To (2 раза); were (2 раза); for; was (3 раза); of (3 раза); the; been; be; commit; had

A Cock And Bull Story

There was never any doubt as to the guilt (1) _______ the accused. In the French country of Valois, in the year 1314, he (2) _______ deliberately killed a man. Several people had witnessed the attack. The accused (3) _______ sentenced to the death and hanged soon afterwards. The accused was a bull.

Modern law does not recognize the idea that animals can (4) _______ a crime, but in medieval Europe it was quite common for animals to (5) ________ taken to court on all sorts (6) _______ charges – everything from witchcraft to murder. On one occasion the rats of Atun in central France (7) _______ called before the court on a charge of interesting local houses and barns. When they failed (8) _______ appear, their lawyer explained that their lives would have (9) _______ put in danger by the number of cats in the neighborhood. He said that (10) ________ court would have to guarantee the safely of each of his clients on their way to and from the trial. The case (11) _______ postponed indefinitely.

In the 15th century, a cock in the Swiss town of Basel was not so lucky. He was accused (12) ______ laying an egg, which the superstitious townsfolk saw as a sure sign that he was a sorcerer. As a result, the cock (13) _______ tied to a stake and burned, along with the egg. And in Lavegny, France in 1457, a sow that had killed and partly eaten a child was hanged (14) ________ murder. Her six piglet accomplices (15) ________ not punished, however, on the ground, that they had been too young (16) ________ know any better.

Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания с русского языка на английский.

установить сигнализацию; оштрафовать кого-л.; смертная казнь; судебное дело; самозащита; баллончик; доказательство; ценности; бороться с преступностью; защищать себя и свою собственность; закрывать двери и окна; пояс-сумка (для денег); носить при себе оружие; более суровое наказание.

Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной грамматической форме.

One of the two accused men (1) ________ (to convict) at yesterday's trial. Although his lawyer (2) _______ (to defend) him very well, he was still found guilty by the jury. The judge (3) _______ (to sentence) him to two years in prison. He (4) _______ probably ________(to release) after eighteen months. The other accused man was luckier. He (5) _________ (to acquit) and left the courtroom smiling broadly.

Упражнение 7. Составьте предложения, соединив начало высказывания с концом.

1. He was charged A for murder.
2. He was robbed B out of his money.
3. He was accused C of assault.
4. He was sentenced D with burglary.
5. He was cheated E to two years’ imprisonment.
6. He was tried F of a family heirloom.

Упражнение 8. Выберите правильное слово.

Car thief claims innocence

24-year-old Sam Thorn of Leeds was 1) charged with/ sentenced to 5 years in prison yesterday for car theft.

After Thorn was stopped for 2) speeding/ skidding last July, the police discovered that the car which he was driving was stolen.

Although Thorn pleaded not guilty at his 3) court/ trial, there were three 4) statements/ witnesses who saw him smash the window of the car and drive it away.

Thorn told the 5) judge/ trial that it was his car but he had lost his keys. Unfortunately, he could not produce 6) defence/ proof that the car was his and it was discovered that the real owner had reported it 7) stolen/ robbed the same day.

“I’m innocent” is all Thorn would say to the reporters outside the 8) courtroom/ courtyard.

Упражнение 9. Составьте предложения из следующих слов.

1. A, involves, action, two, civil, parties.

2. Consists of, made, statements, by, testimony, witnesses, in court.

3. Is, very, which, important, it, to, know, acts, criminal, are.

4. Classified, are, in terms of, crimes, their, seriousness.

5. A, probation, punishment, is, type, of.


Тема 3. What is a court?

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

A court is a tribunal established to administer justice under the law. It may decide civil disputes or criminal cases. A court may award damages or administer punishment for crimes. Courts vary in authority (or jurisdiction) from justice of the peace and small claims courts to the supreme courts of various states and the Supreme Court of the United States. State courts have power to decide cases involving state and local laws. Federal courts have power to decide cases involving federal law.

