Fill in the blanks in these proverbs and sayings with suitable antonyms


Task 1 Define the type of motivation: 1) phonetic; 2) morphological; 3) semantic. Bang; unfriendly, chocaholic, whistle, ex-mate, giggle, rieck of a bottle, clubbable, blueberry, mink, ovenable, hiss.

Task II. Match the traditionally used words and their politically correct equivalents:

mankind, salesman, layman, binman, failure, prison, crazy, homeless, bald, unemployed; nonspecialist, humanity, salesperson, correctional institution, in­complete success, involuntarily leisured, involuntarily leisured, emotionally different.    



Group the following words into three columns in accordance with the sameness of their 1) grammatical; 2) lexical; 3) part -of-speech meaning.

Boy's, nearest, at, beautiful, think, man, drift, wrote, tremendous, ship's, the most beautiful, table, near, for, went, friend's, handsome, thinking, boy, nearer, thought, boys, lamp, go, during.

Identify the denotational and connotational aspects of lexical meaning of the given words. Analyze the similarity and difference between the components of the connotational aspect of lexical meaning in the given pairs of words.

Model: celebrated - notorious

    Denotational&connotational of the connotational aspect


of lexical meaning which
    specify the difference between
      of the words
  celebrated widely known, admired evaluation (positive)
    and talked about by many  
    people because of good  
  notorious widely known because evaluation (negative)
    of something bad,  
    for example, for being  
    criminal, violent,  
    or immoral  



   To deal with - to grapple with, sophisticated - hardened, adven­ture - ordeal, perfect - flawless, to glance - to glare, ugly - repulsive, to murmur - to mutter.

Define the kind of association involved in the semantic change.

Mod el: glass (a transparent solid substance used for making windows, bottles, etc.) - a glass (a container used for drinking, made of glass)

The kind of association involved in the semantic change in the words glass ­is known as metonymy or the contiguity of meaning.

1) the foot of a person - the foot of a mountain; 2)Matisse (proper name) - a Matisse (a painting); 3) the wing of a bird - the wing of a building; 4) the key to a door - the key to a mystery; 5) copper (metal) - copper (coin); 6) the heart of a man ­the heart of a city;

Analyze the meanings of the italicized words. Identify the result of changes of the denotational aspect of lexical meaning in the given words.

Model: loan: “a gift from a superior”; “a thing borrowed” – “a sum of money which is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an additional amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing”

The result of the change of the denotational aspect of lexical meaning of the word loan is that the word became more specialized in meaning (restriction of meaning, specialization).

   camp: 'a place where troops are lodged in tents' - 'a place where people live in tents or hunts'; 2) girl: 'a small child of either sex' ­'a small child of the female sex'; 3) bird: 'a young bird' - 'a creature with wings and feathers which can usually fly in the air'; 4) arrive: 'reach the shore after a voyage' - 'reach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey';

Define the type of momentary semantic changes (metaphor or metonymy).

The foot of a page, the leg of the table, the whole factory is here, Have you read Byron? the head of the chair, the kettle is boiling, eye of a needle

Define degradation or elevation of meaning.

Sad, marshal, idiot, business, silly, companion





TASK I Determine the number of morphemes in each word:

1. marvelously

2. newcomers

3. indifferent

4. notwithstanding

5. disinterestedness

6. cupboard

7. theory

8. sheep

9. boxes

10. children

TASK II Carry out the morphemic analysis and the word-formation analysis of the following words:

1. to interview

2. to re-modernize

3. widely-eaten

4. get-away

5. snow-covered

6. to housekeep

7. unthinkable

8. baker’s

9. onlookers

10. wholeheartedly



TASK I. In accordance with the part that is cut off to form a new word classify cases of shortening into four groups: i) initial shortenings (aphesis); 2) medial shortenings (syncope): 3) final shortenings (apocope); 4) both initial and final shortenings.


The initial part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the first group.

hols<holidays; vac<vacuum cleaner; tec< detective; plane <aeroplane; Frisco < (San) Francisco; quiz<inquisitive; bus < omnibus; curio < curiosity; miss < mistress; sport <disport; soccer < Association Football; fan< fanatic; circs <circumstances; chute <parachute; Aline<Adeline; cert < certainty; tend < attend; mart <market; coke <coca-cola; Liz <Elizabeth; prep-school <preparatory-school; gator <alligator; cuss < customer.


TASK II.Analyse the structure of the following compounds and classify them into coordinative and subordinative, syntactic and asyntactic:

bookbinder, doorbell, key-note, knife-and-fork, hot-tempered, dry-clean, care-free, policy-maker, mad-brained, five-fold, two-faced, body-guard, do-it-yourself, boogie-woogie. оfficer-director, driver-collector, building-site.


TASK III.Classify the compound words in the following sentences into compounds proper and derivational compounds:

 l) She is not a mind-reader. 2) He was wearing a brand-new o\ereoat and hat. 3) She never said she was homesick. 4) He took the hours-old dish away. 5) She was a frank-mannered, talkative young lady. 6) The five years of her husband's newspaper-ownership had familiarised her almost unconsciously with many of the mechanical aspects of a newspaper printing-shop.


