Importance Of A Marketing Department

Management and marketing in the enterprise

Complex systems elements of a modern economy rationally organizes active and purposeful action of the administrative apparatus or managers of the various levels (higher, middle and lower), guided by the latest achievements of the science of management, applying the principles, program, strategy and tactics of marketing. Due to the evolution of the economic system, each of its components, the objectives of enterprises at different stages of their development, and so forth, the categories "management" and "marketing" is undergoing constant change, filled up with elements of a qualitatively new content. Disclosing the economic essence of the categories "management" and "marketing" gives you the opportunity to find out the basic requirements to be followed by managers and marketers to ensure the efficient operation of enterprises and organizations.

The essence of management and the basic forms of enterprise management

The essence and basic functions of management.

The concept of management as a science and practice of management first emerged in the United States. However, the essence of management, its principles and methods have been the subject of study since antiquity. So, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato (427-347 years to B. E.) argued that management is an important means of ensuring the life of society and governance — a special kind of art that needs to implement policies based on the proper understanding and application of the law. People, in his opinion, needs to carry out clearly defined functions and policies to monitor their implementation, to combine these actions into one harmonious whole, using the power (the tyrannical control method with the aim of curbing self-interest, and compliance with appropriate laws and regulations) and soft (such as political oversight). Aristotle in his doctrine of the households stressed the need for the development of the science of art of managing slaves. In General, the slave and feudal systems dominated by violent, non-economic methods of production management and coercion. Only under capitalism, in production management and people became a priority of economic methods, combined with administrative (command).

The distribution of resources in society is carried out on the basis of traditional, command, market and state methods. The traditional method existed especially in primitive society, based on traditions, customs. Command, administrative, method prevailed in the conditions of slaveholding, feudal modes of production, as well as in the construction of socialism in the USSR and some other countries. The market approach dominates over capitalism on the lower stage. Each following method razminutsya for the previous, although not denying it completely, and subordinates, combines with the main. Therefore, the market method of allocating resources (material, human, financial), as a rule, combined with the traditional and administrative. The last two evolyutsioniruet constantly replenished by elements of a qualitatively new content that allows you to seamlessly combine them in new socio-economic conditions. In modern conditions in developed countries is dominated by state and supra-state techniques in combination with the previous two.

The free market implies the freedom of producers associated with economic democracy. The management of such conditions is considered as independent of the actions of government officials phenomenon. Hired managers, who under other circumstances was almost totally dependent business owners, the real market independently perform the process of supply management, manufacturing, and marketing of manufactured products, the process of labor, that is, to a significant extent, economically independent in its actions. With the evolution of the capitalist mode of production, the deepening of the social division of labor, separation of capital ownership from capital features gradually reduced the dependence of managers by owners of capital.

The concept of "management" should not be confused with the more capacious category of "management", which covers management processes at the macro (whole society, the whole economic system) and micro level (individual organizations, institutions and enterprises in its various forms). It is therefore advisable to use both categories, even when we are talking about the control process only at the micro level. This is due, in particular, the fact that the concept of "management" constantly updated with new content, enriched its functions.

Various scholars and literary sources, the concept of "management" is interpreted ambiguously. So, in the "Oxford English dictionary" it is considered as: 1) the method, manner of dealing with people; 2) the power and the art of management; 3) a special kind of skill, and administrative skills; 4) control administrative unit. Canadian economist, Dr. king argues that management means "...the link between the labor and capital that can cancel the class contradictions". Japanese authors see the management of "...coordination and integration in the production process of the individual efforts of workers who, first, would encourage coordination and integration and, secondly, it would contribute to convergence of views and objectives of all or at least most of the participants in the proceedings".

The manual Management is characterized by management from a scientific point of view as "...the ability to use objective laws expressing causal relationships in the field of management."

Russian scholars define management as a "system of making and implementing decisions aimed at achieving optimal, best possible, use of material, labor and financial resources of the company". In "Economic encyclopedia" edited by L. Abalkin management is "a set of principles, forms, methods, receptions and tools of production management and personnel, using the latest achievements of management science". In the encyclopedic dictionary "organization Management" management is defined as "a set of actions and procedures aimed at ensuring targeted, effective and efficient collective work."