There are two different levels of courts: trial courts and appellate courts. A trial court is the first court to hear a dispute. Witnesses testify and present information to prove the alleged facts. A trial court consists not only of a judge but also of lawyers, who are officers of the court, and others who are necessary for the court’s operation. The words court and judge are often used to mean the same thing. While presiding over a legal action, the judge may be referred to as «The Court» or «Your Honor».

An appellate court sometimes reviews decisions of a trial court when a party claims an error of law was made at the trial level. In most cases, the decision may be appealed to the next higher court, including the state supreme court. The decision of the supreme court of a state may be reviewed by the Supreme Court of the United States.

Unlike trial courts, appellate courts do not hear witnesses or accept new evidence.) They examine the transcript – the word-for-word written record of what was said at the trial. They also read appellate briefs (written arguments on the issues submitted by the opposing attorneys). Then the appellate courts listen to oral arguments of the attorneys and may question them about the case. Finally, the appellate courts decide whether, as a matter of law, the decision below should be affirmed (upheld), reversed (overturned), amended (changed), or remanded (sent back to the trial court for corrective action, including possibly a new trial).

Упражнение 2.Найдите в тексте русско-английские соответствия следующим словосочетаниям:

Апелляционный суд; Верховный суд; возмещать убытки; применять наказание; вершить правосудие; судебный процесс; суд первой инстанции; ошибка в праве; заслушать свидетелей.

Упражнение 3. Соотнесите слова с их определениями.

1. the accused A sb who has been charged with committing a crime
2. court reporter B a professional who decides how a criminal should be punished
3. witness C a professional who speaks for the accused and advises him/her in court
4. policeman D sb who has seen a crime happen
5. jury E a professional who assists the lawyer of the accused
6. judge F a group of people in court who decide whether sb is innocent or guilty
7. defence lawyer G sb whose job is to deter people from committing crimes and to arrest those who break the law
8. prosecutor H a professional who represents the state in court
9. junior defence lawyer I sb who notes down what is said in court

Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

Blackmail; vandalized; sentenced; pick, pocket; hijacked; assassinate; shoplifting.

1. The arsonist had set fire to six homes before he was finally caught and _______ to fifteen years in prison.

2. “If you want me to keep my mouth shut, it’ll cost you $5,000,” he whispered. “Don’t try to _______ !” she said.

3. Secret service agents quickly disarmed the men who had tried to _______ the country’s leader.

4. With dynamite strapped to his chest, he _______ the plane and ordered that it fly to his country.

5. The young boy tried to _______ the old man’s _______but the security guard saw what he was doing.

6. The shop detective caught him _______ and held him until the police arrived.

7. The museum was _______ by a gang of young boys who covered the walls with graffiti.


Упражнение 5. Перепишите следующие предложения в Past Simple.

1. Some people may turn to crime as an easy way of making money.

2. Some people end up stealing things they want but they can’t afford.

3. Too much violence on TV makes young people more likely to act in a violent way in real life.

4. In many TV programmes criminals are shown in a way that makes them and their lifestyle look glamorous and desirable.

5. Teenagers have to commit petty crimes, such as shoplifting, in order to be accepted by the gang.

6. Once you begin a life of crime it can be very difficult to get out.


Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие идиомы:

Сaught red-handed, in cold blood, at large, doing time, on the alert.

1. To avoid being mugged in large cities, one should be _______ at all times.

2. The burglar was _______ trying to break the window of the house.

3. He killed his enemy _______ and claimed that he felt no regret afterwards.

4. The police announced that a dangerous criminal was _______ and advised people to remain inside with their doors and windows locked.

5. After _______ for robbery, he swore he would never commit another crime.


Упражнение 7. Задайте все типы вопросов к следующим предложениям.

1. Helen always carries a personal alarm with her.                                    

2. Paul attended self-defence classes last year.

3. Mary has taught her children not to talk to strangers.

4. They ran to the nearest safe place to hide from a murderer.


Упражнение 8. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной грамматической форме.

TREVOR STERN was not a popular man, in spite of his wealth. He lived (live) in a large house about a mile outside the village of Prenton. When he was found (find) dead in his study, no one cried (cry), not even his only daughter, Lucy. It was soon clear that he   had been murdered (murder).

