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There are more and more TV companies and channels. Still, people think that watching television is not healthy. What can you say for and against watching television?

    Watching television has many advantages and disadvantages. The main problem with the television is measure.

    On the one hand, television gives us the possibility to see the world for free, to see wild animals in their habitats, keeps us informed and makes us think and feel. Television entertains and gives us company when we need it. Quizzes help people develop different skills and get interested in reading.

    But on the other hand, television can ruin our eyesight. It happens if we watch it too long. Television is also used for brainwashing. TV people often are paid to make people think in a certain way. There are many advertisements on TV, they spoil all the pleasure from watching films and shows. Many programmes are silly and teach young people only to buy things and enjoy themselves. In such shows there are many rude and bad words, which spoil the beauty of our language. At the same time sitting in front of your telly makes you weak and ill. Instead of doing something interesting and hanging out with your friends, you foolishly sit and stare.

    Nevertheless, people watch television, and it is not too bad if they carefully choose what to watch and what not to watch. They also should take everything which is said on TV critically. And of course, television can’t substitute walking and enjoying the company of your friends.


    In European countries children after they are 18 are supposed to live on their own. What can you say for and against living with your parents?

    It is understandable that parents treat their children as babies. Still, independence is very important for the young who want to discover the changing world themselves. That’s why living with the elder generation can be hard.

    Adults forget that their sons and daughters are not babies any more, they are young people who have their own likes and dislikes. Parents don’t understand the needs of the young. Elders often say that what is hot with the young is inappropriate, but ten years later it becomes fashionable. For example, the Beatles sounded loud and strange to my granny, and now it is the classical music of the 20th century.

    At the same time youngsters can’t learn to live on their own and be responsible for their lives if parents always take care of them. Teenagers have to get to know what it is to be grown-ups.

    But living with parents makes life warmer. You feel their love and learn to show love, to cooperate. People who live in the family usually care for other people more than those who live on their own. Such people make stronger families. Parents can help with everyday duties as well.

    That’s why the idea of whether kids should be allowed to live with their mothers and fathers or not seems to me to be important. As for me, I personally would like to live with my parents and support them after I’m of age.



    Freedom of press is one of the most valued achievements of democracy. But many people suffer from journalistic mistakes. What can you say for and against freedom of press?

    Press is called the fourth branch of power, and it is not less important than the other three. But it is the power which can cause good and bad.

    Of course, mass media help people keep informed about what’s happening in the world. Newspapers and political talk shows usually have serious discussions on home and foreign affairs and teach people to understand how the world develops. Tabloids have articles about fashion and stars of cinema and television, which are interesting to the young to learn how to find their style and way in life. Journalistic investigations help the society to learn about the things politicians would like to keep in the shadow. That’s why newspapers, television and radio are useful for a democratic society.

    Nonetheless there are publications which don’t follow the rules of the democratic press. These brainwashing journalists write false materials to form a wrong public opinion. They try to make people think badly of good people and projects. This black PR companies are especially popular during the pre-election period. Publishers, when they want to raise their ratings and get more money, they use intolerable means such as pirate materials, intimate photos and lots of ads.

    So the press can be a tool of democracy and the tool of tyranny. It depends mostly on the people who make it.



    Life in a big city is attractiveto many people. But others consider it tiresome and tiring. What can you say for and against living in a big city?

    Nowadays more and more people live in big cities. Some of them are born there, others come searching something. Are they satisfied?

    It’s true that there are many advantages of living in a big city. It offers many entertainments and possibilities. Cinemas, theatres, museums, cafes and restaurants open their doors to the public. Walking along it’s streets one can enjoy looking at beautiful buildings and statues.

    In addition to it, there are more working places in cities, and salaries are higher than in the country. Life is more convenient because of many shops and supermarkets where you can easily do your shopping and which are open round the clock.

    But there are some disadvantages too. The first is that a big city is very dirty. The air smells petrol. There are lots of wrappers everywhere. Few trees. The second disadvantage is the anonymity of a big city, where people don’t care to know each other. The third, big cities are really big, and you have to travel an hour or more to get to work, while in the country people come home to have lunch with their families.

