Обращение к широким массам: спутниковый телесеанс 17 страница



1. Advertising Council. Inspiring Action and Saving Lives. Advertising Research Foundation, April 1991.

2. AdWeek Magazine. Marketer's Guide to Media. Spring/Summer 1994.

3. Angel 1, David, and Brent Heslop. The Internet Business Companion. Read­ing, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995.

4. Baar, James (jimbai@omegacom.com), and Theodore Baar (tedbar@omegacom.com). «The Pentium Bug War Ends PR as We Know It». Knowledge Tools News, an electronic newsletter of Omegacom, Inc. January 1995.

5. Barlow, John Репу. «Forward: A State of Minds», in Rutten, Peter Bay­ers, Albert F., and Kelly Maloni. Netguide. New York: Michael Wolff [Random House Electronic Publishing], 1994.

6. Bartholomew, Anita. «Video as a Marketing Tool: Bonanza or Bust?» Tape/Disc Business, March 1995.

7. Banet. Bernard. «What Happened to the Interactive Videodisc?» Digital Media, March 23, 1992.

8. Bergman, Robert E., and Thomas V. Moore. Managing Interactive Video/Multimedia Projects. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technolo­gy Publications, 1990.

9. Blankenhom, Dana. «Multimedia Products Aimed at Schools». Electronic Media, December 9, 1991.

10. Brush, Judith M., and Douglas P. Brush. Private Television Communica­tions: The New Directions — The Fourth Brush Report. Cold Spring, NY: H.I. Press of Cold Spring, in association with the International Television Association, 1986.

11. Brush, Judith M., and Douglas P. Brush. Private Television Communica­tions: The Fourth Brush Report, Update' 88. LaGrangeville, NY: H.I. Press, 1988.


12. Burrus, Daniel. Techno Trends: Twenty-Four Technologies that Will Revo­lutionize Our Lives. New York: HarperCollins, 1993.

13. Caldwell, Kate. «Online PR». Internet communique to multiple recipients of List PRFORUM, November 3, 1994.

14. Center for Strategic Communications. New Ideas in Communications, document 273, May/June 1994.

15. Center for Strategic Communications. New Ideas in Communications, document 281, July/August 1994.

16. Сое, Steve. «Mixed Blessing of Video News Releases». Broadcasting & Cable, June 28, 1993.

17. Cutlip, Scott M. The Unseen Power Public Relations, A History. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Eribaum Associates, 1994.

18. Czitrom, Daniel J. Media and the American Mind: From Morse to McLuhan. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1982.

19. Dataware Technologies. Guide to CD-ROM and Multimedia Publishing. March 1993.

20. Dessart, George. More than You Want to Know about PSAs: A Guide to Pro­duction and Placement of Elective Public Service Announcements on Radio and Television. National Broadcast Association for Cbiommunity Affairs, 1982.

21. Digital Express. Express Access TM Online Communications Service. 1994.

22. Drucker, Peter F. The New Realities. New York: Harper & Row, 1989.

23. Dvorak, John C. «Manifesto, An Open Letter to the PR Community». Media Map/Alert, August 1994.

24. «Energy Update 2001: Behind the Scenes.» Exhibit Builder, August 1991.

25. Federal Communications Commission. The FCC and Broadcasting, March 1993.

26. Federal Communications Commission. FCC Form 303IV, iii.

27. Federal Communications Commission. Report and Order Re: Petition to Institute a Notice of Inquiry and Proposed Rule Making on the Airing of Pub­lic Service Announcements by Broadcast Licensees. ВС Docket no. 78-251, released October 27, 1980.

28. Federal Communications Commission. Reporting and Statement of Policy Re: Commission EN/BANC Programming Inquiry, FCC 60-970 25 Federal Register 7291, released July 29, 1960.

29. The Federal Register, vol. 46, no. 36, Tuesday, February 24, 1981, «Rules and Regulations», p. 13946.

30. «Flexible' B'roll Packages Produce Results.» O'Dwyer's PR Services Report, April 1994.

