Chapter 17   Life in town and country                                                                                      114







David McDowall

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First published 1989 Twenty-first impression 2006

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data McDowall, David

An illustrated history of Britain.

1. Great Britain-History

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ISBN-H 978-0-5B2-74914-6 ISBN-1O, 0-5B2-74914-X

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We are grateful to Penguin Books Ltd for permission to reproduce an extract from The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, translated by Nevdl Coghtll [Penguin C1a5sics, 1951, 1958, 1960), copyright (c) Nevill Coghill, 1951, 1958, 1960.

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Earliest times

Chapter 1       The foundation stones                                                                                                  3

The island ' Britain's prehistory ' The Celts · The Romans ' Roman life

Chapter 2       The Saxon invasion                                                                                                     11

The invaders ' Government and society ' Christianity: the partnership of Church and state ' The Vikings ' Who should be king?

Chapter 3       The Celtic kingdoms                                                                                                   18

Wales * Ireland • Scotland

The early Middle Ages

Chapter 4       Conquest and feudal rule                                                                                           23

The Norman Conquest · Feudalism . Kingship: a family business ' Magna Carta and the decline of feudalism

Chapter 5       The power of the kings of England                                                                            29

Church and state ' The beginnings of Parliament · Dealing with the Celts

Chapter 6       Government andsociety                                                                                         34

The growth of government · Law and justice ' Religious beliefs · Ordinary people in country andtown ' The growth of towns as centres of wealth : Language, literature and culture

The late Middle Ages

Chapter 7       The century of war, plague and disorder                                                                  43

War with Scotland and France ' The age of chivalry ' The century of plagues ' The poor in revolt · Heresy and orthodoxy

Chapter 8       The crisis of kings and nobles                                                                                    51

Thecrisis of kingship ' Wales in revolt · The struggle in France ' The Wars of the Roses ■Scotland

Chapter 9       Government and society                                                                                            57

Government and society ' The condition of women · Language and culture

The Tudors

Chapter 10   The birth of the nation state                                                                                      67

The new monarchy ' The Reformation ' The Protestant-Catholic struggle

Chapter 11     England and her neighbours                                                                                      73

The new foreign policy ' The new trading empire ' Wales ' Ireland · Scotland and England ' Mary Queen of Scots and the Scottish Reformation ' A Scottish king forEngland

Chapter 12       Government andsociety                                                                                         79

Tudor parliaments ' Rich and poor in town and country ' Domestic life ' Language and culture

The Stuarts

Chapter 13    Crown and Parliament                                                                                               87

Parliament against the Crown ' Religious disagreement · Civil war

Chapter 14    Republican and Restoration Britain                                                                          92

Republican Britain ' Catholicism, the Crown and the new constitutional monarchy ' Scotland and Ireland ' Foreign relations

Chapter 15    Life and thought                                                                                                         98

The revolution in thought · Life and work in the Stuart age ' Family life

The eighteenth century

Chapter 16    The political world                                                                                                107

Politics and finance ' Wilkes and liberty · Radicalism and the loss of the American colonies ' Ireland ' Scotland

Chapter 17   Life in town and country                                                                                      114

Town life ' The rich · The countryside ' Family life

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