Answer the questions according to the text

1. What is the geographical position of Canada? Canada is situated in North America.
2. What is the country bounded by?
3. How much world's fresh water does Canada have? It has been estimated that Canada has one-seventh of the world's fresh water.
4. How many regions are there in Canada? Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 territories.
5. What are Canada's highest peaks? Canada's highest peaks, however, in the St. Elias Mountains, an extension of the Cordillera stretching north into the Yukon and Alaska. The highest point in Canada is Mt. Logan (6,050 m).
6. Where are the richest grain-producing regions in the world? The plains of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are among the richest grain-producing regions in the world.

7. What is displayed in museums in Canada and around the world? The forces of erosion have uncovered some of the largest concentrations of dinosaur fossils, examples of which are displayed in museums in Canada and around the world.
8. What region is a storehouse of minerals? The Canadian Shield The region is a storehouse of minerals, including gold, silver, zinc, copper and uranium, and Canada's great mining towns are located here — Sudbury and Timmins in Ontario, Val d'Or in Quebec, and Flin Flon and Thompson in Manitoba.

9. What is the industrial heartland of Canada? What is produced here? The industrial heartland of Canada, contain Canada's two largest cities, Montreal and Toronto. Here grow of grapes, peaches, pears and other soft fruits. Sugar and maple syrup are also produced here.
10. Where are grapes, peaches, pears and other soft fruits cultivated? Large expanses of lakes Erie and Ontario allow to grow grapes, peaches, pears and other soft fruits.
11. What is a culinary delicacy first used by the aboriginal North American peoples? Maple syrup and sugar ulinary delicacy first used by the aboriginal North American peoples.
12. Where is one of the richest fishing grounds in the world situated? The Newfoundland is one of the richest fishing grounds in the world.

13. Where is Canada situated? Canada is situated in North America.
14. How many people live in Canada? About 28 million people live in Canada.
15. Where do most Canadians live? About 80% of the population live within 320 km of the southern border.
16. Who is the head of state in Canada? The head of state in Canada is the Queen Elizabeth II.

17. When did Canada gain its independence? In 1931 Canada gained full independence.

18. What are the official languages in Canada? Both English and French are official languages of the country.
19. What people live in Canada?
20. What is the main problem facing Canada today? Today, maintaining a sense of community is one of the major problems in Canada because of differences among the provinces and territories.


 9. Make up your own sentences according to the model:

1.Canada is the second largest country in the world. (2 предложения)

2. About 28 million people live in Canada. (2 предложения).

3. The highest point in Canada is Mt. Logan. (2 предложения).




Тема 4: Political System of Canada

1.Прочитайте и выучите слова:

the Charter of Rights and Freedoms  

Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

Political System of Canada

Canada is an independent federal parliamentary state. The Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, is the official head of the state, but the Governor General acts as her representative. Canada combines the American federal form of government with the British cabinet system.

As a federation, Canada is made up of ten provinces and two territories. Canadian central government in Ottawa represents all the people of Canada. Each province has its own government and parliament.

Parliament of Canada consists of two houses, the Upper House called the Senate, and the Lower House called the House of Commons. The Senate has 104 members. 0on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The Senate has less power than the House of Commons. Members of the House of Commons are elected for a term of five years. The cabinet system of Canada unites the legislative and the executive branches. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are usually members of the House of Commons, which is the highest authority in the government. The Cabinet consists of 20 or more ministers, chosen by the Prime Minister from leaders of the majority party in the House of Commons.

Today most of the Governor General’s powers have disappeared and he follows the directions of the Cabinet.

The two leading political parties in Canada are the Progressive Conservative Party and the Liberal Party. The New Democratic Party is also rather influential.

In 1867, Canada was just a colony with internal autonomy; since 1931, it has been an independent state in the world community.

Canada's Constitution is actually a British statute, the British North America Act, 1867, which has been amended more than 20 times since its inception. Since 1982 when Canadians obtained the right to amend the Constitution in Canada — this founding statute has been known as the Constitution Act, 1867.

The Constitutional Framework                             

Canada is a constitutional monarchy, a federal state and parliamentary democracy with two systems of law and two official languages. Since 1982, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has been entrenched in the Constitution.

Official Languages

English and French are the two official languages at the federal level. Institutional bilingualism has existed in Quebec since 1867, in Manitoba since 1870 and in New Brunswick since 1982.


Политическая система Канады

Канада является независимым федеральным парламентским государством. Королева Великобритании Елизавета II, является официальной главой государства, а генерал-губернатор выступает в качестве ее представителя. Канада объединяет американскую федеративную форму государственного устройства с британской кабинетной системой.