    Considering both advantages and disadvantages, many people say that soon more people would choose to live in the country, where, thanks to the development of distance education and the growth of transportation system, they’ll be able to have the city standards of life combined with the pleasure of life in a village.




    Some women like knitting, some hate it. To knit or not to knit – that is the question. What can you say for and against knitting?

    Knitting is a hobby which once was very popular, then lost its attractiveness in the industrial society where ready-to-wear clothes cost so little.

    But now knitting regains its position because of several reasons. First, a knitting woman can wear unique outfits which won’t cost her a fortune. Hand knitting is very fashionable. If you can’t find a sweater or a pullover that fits you, simply buy some wool and knit what you like. Second, many women report that knitting calms, but it also helps them feel creators as they invent different knitting patterns. Third, many mothers say they can re-knit their old things for young children, and that helps save money, because growing children need regular shopping for larger things.

    In spite of this, some women understand knitting as something they have to do only because they can’t afford buying expensive clothes. In this case they say knitting bothers them as any monotonous work. Hand-knit clothes look ugly if they are not well-knitted. Knitting also takes a lot of time which one could spend in another, more interesting way.

    That’s why I think that no one should be made knit. And at the same time self-knit clothes are not a bit worse than those bought in shops unless they are knitted badly.




    Most children enjoy computer games but their parents are against them. What can you say for and against playing computer games?

    Computer games are supposed to be children’s hobby but there are many grown-ups playing, making and studying computer games.

    The scientists and teachers say that computer games entertain children and help them relax, which is very important in our pressing world. Computer games are something what children could do not worse (and sometimes better) than their parents. They make children happier.

    It should be mentioned here that computer games have some teaching ability. First, children gain skills in mouse-maneuvering and key-board usage. These skills are also trained at their computer classes, but not effectively enough.

    There are special teaching games that children play and learn.

    It’s a pity children can’t spend much time in front of the computer because it is ruinous for eye-sight and posture. Children’s skeletons are too soft to sit in the same pose for hours. What’s more, children who spent all their time with their computers become shy of other people, have no friends, they are not sociable and have difficulties dealing with other kids.

    Nowadays we haven’t yet studied the long-term effect computers have on people, but those who study computer science believe, that colours and icon placement used in computers can influence people’s psyche, make them emotionally unstable. Children suffer the first because they are younger and weaker than the elder generations.

    So the adults are right when they restrict their children’s computer use and playing computer games.



    Some people think they can be happy only being rich, while others don’t care too much for money. What can you say for and againstthe idea thatmoney is the main thing in one’s life?

    It is impossible to imagine now that people used to live without money. Money has become a natural part of life.

    Money can buy free time, entertainments, expensive clothes and tasty food and drinks. Many people think that’s enough to be happy so they associate money and happiness. And they have their point. Very few people can be happy living in an old, breaking house without modern conveniences with the perspective of growing food themselves. Money helps people choose their professional field and get paid for doing what they like to do. Money helps people be healthier and more beautiful.

    But money can’t buy you love. That’s why many people think it is good to have enough money to lead a modest life with those whom they love – parents, children, pets – instead of making more and more money. They think that financial bosses are miserable people who sold their souls for money and can’t relax. Most businessmen have a timetable which starts at 6 a.m. and lasts till late at night without any holidays. They only think of earning as much money as possible not paying attention enough to the members of their families, even to their own health.

    That’s why people are advised to use money as a servant but not to make it their master. People should remember that we earn money to live, but not live to earn money.



    It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth. What’s your opinion? What problemsshould humanity solve first of all?

    In today’s world there are a lot of problems to be solved on Earth first but a great deal of money is spent on space exploration projects. Some people believe that the cosmos could contribute to improving mankind’s standard of living though.

    As for me, I consider that the problems on our planet should be taken into account in the first instance. For example, such disasters as starvation, lack of fresh water and ecological crisis are to be paid attention to urgently since they can lead to the disappearance of the humanity itself. For all these reasons, I think the problems of Earth have an advantage over space exploration in their being realized in the first line.

    In spite of the fact that some scientists are trying to discover the space’s possibilities to ensure earth dwellers with place for living because of Earth’s getting overcrowded with great temps people mustn’t forget about the danger of fatal ending of the planet. No person can live without food, water and fresh air either for more than several minutes or some days.

