that they had been waiting for me for an hour. что они ждут меня уже час.   that they had known each other for a long time.   что они знают друг друга давно. Past Perfect Continuous (переводится настоящим временем)   Past Perfect (переводится настоящим временем)  
1. Предшествующее                              2.Предшествующее (с указанием времени совершения действия) I knew Я знал,   I knew   Я знал, that she had been ill. что она болела.   that she was ill last week. что она болела на прошлой неделе. Past Perfect (переводится прошедшим временем)   Past Simple (переводится прошедшим временем)
Последующее I was sure   Я был уверен, that she would arrive on Monday. что она приедет в понедельник Future in the Past (переводится будущим временем)


Reported Speech

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