Detective Inspector Blackledge took statements from his widow, Dorothy.

“I (1)                 (not / love) my husband, he was a cold and selfish man. But I (2)           (not / murder) him, either. After dinner last night he said he (3)                         (want) to check some business papers in his study. He (4)                  (have) a meeting with Gerald, his business partner, the next morning. He (5)                       (ask) for some tea. That was about 9 o’clock. I (6)                    (watch) a rather exciting film on television, so I (7)                 (tell) Lucy to take it to him. At quarter past nine Doctor Emerson (8)                               (call).

I (9)                        (notice) the time because we (10)                       (expect) him to come earlier. I (11)                        (answer) the front door bell. Trevor (12)(still / shout) in his study. He and Lucy (13)                                                     (obviously / have) a serious row. So I (14)                        (take) the doctor into the sitting-room for a moment. Then Trevor stopped shouting. I guessed Lucy (15)                                (go) out by the back door. Doctor Emerson went to the study. I think he wanted to persuade Trevor to go to the hospital for some tests, but Trevor (16)                                     (not / want) to go. I (17)                       (hear) him shouting again several times over the next twenty minutes. He called him an ignorant country doctor, and later he said something like “There’s nothing you can do!” I think Lucy (18)                                (come) into the house while the doctor (19)                         (still / talk) to Trevor. I (20)                             (hear) the front door bang during a quiet few seconds when Trevor (21)                      (not / shout). I was tired and fed up and went to my bedroom soon after that. My sister (22)             (phone) and we (23)                                   (talk) for ages. I (24)                  (tell) her I (25)                    (decide) to leave Trevor”.


Тема 4. Crime prevention

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст

 It’s the last thing you want to hear when you’ve just been burgled, but the awful truth is that if you’ve been burgled once, you’ll probably be burgled again. In fact, it’s likely to happen another four or five times. Why? Because some of us have “burglar-friendly” houses.

Burglars think that the bigger the house, the richer the owners. “You can’t do much about the size of your house,” says Professor Pease of Huddersfield University, “but if it’s large, you need to be even more careful than if it’s small.

 You should take a good look at your house – not as you normally do, but as a burglar would. If you were a burglar, which home would you choose to rob, - a house with a shiny new car parked outside or one with a rusty vehicle? Anything which signals nice possessions and money will certainly catch the burglar’s eye.

 People may complain about their nosy neighbours, but there’s no better way of stopping burglars than having watchful neighbours around. If a house is far away from others, or hidden from the road, it is more attractive to burglars, who think they can get in and out without being noticed. So a burglar alarm is a good idea. And remember, you may get privacy from a tall hedge or a high wall – but so does a burglar.

 Ian Stephen, who works with the Scottish prison service, believes that you’re more at risk if your house looks nice. “Window-boxes, nice curtains and beautifully painted walls all tell the burglar that you’re proud of your home and care about your possessions and are more likely to have nice things in your house,” he says. He advises people to try to make their homes look as plain as possible and not to draw attention to any new things they have bought by leaving the empty boxes next to the dustbin.   

People often leave a light on when they go out. “But be sensible,” advises Ian Stephen. “Don’t leave a light on in the hall as it never makes the burglars believe that you’re in. Have you ever heard of a family enjoying an evening at home in the hall? Leave it in the living room.” An open window is also an open invitation to burglars. If you sometimes forget to shut and lock doors and windows, stick a note on the inside of the front door to remind you. And make sure any ladders are put away and not left outside where burglars can use them.

 By leaving newspapers and letters sticking out of the letter-box, or full milk bottles on the doorstep, you are giving burglars the green light to break into your home. Similarly, if you’re away from the house at regular times – out at work or doing the shopping – then your home is also in danger of being burgled. Ask a neighbor to keep an eye on your house at these times.

 It’s a good idea to take photos of your valuable possessions. By doing that, if you’re burgled, you’ll be able to identify stolen property, which could lead to the thief being put behind bars. It is also possible to label valuable items such as TVs and videos with your postcode. If they are stolen, this will make them easier to find. One more good idea is to ask for a crime prevention officer to visit your home and identify weak points in its security.