In these definitions the goal of management is not connected with the main goal of the capitalist mode of production, the basic economic law; it does not name the subjects of this process (management of enterprises and companies, including various levels of managers); a separate function of management, but not justified by their systematic nature; interpreted by the management as link between labour and capital, and not as a function of capital.

In determining management at the micro level you want to associate it with the characteristics of the economic essence of the enterprise, its activities in different spheres of social reproduction. By eliminating flaws and taking into account the basic requirements of the dialectical method of study, it is possible to give a brief definition of the essence of management is purposeful influence of the owners of enterprises (firms and companies) and managers of various units on the needs and interests of other employees to effectively organize collective work in all spheres of social reproduction with the aim of granting the maximum profit.

The essence of management is more fully disclosed in the functions performed by them. They appear as critical elements of management and, therefore, a particular activity of the individual managers or organizational units of the administrative apparatus, which ensures a focused and effective impact on the control object and solved the tasks, we achieve the main goal. For the first time in the scientific literature, such functions of management as foresight, planning, organization, control allocated A. Fayolle. Among modern scientists there is great disagreement in determining the total number of functions (4 to 15).

Basically there are five main functions of management: planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control. However, this classification is not considered the final element of management activities and economic realization of the property of the capitalists of the means of production and other material elements of the productive forces (science, information, etc.), and therefore, there is no purpose and system response functions of management. Using this feature is embodied is provided by management in General and planning in particular the strategic goal of the development and functioning of enterprises, firms and companies. This function is subordinated to all others, including those inherent in the planning process strategic goal specific goal and objectives. Depending on the degree of economic realization of ownership (assignment of the mass and rate of profit) is the adjustment or improvement of all other functions.

In turn, management as a deliberate and active process to form such relatively Autonomous, coherent steps: collection, systematization and transmission of information; elaboration (justification) and making the decision; convert the solution to different forms of verbs (verbal, written, orders, etc.) and ensuring their implementation; analysis of the effectiveness of the decision and possible subsequent adjustments. The result of these actions are of mutual displacement of the elements of production, the resolution of conflicts and social mode of production as a whole or its subsystems, coordination of the economic interests, growth of efficiency of social production (or its separate units) and the like.

The most important stage is the rationale and decision-making, which involves deliberate volitional influence of managers on various aspects of socio-economic activities of enterprises, primarily for contingencies, not recorded in the scheduled program. The development of such solutions is associated with active, creative looking for ways and means of dealing with unusual situations, the involvement of all staff of the enterprise or its separate divisions.

Analysis of the effectiveness of the adopted solutions and their further correction involves the evaluation of the impact of the intermediate stages of economic activity. Such an assessment is particularly relevant when changes in the production technology, the reorientation to new sources of raw materials, new suppliers, etc. In emergency situations, there is a need to develop operational plans and objectives, management decisions and their organizations, which involves the operational management.

The main types of management (management) are organizational, production, personnel, investment, innovation, etc.

Definition of the main purpose, objectives and tasks of activity of the enterprise or organization must meet the requirements of objective economic laws (universal, General, specific and stadia, etc.), their mechanism of action, consistent with the needs and interests of the individual, collective and society) Define the purpose, goals and objectives can be as autocratic and democratic ways. In the first case is the decision of the entrepreneur, owner or senior Manager, in the second — they agree at the level of individual divisions, departments through discussion with employees. The modern level of development of productive forces, relations of economic ownership and other elements of economic system are the democratic methods of determining goals and objectives. While fuller takes into account the interests and ptrebi separate structural units of enterprises, mobilize the forces and abilities of employees, combine different interests.