31. Forester, Tom. High-Tech Society. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1987.

32. Forrester Research. Interactive Media Business. Cambridge, MA: October 1992; December 1992.

33. Gabriel, Trip. «Public Relations Has Potent Image». New York Times, March 17, 1994.

34. Gerstein, Mark D., and Robert Shaw. «Organizational Achitecture». In David A. Nadler, ed., Organizational Architecture: Designs for Changing Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1992.

35. Hollowell, Mary Louise, ed. The Cable/Broadband Communications Book. VoL 2, 1980—1981. White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industiy Publications, 1980.

36. Hughes, Kevin. Entering the World- Wide Web: A Guide to Cyberspace. Honolulu Community College, October 1993.

37. Innis, Harold. The Bias of Communication. Toronto: University of Toron­to Press, 1951.

38. International Teleconferencing Association. News releases. June 14,1993; June 19, 1994.

39. Internet Electronic Frontier Foundation. Guide to the Internet. February 1994.

40. Jewett, Sally. «Electronic Publicity—Plus 10 Years». The Publicists Guild Directory. Publicists Guild 1991.

41. Kalish, Karen. «VNR: Guidelines». Washington, DC: Kalish Communi­cations, undated.

42. Ketchum MacLeod & Grove Public Relations. «Employee Communica­tions Energy». Paper presented at the International Conference of the International Association of Business Communications, 1980.

43. Kingaard, Jan. «Video Marketing». Tape/Disc Business, March 1995.

44. Laurie, Lynn. «This Year, Software from Santa». New York Times, Decem­ber 16, 1994.

45. Levin, Jayne. «Internet's Electronic Link to Managing Money: Comput­er Network Provides a Wide Array of Financial Information and Is Adding More». Washington Post, April 1994.

46. Lewis, Peter H. «Trying to Find Gold with the Internet». New York Tunes, January 3, 1995.

47. Lieberman, David. «Fake News». TV Guide, February 22, 1992.

48. Lohr, Steve. «Big Companies Cloud Recovery by Cutting Jobs». New York Times, December 17, 1992.

49. Lutholtz, Bill. «Online PR». Internet communique to multiple recipients of PRFORUM List, Digex/Intemet access, November, 10, 1994.

50. Makulowich, John S. (verbwork@access.digez.net). The Journalism List. Gaithersburg, MD: The Writers Alliance.

51. Malone, Thomas W., and John F. Rockart. «Computers, Networks and the Corporation». Scientific American, September 1991.

52. Marlow, Eugene. «Even Though Videoconferencing Will Continue to Attract Attention, Audiographic Teleconferencing Will Be Making Bigger Waves». International Television, June 1983.

53. Marlow, Eugene. Corporate Television Programming. White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1992.

54. Marlow, Eugene. «The Electrovisual Manager». Business Horizons, Bloom- ington, IN: Indiana University Graduate School of Business, March/April 1994.

55. Marlow, Eugene. «Sophisticated News Videos Gain Wide Acceptance». Public Relations Journal, August/September 1994.

56. Marlow, Eugene. Winners! Producing Effective Electronic Media. Belmont, CA: Wadswoith, 1994.

57. Marlow, Eugene, and Eugene Secunda. Shifting Time and Space. New York: Praeger, 1991.

58. Mayo, John S. Remarks. AT&T Bell Laboratories Technology Sympo­sium, Toronto, October 13, 1993.

59. McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964.

60. «Journalists Say Relations Mail Is Spinning Out of Control». Media Rela­tions Insider, vol. 1, no. 4, April 1994.

61. Medialink. Video Public Relations Handbook, 1944.

62. Microsoft Corporation. Multimedia Publishing and Microsoft Multimedia Viewer Publishing Toolkit Version 2.0. Microsoft Corporation Back­grounder, February 1993.

63. «Modem Talking Pictures». Corporate Backgrounder, 1994.

64. Naisbitt, John. Trend Letter, vol. 11, no 7 (April 2, 1992).

65. National Association of Broadcasters. User's Guide. NAB, 1994.

66. National Cable Television Association. Cable Television Developments. Washington, DC: NCTA, April 1995.

67. Neches, Robert, Neches, Anna Lena, Postel, Paul et al. «Electronic Com­merce on the Internet». SurveyNet, downloaded September 16, 1995.