TASK IV.Supply the corresponding full names for the given abbreviations of American state (e.g. Colo – Colourado) and so:

Ala., Cal., Fla., Ga., Ill., Ind., Kan., Ken., Md., N.D., NJ, NY, Oreg., S.C., Tex.


Point out the synonymous words in the contexts and explain the difference between them. Use an ex­planatory dictionary or a dictionary of synonyms if necessary.

I tried not to bore you with my love; I knew I couldn't afford to do that and I was always on the lookout for the first sign that you were impatient with my affection (W.S. Maugham).

I butted one cop in the behind, with all my might I dragged on one of his legs. "Get that kid out of here," one of them said, and somebody tried to grab me, but I kicked and bit again. I tumbled headlong down the steps and grabbed the police­man's leg again (J. Baldwin).

I understood then why I had been attracted by him. I had thought he reminded me of Beau be­cause of a faint resemblance which I had thought was merely that of one dandy for another. I thought of the button I had found in Ender by Hall; the lingering odour of musk. Beau's son, of course, who perhaps had been wearing a coat with gold buttons which had belonged to his father - who had been brought up with a taste for the musk scent (Ph. Carr).

She thought about it. "I could hardly give you all that money for something that doesn't belong to you," she said, and smiled. "Please give them to me. Please, Philip. Leila ought to have them back." "For how much dough?" (R. Chandler).

She is the kind of woman who doesn't mind if she looks plain, or odd; I don't suppose she would even care if she knew how strange she looks when her whole face is out of proportion with urgent uncer­tainty (N. Gordimer).

Fill in the blanks in these proverbs and sayings with suitable antonyms.

If youth but knew, if …………. but could.

Who has never tasted ……….. , knows not what is sweet.

East or ………  , home is best.             .

Better a lean peace than a …………        victory.

The ………        to the mountain, the evening to the fountain.

A light purse is a …….. curse.

To cry with one eye and ………. with the other.

Good fame sleeps, …………..    fame creeps.

Nothing seek, nothing …..      .

An …… dog willlearn no new tricks.

Time passes away, but sayings …..      .

Nothing is …. , that shall not be made manifest.

Love is blind as well as ….        .

Better a live ass than a …..      lion.

If my aunt had been a man, she'd have been my ……..

The … the paper, the fouler the blot.

To know everything is to know ……….               .

Art is ……..      , life is short.

As a man sows, so he shall     ……….. .

To go through thick and ………. .

Better an egg today than a hen …………                             .

Be …………       to promise and quick to perform.

False ………     are worse than open enemies.

Little strokes fell ……  oaks.

Like teacher, like ……… .

A good beginning makes a good          ………..

Give derivational antonyms to the following:

underestimate, v

powerful, adj

uniform, adj

forethought, n

godly, adj

wrap, v

benevolent, adj

overcharge, v

bilateral, adj

postdate, v

needless, adj

employee, n

profitable, adj

convergence, n

Find homonyms.

But before they left they again bound our wrists firmly behind us, and tightened the cords on our ankles (R. Stout).

With his left hand he seized the revolver, thrusting it upwards (B. Cartland).

In a few moments, he had frantically exca­vated a hole into which he could insert his head and shoulders (W. Morris).

He could create whole worlds with one hand (So Sheldon).

He requested George and me to kiss his mother for him, and to tell all his relations that he forgave them and died happy (J.K. Jerome).

I had been trying to identify the sensation, and thought it was like the sudden lull in a heavy wind which has been beating against the trees and the windows for hours, and then stops (Sh. Jackson).

I merely said I had been called to New York to wind up some details of my financial settle­ment with the Harrises and told him I would call him by long distance every night (J.M. Cain).

She said the doctors told her not to drive; the bones in the back of her neck will always be weak (J. Schumacher).


1. The word-combination a bitter pill meaning 'something very
unpleasant that one must accept' is ... .

a) completely motivated

b) completely non-motivated

c) partially motivated

2. The phraseological unit to get smb's back up means ... .

a) to be popular with smb.

b) to annoy smb.

c) to sympathize with smb.

3. The phraseological transference in the idiom to be all ears meaning
”to be very eager to hear what someone is going to say” is based on ... .

a) synecdoche

b) simile

c) metaphor

4. The phraseological unit to get one's claws into smb. meaning “to
find a way of influencing or controlling someone” is a ... .

a) phraseological fusion

b) phraseological collocation

c) phraseological unity

5. How do we call words, which originate from the same etymological source, but differ in phonemic shape and in meaning?

a) translation-loans;

b) etymological doublets;

c) international words;


6.What stages of assimilation do borrowings go through?

a) the phonetic, the grammatical, the semantic;

b) the semantic;

c) the phonetic, the grammatical;

14. What type of borrowings are these words: coca-cola, golf, antibiotic?

a) translation-loans;

b) etymological doublets;

c) international words; 

7.What type of borrowings are these words: masterpiece, collective farm?

a) translation-loans;

b) etymological doublets;

c) international words

8. The word antipathy consists of... .

a) the root, free morpheme + the root, bound morpheme

b) the affixational, bound morpheme + the combining form which is a bound root

c) the affixational, bound morpheme + the root, free morpheme

9.The word uncomfortabilityrefers to ... .