Будучи федерацией, Канада состоит из десяти провинций и двух территорий. Канадское центральное правительство в Оттаве представляет все народы Канады. Каждая провинция имеет свое правительство и парламент.

Парламент Канады состоит из двух палат, верхняя палата называется Сенатом, а нижняя палата называется Палатой общин. Сенат состоит из 104 членов. Сенаторы назначаются генерал-губернатором по рекомендации премьер-министра. Сенат имеет меньше власти, чем Палата общин. Члены палаты общин избираются сроком на пять лет. Кабинетная система Канады объединяет законодательную и исполнительную ветви власти. Премьер-министр и Кабинет обычно являются членами палаты общин, что является высшим органом власти. Кабинет состоит из 20 или более министров, выбраных премьер-министром из лидеров партии, имеющей большинство в Палате общин.

Сегодня большая часть полномочий генерал-губернатора, исчезла, и он следует указаниям правительства.

Двумя ведущими политическими партиями в Канаде являются Прогрессивно-консервативная партия и Либеральная партия. Новая демократическая партия также достаточно влиятельна.


В 1867 г. Канала была просто колонией с внутренней автономией; начиная с 1931 года, она стала независимым государством в мировом сообществе.

Конституция Канады — фактически Британский устав, Британский Северо-Американский Законодательный Акт, 1867 г., в который вносились поправки более чем 20 раз с самого начала. Начиная с 1982 г., когда канадцы получили право вносить поправки в Конституцию Канады — этот основополагающий устав был известен как Конституционный Акт, 1867 г.

Конституционная Структура

Капала конституционная монархия, федеральное государство и парламентская демократия с двумя правовыми системами и двумя официальными языками. Начиная с 1982 г., Хартия Прав и Свобод была закреплена в Конституции.

Официальные языки

Английский и французский языки — это два официальных языка на федеральном уровне. Установленный билингвизм существовал в Квебеке с 1867 г., в Манитоба с 1870 года и в Нью Брансуик с 1982 г.



3. Translate the following word combinations:

Parliamentary state - парламентское государство, official head - официальный глава , legislative branch – законодательная власть, executive branch – исполнительная власть, leading political party - ведущая политическая партия, internal autonomy – внутренняя автономия, independent state – независимое государство.

4. Match the sentences according to the information of the text:

1C  Canada is a  the Upper House called the Senate, and the Lower House called the House of Commons.
2F Canada combines b the Progressive Conservative Party and the Liberal Party.
3I  As a federation, Canada is made up of c an independent federal parliamentary state.
4G Each province has d  on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.
5A  Parliament of Canada consists of two houses, e for a term of five years.
6D Senators are appointed by the Governor General f  the American federal form of government with the British cabinet system.
7E Members of the House of Commons are elected g its own government and parliament.
8J  The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are usually members of the House of Commons, h  the two official languages at the federal level.
9B The two leading political parties in Canada are i  ten provinces and two territories.
10H English and French are j  which is the highest authority in the government.


5. Complete the sentence according to the information from the text:

1. The Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, is the official head of the state, but the Governor General acts as her representative.

2. Canadian central government in Ottawa represents all the people of Canada .

3. The Senate has less power than the House of Commons.

4. Senators are appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of  the Prime Minister.

5. The cabinet system of Canada unites the legislative and the executive branches .           

6. The New Democratic Party is also rather influential .

7. Canada's Constitution is actually a British statute, the British North America Act, 1867, which has been amended more than 20 times since its inception .

8. Canada is a constitutional monarchy federal state and parliamentary democracy with two systems of law and two official languages .

9. English and French  are the two official languages at the federal level.

10. The Cabinet consists of 20 or more ministers.

6. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1.Canada is an independent federal parliamentary state.Agree.

2.The Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, is the official head of the state. Agree.

3. Canada is made up of twelve provinces and ten territories. Disagree. Canada is made up of ten provinces and two territories.

4.Parliament of Canada consists of two houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Disagree. Parliament of Canada consists of two houses, the Upper House called the Senate, and the Lower House called the House of Commons.

5.The Senate has 504 members. Disagree. The Senate has 104 members.

6.Senators are appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Queen. Disagree. Senators are appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

7.Members of the House of Commons are elected for a term of five years. Agree.

8. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are usually members of the House of Lords. Disagree. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are usually members of the House of Commons, which is the highest authority in the government.

9. The two leading political parties in Canada are the Progressive Conservative Party and the Liberal Party. Agree.

10. Canada's Constitution is actually a British statute. Disagree. Canada's Constitution is actually a British statute, the British North America Act, 1867, which has been amended more than 20 times since its inception.


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