68. «netResults.» The Electronic Newsstand. Gopher, Internet, 1994.

69. O'Connell, Christina. «Online PR». Internet communique to multiple recipients of PRFORUM list, October 31, 1994.

70. O'Dwyer's Directory <4 Public Relations Firms. New York: J. R. O'Dwyer Co., 1994.

71. Peter, Lewis H., «Prime Internet Address Will Now Cost $50 a Year». New York Times, September 14, 1995, Dl, D6.

72. Philo, Michael K. Prekh, and Storm Boswick, «CyberPublishing: A New Front in Content Liquidity». CyberCommerce: On Line and Internet Ser­vices, Goldman Sachs, July 26, 1995, p. 2.


73. Public Relations Service Council. «Code of Good Practice for Video News Releases*. Public Relations Journal, December 1992.

74. Public Relations Society of America. «Public Relations: An Overview». Public Relations Journal, vol. 1, no. 3 (November 1991).

75. Radio and Television News Directors Association. Revised Code of Ethics. Unanimously adopted by the RTNDA Board of Directors, August 31, 1987.

76. Reeves, Thomas, and Stephen Harmon. «What's in a Name—Hyperme­dia». Interact, vol. 3, no. 1 (Fall 1991).

77. Resnick, Rosalind. «The Microsoft Network: Good News for Online Pub­lishers?» Interactive Publishing Alert Newsletter, December 1994.

78. Rheingold, Howard. Virtual Reality. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991.

79. Robins, J. Max. «Time Cooks Up Fast Feed for Hungry News Outlets». Variety, October 28, 1991.

80. Roche, Edward Mozley. «Business Value of Electronic Commerce over Interoperable Networks». Discussion paper, Cross-Industry Working Team, Freedom Forum Media Studies Center, July 6—7, 1995.

81. Rogers, Everett M. Communication Technology: The New Media in Socie­ty. New York: The Free Press, 1986.

82. Ryan, Suzanne Alexander. «Companies Teach All Sorts of Lessons with Educational Tools They Give Away». Wall Street Journal, April 19, 1994.

83. Schubin, Mark. «An Overview and History of Videodisc Technologies». In Video Discs: The Technology, the Applications, and the Future. White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1980.

84. Shell, Adam. «An Easy Guide to VNR Suppliers: Are Client Expectations Too High?» Public Relations Journal, December 1990.

85. Shell, Adam. «VNRs: Who's Watching? How Do You Know?» Public Relations Journal, December 1993.

86. SIMBA information, Inc. Multimedia Business Report. Wilton, CT: SIMBA, June 16, 1994.

87. Smith, Leslie F. Perspectives on Radio and Television. New York: Harper & Row, 1985.

88. Stone, Vernon A. «TV News Work Force Grows». Communicator, April 1994.

89. Taylor, Dave (taylor@netcom.com). The Electronic Mall.

90. Taylor, Steven Т., and Morton Mintz. «А Word from Your Friendly Drug Company». The Nation, October 21, 1991.

91. Tesler, Lawrence G. «Network Computing in the 1990s». Scientific American, September 1991.

92. Trade Show Bureau Report. Denver Trade Show Bureau, 1994.

93. U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Industrial Outlook 1994. U.S. Gov­ernment Printing Office, January 1994.


94. U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Annual Report, publication 55. Washing­ton, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1994.

95. «VNR Update: Facts Versus Fiction». Public Relations Journal, December 1989.

96. WCBS. Public Affairs at WCBS NewsRadio 88: Your Guide to Public Affairs Programs and Services. WCBS Public Affairs Department, undated.