Упражнение 2. Найдите англо-русские соответствия.

1. crime prevention A быть ограбленным
2. to be burgled B быть осторожным, внимательным
3. to catch the burglar’s eye C предотвращение совершения преступления
4. to be careful D уединиться, получить уединение
5. to be in danger of E «слабые» места
6. weak points F дома, предрасположенные к ограблению
7. to complain about G быть, находиться в опасности
8. valuable possessions H привлечь внимание грабителя
9. to get privacy I воровать, красть
10. to rob J жаловаться на
11. a burglar alarm K ценные вещи
12. burglar-friendly houses L сигнализация


Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова: identify; watchful; sensible; plain; possessions; valuable; label; complained; advised; nosy.

1. John lost all of his _______ when arsonists set fire to his house. (=belongings)

2. A lot of _______ paintings were burnt in the fire at the museum. (=expensive)

3. After thieves took Tim’s Porsche, he decided to by an _______ car which was less likely to be stolen. (=simple)

4. As the policeman grabbed the thief, _______ passers-by stopped to watch. (=extremely curious)

5. It was easy for me to _______ my stolen video recorder as I had written my postcode on the bottom of it. (=recognize)

6. The man’s lawyer _______ him not to talk to the newspaper reporters. (=recommended)

7. After my house was burgled, I decided to _______ all my expensive possessions in case it happened again. (=put an identifying mark on)

8. It’s not _______ to leave your house unlocked while you are out. (=reasonable)

9. The _______ store detective caught the shoplifter trying to steal a blouse. (=observant)

10. The people of the town _______ to the Mayor about the high crime rate in the area. (=stated their dissatisfaction)


Упражнение 4. Составьте словосочетания, используя следующие слова:

to catch; to draw; open; to leave; to put; awful; to take; to keep; to give;

to be

1. the _______ truth                                               

2. _______ a good look sth      

3. _______ sb’s eye                                                

4. _______ sb the green lightsth

5. _______ sb behind bars                                   

6. _______ at risk

7. _______ attention to

8. _______ a light on

9. _______ an eye on

10. a(n) _______invitation

Упражнение 5. Выберите правильное слово.

1. If you don’t want someone to burgle/stealyour house, you should keep the doors and windows locked.

2. He keeps his bicycle securely chained so that no one will steal/robit.

3. Two men attempted to burgle/robthe local bank, but the police arrived before they got away.

4. Instead of fining the man, the judge sent him to prison because he was a repeat offender/convict.

5. That terrorist is one of the world’s most wanted criminals/suspects.

6. The offender/suspectwas set free because there was no evidence to prove that he was guilty.

7. The suspect/convicthad been in prison for twenty years when he died.

Упражнение 6. Соотнесите названия преступников с их определениями.

1. thief A someone who kills somebody else on purpose
2. robber B someone who steals things from shops
3. burglar  C someone who takes a person by force and demands ransom in order to set them free
4. mugger D someone who steals something from a bank, post office, shop, etc., often using threats or force
5. murderer  E someone who uses force to take control of an aeroplane, train etc
6. kidnapper F someone who takes things which do not belong to them
7. arsonist G someone who damages other people’s property on purpose
8. shoplifter   H someone who attacks people in the street in order to steal something
9. vandal   I someone who sets fire to property on purpose
10. hijacker J someone who breaks into people’s houses to steal things  


Упражнение 7. Соотнесите заголовки газетных статей со следующими видами преступлений:

Kidnapping; hijacking; assassination; arson; mugging; burglary.








Упражнение 8. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие фразовые глаголы в правильной грамматической форме:

Break in; break up; break out of; break into; break off.

1. It was not difficult for the robbers to _______because a window was left unlocked. (=enter a place illegally)

2.The burglar managed to _______the house and steal the TV and video. (=enter illegally)

3. I _______ a piece of chocolate and gave it to my friend. (=separated)

4. Four prisoners _______prison during the riots yesterday. (=escaped from)

5. Unfortunately, Jackie and Andy _______just a few days before Christmas.

(=ended their relationship)

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