    All in all, the priority of the Earth’s problems may arouse mixed feelings, but still their being solved by all means would save human beings from death.




    From the childhood we should pay great attention to what we eat since bad eating habits are often the most important causes of such fatal diseases as heart attack, stroke and many other illnesses when we are older.

    Modern eating habits are very destructive. Especially today’s children are in more danger of different diseases than their parents and grandparents. Great deals of children do not eat anything in the morning and come to school tired, empty and irritable. They take pizza and chips instead of salad and fish at school canteens. But for the reason of staying healthy organic food should be chosen in the first line.

    To keep our health we should eat normally and do a lot of physical exercises. It is very useful to keep to a diet and to exercise in the morning and not to eat snacks, especially at night! If you eat meat, chicken and fish are much better than red meats. They’re good for your body and mind, too. We should remember that fizzy drinks, tea and coffee are all ‘diuretics’, which means that they take water away from the body. Fizzy drinks also reduce the amount of healthy substances which the body can take from food.

    Try putting away all those drinks and having lots of water to make your skin clearer and your eyes shine – so a healthy lifestyle means prettier looks, too.




    Nowadays there are a lot of reasons for having stress. But we should know stress can have a very bad effect on our mind and body. It can cause sleeplessness, worry, sudden changes of mood, depression and illness.

    There are many ways of not causing stress or coping with it. First we should try to plan our life since much stress is caused by doing things when there isn’t enough time. If we feel prepared, stress will have less chance.

    Keeping our body healthy reduces stress as well. We should stop drinking too much coffee and eating so many sweet things. Getting enough sleep and vitamin C, exercising in the morning and going for longer walks at least once a week also help us cope with stress.

    Deep breathing is the next thing to be done to cope with stress. It works because getting more oxygen into our body relaxes us. We can either take up yoga or simply try breathing in deeply through our nose then letting the air out through our mouth, and then repeat it ten times.

    Thinking positively, telling people about our problems and taking actions instead of putting things off are also good ways of being safe from stress.


                                              11. EATING OUT

    Nowadays some people like to eat and prepare all food at home, but others choose to eat in restaurants. Who is right? In my opinion, it is better to eat at cafeterias, tea-rooms or somewhere else. Atmosphere there is more comfortable and pleasant, food is more delicious and different from homemade. Of course, it is a good possibility to spend very nice evening with friends.

    Moreover, for some people who don't know how to cook for those who are very busy, eating out is a good way to eat tasty meal instead semises and without tiring hours of cooking.

Nevertheless, there are those who claim that we need to cook food at home, because we can watch the process of cooking and enjoy it. Furthermore, they think that you can make food with your children or relatives and so it is a good way to drift together with them. Also they regard that it is more economic to eat at home. But they fail to consider that is you come to the restaurant you can delight live music and atmosphere there. The main thing is that you don't need to worry about washing the dishes.

In conclusion, I would say that eating at home has some advantages, for example is saves your incomes, allowing you buy new things. But I prefer eating in different restaurants, because it is more convenient.



    The question of part-time work is very actual today. In fact, a lot of young people in high school prefer working to studying. I suggest paying special attention to this serious question.

    My opinion is that working during studying is not a problem at all. It can help you to gain some experience for your future career. Thanks to possibility of working in your early period of life you can learn better how to communicate with different people. You get new contacts through, some extra money and also information. Besides, it is a great opportunity to start your own independent life.
    But on the other hand, young people should concentrate on studying. And a lot of people, mostly adults, support this idea. School is the place where children receive knowledge and become informed about world around. And it means that work can draw pupils’ attention away from studying. As for me, I disagree with this opinion. Undoubtedly, a person has to receive appropriate education, but it does not mean that he/she has to spend all spare time on it. Student is quite capable to distribute his forces between studying, working and sleeping. Besides, if properly and intelligently approach this question it is possible to find time to meet with friends. Usually additional work does not require much time and efforts.
    Every person including pupils in high school has a right to make his own choice. It means that he can choose the variant that will be the most appropriate and suitable for him. But if there is an opportunity to consult with elders, it is better for a young person to use it and ask their opinion on the subject. Because "A wise man learns by the mistakes of others, a fool by his own".

Дата добавления: 2018-04-05; просмотров: 337; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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