VI. Translate the given sentences. Mind the First, the Second and the Third Conditionals

1. The travelers will find the right way if they have a map.

2. Your father will allow you to take his car on condition you drive very carefully.

3. He would finish his work in time if you helped him.

4. Could he meet them tomorrow he would be very happy.

5. If the researcher had more time, he would have completed the experiment in time.


VII. Translate the given sentences into English.

1. Если ты не будешь вовремя поливать растения, они погибнут.

2. Я куплю книгу, которая тебе нужна, если найду ее.

3. Если бы я знал ее адрес, я бы написал ей письмо.

4. Если бы он не провалил вчера последний экзамен, он бы поступил в университет.

5. Что ты будешь делать, если ты не устроишься на эту работу?


VIII. Translate modal verbs or their equivalents into English.

1. When he came to London, he (смог) carry on negotiations without an interpreter.

2. The weather (может) change at any time.

3. It’s getting dark: you (следует) be in a hurry.

4. (не надо было) to get up very early.

5. I (смогу) to come to see you in some days.


IX. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mind the Modal Verbs.

1. You should have rung me up, if you were busy.

2. The steamer was to come in time, but owing to a storm it had come late.

3. He may have come back, but I’ve not seen him yet.

4. I couldn’t stop laughing.

5. You ought to be more careful.


X. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Вы должны быть пристегнуты ремнем безопасности, когда едете на машине в Британии.

2. На следующей неделе у моего отца день рождения. Я должен купить ему подарок.

3. Если ты хочешь купить новую машину, тебе следует найти дополнительную работу.

4. В музеях нельзя есть и пить.

5. Вы не можете выехать за границу без паспорта.


XI. Choose the proper form. Rewrite the sentences and translate them.

Model: She said that they _________ in Oxford. a) lived b)lives c) will live

She said that they lived in Oxford. Она сказала, что они живут в Лондоне.

1. Scientists consider that next generation _____ manufacturing technologies. (a) would advance; b) will advance; c) advance)

2. Everybody understood that globalization ______ a particular problem. (a) presents; b) presented; c) present)

3. The employer ordered the workers _____ their workstations. (a) to have managed; b) manage; c) to manage)

4. The firm informed that the employers _____ this problem. (a) has solved; b) solve; c) had solved)

5. We found out that these firms _____ data though an international communications system. (a) were exchanging; b) is exchanging; c) are exchanging)


XII. Turn from Direct speech into Reported speech.

1. “What kind of holiday has John had?” I wanted to know.

2. “Did you study hard for exams?” she wondered.

3. He said: “Nick will have returned by Saturday”.

4. “I like mangos better than oranges”, she said.

5. “Put the book back into the bookcase” he told me.


XIII. Rewrite the following sentences in Direct speech.

1. She asked me what the weather was like.

2. She wondered why Mary was crying.

3. He asked me who I had been looking for.

4. She asked me if I had seen her sister recently.

5. They asked us if Alice would be at the party.


XIV. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Она спросила, знаю ли я, где они живут.

2. Памела спросила, не звонил ли ей кто-нибудь.

3. Он сказал, что поставщики прислали образцы товара.

4. Он сказал, что погрузка закончилась в 6 часов.

5. Он велел сыну не ходить никуда вечером.



Контрольная работа №2


I. Read and translate in written form the following text.


Money is what people use to buy things. People spend money on goods and services. People earn money by performing services. They also earn money from investments, including government bonds, and from saving accounts.

Money can be anything that people agree to accept in exchange for the things they sell or the work they do.

Today, most nations use metal coins and paper bills. A person can changed his money of any country according to the exchange rate. Usually, such rates are set by the central banks of a country. The value of a country’s currency may change.



People save money in banks for future use. A man probably will not want to spend all his pay the day he receives it. So he may decide to put some of his money in a bank for safekeeping. The money he puts in the bank is called a deposit. This money is credited, or added, to his account.

When the depositor wants to withdraw, or take out, part of his deposit, the bank must be ready to pay him.

Bank use the money of depositors for loans to those who need funds. The bank that makes the loan is called a lender or creditor. The bank charges the debtor interest for the use of the loan.

Charging interest for the use of money is the chief source of bank income.


II. Give English equivalents of:

Заработать деньги

Устанавливать курс

Копить деньги

Быть готовым заплатить

Доход банка


III. Give Russian equivalents of:

According to

Savings accounts

In exchange for

To make the loan

To charge interest


IV. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense:

He will phone you if he ….. (have) time.

If this dress ….. (cost) too much, we’ll go to another shop.

What ….. (do) if the taxi doesn’t come?

….. (phone) me if you have any problems?

If the weather ….. (be) fine, we’ll go for a walk.


V. Write Type 2 conditionals to match these situations:

1. James can’t afford a flat of his own. He lives with his parents.

2. There are not any beers left. I can’t offer you one.

3. He hasn’t got a fax machine. I can’t send this immediately.

4. We don’t have his address. We can’t write to him.

5. I wear glasses. I am not a pilot.


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