a) polymorphic, monoradical, prefixo-radical-suffixal words

b) monomorphic, prefixo-radical-suffixal words

c) polymorphic, polyradical words

10.The structural class to which the derivational base of the adjective
feel-good refers is the class consisting of bases ....

a) that coincide with word-forms

b) that coincide with morphological stems

c) that coincide with word-groups

11.The structural pattern of the word heavy-hearted is ....

a) a + (n + -ed)

b) (a + n) + -ed

c) (a + n) + -sf

12.The word globesityis a(n) ... .

i. Shortening

ii. Blend

iii. acronym

13. The suffix -ityfound in the words cruelty, oddity, purity, stupidity
is a ... .

a) denominal suffix

b) deverbal suffix

c) noun-formingsuffix



Task I. Translate the following text and underline the col­loquial words:

Bob is a great guy. He never blows his stack. He hardiy ever flies off the handle. Well, of course, he is actually getting on, too, But he al­ways knows how to make up for the lost time by taking it easy. He gets up early, works out, and turns in early. He knows how to get away with things. Bob's got it made. This is it for him. He is a cool cat.

Task II. Agree or disagree with the following assump­tions. Support your arguments:

1. Slang makes the language more colorful and lively and it is widely used not only by uneducated people, criminals, and professional groups ,but also it is met in literary works, as well as among "the most respectable companies".

2. Slang is a distortion of the standard language.

3. Slang is a peculiar kind of vagabond language, always hang­ing on the outskirts of legitimate speech but continually straying or forc­ing its way into the most respectable company. [J. B. Greenough and C. L. Kitteridge].

4. Slang is a modern, but not long-living language.


Task III. Write down informal words to the following:

Stylish, eyes, keep silent, how do you do, behaviour, to tease, to be in iove, friend, to study, a student, a principle, to go for a walk, mon­ey, a drunkard, prostitute, etc


, Task IV. Find 10 interesting slang words related to the student's life.




1. Write down in the space provided a letter, which indicates the language from which the given words were borrowed. In case of difficulty consult the Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology.

a - Celtic c - Scandinavian e - Greek g – Spanishi i-German

    b - Latin d - French f - Russian h - Italian

    Model: muzhik f ;tobacoo      g; stroll ... i


cup ...

to cast   .

anemia            .

samovar                   .

Avon ..

kindergarten ..

banana ...



violin ...

halt ...


London ...


umbrella ...

criterion          .

armada  .

Exe .

cosmonaut ...

anger .

motto              .

power             .

candle                       .



hormone ...

plant      .

verst .

to take                               .


2. Match the words given in the left column with their synonyms in the right column. State the difference between them.

1.matutinal                         a. homely

2.filial                                 b. bodily

3.paternal                           c. fatherly

4.nebulous                          d. womanly

5.benevolent                       e. early

6.infantile                           f. brotherly

7.annual                             g. daughterly

8.maternal                          h. friendly

9.corporeal                         i. earthly

10.celestial                         j. yearly

11.terrestrial                       k. heavenly

12.nocturnal                       l. childish

13.fraternal                         m. elder

14.domestic                        n. cloudy

15.feminine                         o. motherly

16.senior                            p. nightly

17.mortal                            q. deathly


3. Study the meanings of the given words. State which of these words are used in Canadian English (1), Australian English (2), New Zealand English (3), South African English (4), Indian English (5) - five words in each group. In case of difficulty consult the New Oxford Dictionary of English.

ModeI: bobsy-die - 'a great deal of fuss and trouble'

The word bobsy-die is used in New Zealand English (group 3).

1) schoolie- 'a school pupil'; 2) draegerman- 'a member of a crew trained for underground rescue work'; 3) bahadur- 'a brave man; an honorable title, originally given to officers'; 4) waka- 'a traditional Maori canoe'; 5) backveld- 'remote country districts, especially when considered to be unsophisticated or conservative'; 6) drongo- 'a stupid or incompetent person'; 7) yatra- 'a procession or pilgrimage, especially one with a religious purpose'; 8) bobsy-die - 'a great deal of fuss and trouble'; 9) voorskot- 'advance payment'; 10) bobskate­'an adjustable skate for a child, consisting of two sections of double runners'; 11) aroha- 'love, affection'; 12) achcha- 'okay, all right'; 13) bodgie- 'a youth, especially of the 1950s, analogous to the British Teddy boy'; 14) izzat- 'honour, reputation, or prestige'; 15) parkade- 'a multi-storey car park'; 16) ambo - 'ambulance officer'; 17) indaba - 'a conference between members of native peoples'; 18) haka- 'a Maori ceremonial war dance involving chanting, an imitation of which is performed by rugby teams before a match'; 19) riding - 'a political constituency/an electoral district'; 20) karanga- 'a Maori ritual chant of welcome'; 21) chaprasi- 'a person carrying out junior office duties, especially one who carries messages'; 22)fundi - 'an expert in a particular area'; 23)firie- 'a firefighter'; 24) reeve - 'the president of a village or town council'; 25) wors- 'sausage'.

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