So think hard before throwing unwanted things away. Otherwise some day you will have to live among the litter you have created yourselves


1. The protection of our environment is an important problem, isn`t it?

2. Are there any laws and decisions on this question?

3. Do our state organizations pay attention to the problem of the protection of the environment?

4. We are against the pollution of environment, aren`t we?

5. Why is the problem of protecting our nature so important now?

6. Do you know anything about terrible earthquakes in our country?

7. Is it possible to forecast earthquakes?

8. Radiation is a very important problem, isn`t it?

9. What has happened in Chernobol?

10. Do you love your Motherland?

11. What can you do for protecting our water and air?

12. How much litter a year does an average Russian family produce?

13. Is it possible to recycle some thrown away things?

14. Why is recycling important today?

15. Are there any recycling centers in your town? What do people usually take there?

16. Is packaging necessary? Why?

17. Why does some packaging become litter?

18. Why is litter so dangerous, especially buried in the ground or thrown into the seas?

19. Are there any special people in towns and cities who clear the litter away? What about the  





· The Orchard -сад

· Fruit-фрукты

· fruit-trees –фруктовые деревья

· pears-груши

· strawberries -клубника

·  raspberries -малина

·  Gooseberries -крыжовник

·  Currants –черная смородина

· violets -фиалки

·  snow-drops -подснежники

· Dandelions -одуванчики

·  Lilac–сирень



The Orchard

We all like fruit very much. A garden where fruit-trees grow is called an orchard. We can see many fruit-trees there: apple-trees, pear-trees, plum-trees and cherry-trees.

In the south we can also see orange-trees, lemon-trees, apricot-trees and peach-trees. In spring we already have cherries. Summer gives us apricots, peaches, red, blue and yellow plums.

Apples and pears are ripe in autumn. In summer we also have berries in our gardens-strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and currants. Blackberries and bilberries we find only in forests. We do not plant them. They are wild berries.


Let us go to the garden, to the forest or the field. How many flowers you will see there! Every month of spring and summer brings us some new flowers. In April we have violets and snow-drops. In May we have dandelions, lilies-of-the-valley and lilac. In June we have roses, lilies, daffodils, tulips and bluebells. In July we have forget-me -nots, corn-flowers and pinks.

In summer we like to pick flowers and make them into bunches. Flowers are beautiful. The roses are red, pink, white and yellow. So are the tulips. The violet is purple. The dandelion is yellow, and it looks like a little sun.


There are many kinds of birds. They are: a swallow, a sparrow, a dove, a magpie, a skylark, a robin, a blue-bird, a bullfinch, a wood pecker, a chaffinch, a starling, a stork, an eagle, an owl, a hawk, a crane, a sea-gull, a nightingale, a rook, a parrot, a crow and others. Some birds are rather big: a hawk, an owl, a crane, a stork, an eagle, but the rest are small. The body of a birds is covered with feathers. The feathers of the birds are of different colours.

All the birds make nests and they lay eggs there. Birds are useful to man. Birds are of value not only because they are beautiful, and we enjoy their songs, but also because they eat harmful insects, they eat the eggs of harmful insects, they eat weed seeds, which men want to destroy, they kill mice and small animals that harm crops. In these ways they help farmers, fruit-growers, foresters and people in cities and towns.

In what way are people helpful to birds? People must protect birds. They must feed birds in winter. They can build tables and shelters for birds, put food for them on the window- sills, set out bird baths.


Fruit andberries




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Дата добавления: 2018-04-04; просмотров: 426; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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