97. WNBC. PSA Guidelines. WNBC Programming Operations, November 11, 1994.

98. West Glen Communications. Information Kit 1994. New York: West Glen Communications, 1994.

99. Yankelovich Partners, www.yankelovich.com. «Cybercitizen: A Profile of Online Users». September 1995.




Приложение 1



Greg Albrecht

Publicity Manager

General Publicity Office

Walt Disney World

Orlando, Florida


Lew Allison

Former Senior Vice President

Hill and Knowlton

New York, New York


Karen Amster-Young


Karen Amster-Young Public Rela­tions

New York, New York


Ray Anderson

Manager, Management

Communications Planning Department

Ford Motor Company

Detroit, Michigan


John Beardsley


Public Relations Society of


New York, New York;



Padilla, Speer, Beardsley, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota


David Bartlett


Radio and Television News Directors Association

Washington, DC


Don Blank

Director of Operations

Georgia-Pacific Television

Atlanta, Georgia


Ted Bozovich

Office of Employee Plans & Exempt


Field Systems Branch

Internal Revenue Service

Washington, DC


Richard S. Brooks, Jr.

Corporate Communications Manager


Woodcliffs Lake, New Jersey


Kathryn Buan

Manager, Investor Relations



Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California


Mark Cemtti


Cerutti Productions

New York, New York


Lee Cioffi


The National Museum of American Arts

Smithsonian Institution

Washington, DC


Steven Cook


Steven S. Cook & Company, Inc.

Public Relations

Washington, DC


Glenn Corey


Chedd-Angier Production Company Watertown, Massachusetts


Don Coriey

Executive Producer & Manager

Bell South Telecommunications


Birmingham, Alabama


Lynn Cox

Public Relations

Digital Express

Greenbelt, Maryland


Paul Downey

Manager, Media & Communica­tions Unit

Metro Toronto Communications


Toronto, Canada


Tony Esposito

Group Manager

Bozell Public Relations, Inc. Chicago, Illinois


Farrell Fitch

Community Relations

National Alliance for the

Mentally III

Arlington, Virginia


Patricia Frieden-Brown


Vital Video

Blue Cross/Shield

Boston, Massachusetts


Dick Hackenbeig

Account Director for Interactive



Venice, California


Jim Hampton

Manager, Publicity/Public Relations Universal Studios Florida

Orlando, Florida


Dick Jones


International Interactive

Communications Society

(New York Chapter)

New York, New York


Karen Kalish


Kalish Communications Washington, DC


JoAnn Kildow



Leesburg, Virginia


Kevin Kimball

Director of Public Relations

Siemens Corporation

New York, New York


Rebecca Madeira

Vice President, Public Affairs


Purchase, New York


Larry Moskowitz



New York, New York


Christopher Newton

Executive Producer, Corporate



Basking Ridge, New Jersey


Michael Nikolich


Tech Image

Palatine, Illinois


William Orisich

Michael Pieproben


Big Picture


Elizabeth Parkinson


Edelman Public Relations,


Chicago, Illinois


Judy Lynn Prince

Executive Television Producer

Mobil Oil

Fairfax, Virginia

Suzanne Rothenberg


Suzanne Rothenberg


New York, New York


Neil Ruggles


Net Marketing and PR, Inc.

New York, New York


Jim Schwinn

Manager, Broadcast Media Relations

Minnesota Mining & Manufactuing

Minneapolis, Minnesota


Ed Swanson

Executive Vice President

Video Placement Worldwide

Northbrook, Illinois


Joe Tieman



Radio and Television News Directors


Washington, DC


Dennis Wigent

Manager, Electronic



Troy, Michigan


Brad Witworth

Manager, Employee


Hewlett Packard Palo

Alto, California


Приложение 2




The Advertising Research Founda­tion

3 East 54th Street New York, NY 10022-3180 212/751-5656 FAX: 212/319-5265


The Ad Council

The Advertising Council, Inc. 261 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016-2303 212/922-1500 FAX: 212/922-1676


Association of Independent

Commercial Producers 11 East 22nd St., 4 th floor New York, NY 10010 212/475-2600 FAX 212/475-3910


The American Institute of Graphic Arts

164 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 212/807-1990



American Management Association 135 West 50th Street New York, NY 10020-1201 212/586-8100


Association of National Advertisers, Inc.

700 11th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 202/626-7800

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