The planning function provides for the embodiment of the system of interrelated quantitative and qualitative indicators of socio-economic activity of the enterprise the main goal and the subordinate goals and objectives, tactics and strategies of circulation and turnover of capital. The tactics of these processes determine short term plans, strategy in long-term programmes and projections. The next component of the planning process is the development of content and the sequence of actions to achieve tactical and strategic goals, which is phased scheduling of works, schedules of implementation, the development of methods of network planning and management (i.e. building a table definition execution duration and sequence of operations, in assessing the means of achieving economy of resources, etc.), preparation of working calendars (work plans of different units for a certain period of time).

The function of the organization is primarily the process of creating venture firms, companies (in this case, this function is preceded by a planning function), or their reorganization, and orderly interaction of individual entities on the principles of economic calculation to achieve a common strategic goal. From the point of view of methodology of an economic research organization is an ordered interaction of subsystems and elements within a whole economic system with the best combination of centralization and decentralization. The function of the organization also involves carrying out a complex of actions to implement management decisions: bringing of decisions to the performers (or conversion solutions for different types of teams — in writing, verbal orders), the allocation of necessary resources (material, financial, informational, etc.), stimulating the work of artists and the like.

Coordination function involves ensuring coordinated actions of labour collective of the enterprise, firm, company overall, including between teams in separate divisions), organic linking the objectives of such units with a common purpose for the sake of achieving strategic goals.

Function of motivation in the development and implementation of a system of mutually motives and incentives that encourage employees to high performance work. Develop incentives and for managers, depending on the efficiency and value of their work for the company, particularly from individual and group differences in Executive activities: use of cash consideration for the achievement of goals, special prizes and awards as recognition of achievement of a specific Manager, some of the ways of distribution of profits, stocks and options etc.

The control function covers the monitoring activities of individual employees, teams, departments and other performers, using a combination of incentives (material, moral) for those who quality and timely completed tasks, and fines, penalties for those who do not fulfilled.

Such generalized characteristic functions of management inherent in any sphere of activity and can not claim to be a comprehensive analysis of socio-economic activities of enterprises and organizations in the framework of the integral economic system, separate spheres of social reproduction.

System for the disclosure of the basic functions of management should distinguish between them or relative to each sphere of social reproduction (the production, exchange, distribution and consumption), or key elements of the economic system (the productive forces, technical and economic, partly organizational-economic relations, relations of economic ownership and the economic mechanism). These two approaches can vzaimoponimanii.

Relative to spheres of social reproduction it is possible to allocate following functions of management:

— regarding production, organization and coordination of each part and unit of the enterprise with the purpose of rational use of all resources (material, human, financial, etc.);

— exchange — organization market research, demand generation, prompt delivery of goods to the market and their aftersales service, etc.;

— the distribution is the optimal distribution of the gross income of the enterprise payroll and net income, and the latter after tax — into the reserve Fund and the payment of dividends and the like;

— in the field of production-consumption — rational use of fixed assets.

Relatively separate subsystems of economic system management performs the following functions:

1) in relation to the productive forces — the effective use of the means of production and timely replacement of worn tools, taking into account not only physical but also mental deterioration; organization, recruitment, training and placement of personnel, creation of favorable conditions for realization of their physical, organizational and creative abilities; organization development and permanent implementation of the results of the str in manufacturing; collection, systematization and transmission of information; rational use of energy (electric, thermal, wind, etc.);

2) regarding the technical and economic relations — the choice of enterprises-post-a supplier of components, raw materials, trade organizations, etc. that is, the rational relations of specialization, cooperation and combination of production, optimum amounts of the enterprise, etc.;

3) regarding the relations of economic ownership — the establishment of a rational value of the intensity of labor, pandurang works and fees, wages, income distribution, etc.;

4) regarding the economic mechanism at the micro level — the timely resolution of conflicts arising in the enterprise; the involvement of employees to participate in enterprise management and distribution of profits, the realization of the property of capitalists-entrepreneurs, the organization of economic calculation in different units of the enterprise, etc.; rational interaction of human with nature (the avoidance of environmental pollution and the like), the development of material and spiritual needs of employees.

If to synthesize all of the functions, it is possible systematically to define the essence of management.

Management is purposeful influence of the owners And managers on the needs and interests of other employees to effectively organize collective work in all spheres of social reproduction, improvement, development elements of the economic system at the micro-level of environmental protection with the aim of granting the maximum profit.

In the process of governance organically combines the following public laws:

1) feasibility, revealing the essence of the technological mode of production, reflect the relationship of man and nature, man and technology, and the relationship between the various elements of the technology and the means of production. This type of laws also shared the laws inherent in the development of the productive forces, and the laws inherent techno-economic relations;

2) the economic characteristic of the development of relations of economic ownership;

3) social, which reveal the essence of relations between classes, social strata and layers in the process of social production, in various spheres of social reproduction;

4) legal, which are specified in various legal acts and norms;

5) socio-psychological, reflecting biological and social (including economic) side of human nature, his behavior in the community and society, as well as interpersonal, intergroup and other relationships in the process of labor, exchange, distribution and consumption of material and spiritual wealth.

Management is an interdisciplinary science that determines the existence of different definitions of this concept in a particular scientific discipline. According to the content of the discipline noted on the process of managerial decision-making at the organization level, bringing them into action and enforcement, the system of power and organization, the different organizational forms of enterprises management and etc.

An important management principle is the principle of responsibility — performing a variety of subjects of obligations. In case of failure of the subjects used a variety of sanctions with the goal of full compensation for losses to the entities that suffered losses. Need to find out who to whom and responsible for what.

Management decisions should be based on the knowledge of economic laws, current legislation, human nature, and the like. Therefore, management knowledge is comprehensive, universal, rational and intuitive, have a theoretical and applied nature, and the like.

In Western scientific literature a comprehensive approach to the management of the organization as a social system is revealed on the basis of the so-called seven "C" (7-C), or the seven characteristics of an organization: strategy, structure, system, composition of staff, style of management, the amount of habits that are compatible values. According to scientists, the object of management should be first of all human aspects of the organization, which are identified in staff, style, skills of workers, the values of the organization. The human potential is the main and begins to gather other characteristics of the organization. Complexity management will be enhanced if we take into account not only internal characteristics of the organization, but external factors influence it (competitors, government actions, laws and the like). The implementation of the functions and principles of management in organizational forms.

  • 2) Marketing Department: Organization, Tools & Responsibilities

“The man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops the clock to save time.”– Thomas Jefferson

Marketing is the most important parts of any business activity. It is what creates customers and generates income, guides the future course of a business and defines whether it will be a success or a failure. Without marketing, a business is like sitting in the dark and expecting people to find you without a light. Marketing can be done without a marketing team, but you cannot expect to go too far or succeed by marketing on your own. For a sustained marketing effort, a business of any size requires a dedicated marketing department or a marketing team.

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In this article, we will explore the following: 1) concept of marketing, 2) organization of a marketing department, 3) tools of marketing department, and 4) responsibilities of marketing department.


Concept of Marketing

Marketing can be described as any activity that is carried on with the specific purpose of conveying information about the use, quality and value of a product or service in order to promote or sell the product or service. Marketing is the way to announce the availability of a commodity, service, idea or a brand to the world in such a way that people are interested in it and wish to acquire it and use it. It serves the purpose of plugging the gap between the public’s requirement and the products that are available.

Importance Of A Marketing Department

The Marketing Department is the key to good marketing and sales. It promotes and establishes a business in its niche, based on the products or services the business is offering. It identifies the areas in which the product fits and where the business should focus its marketing strategy and, therefore, spend its budget for the maximum coverage and results. The marketing department helps a business to do the following:

· Build relationship with the audience: Creates awareness of the business and its products as well as provide inputs that create interest for the audience. It brings in new customers and creates new business opportunities for the enterprise.

· Involve the customer: It engages existing customers, tries to understand them and hear what they have to say. It monitors the competition, creates new ideas, identifies outlets, plans the strategy to involve customers and retain them.

· Generate income: Finally, the aim of the marketing department is to generate revenue. All its activities are aimed at broadening the customer base and finding opportunities that would create more revenue for the enterprise.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-15; просмотров: 409; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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