A. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, beginning with the word that has been given

Test 5 - Module 5



A. Choose the word that most appropriately completes the sentence.


1. Commercials that target children are always accompanied by catchy                  because it makes it easier for
them to remember the product or even the company selling it.

a. spams                          b. spots                c. jingles                 d. plugs

2. It was clear to see that he had the                  hand in the presidential elections as his agenda dealt with key
issues that had been creating widespread discontent.

a. high                              b. upper                c. first                    d. big

3. What started out as a lucrative business                  ended up as a bitter feud when differences of opinion
occurred between the two men regarding the utilisation of company funds.

a. partnership                    b. federation         c. organisation        d. consortium

4. The accountant told the businessman that if he wanted his business venture to thrive, he would have to
increase his profit                  .

a. border                          b. perimeter           c. margin                d. boundary

5. In attempting to                  my older brother, I often took up sports activities like martial arts that were not
quite for me, and at which I usually failed dismally to make any progress in.

a. replicate                        b. devise               c. substitute            d. emulate

6. I                  a terrible blunder when I asked Jody how things were at work; you see she was given the sack
about three weeks ago and she’s been very depressed about it.

a. took                             b. made                c. had                     d. created

7. It was the boy’s unbridled                  that enabled him to come up with such an innovative solution to a
problem with seemingly no practical answer.

a. spirit                             b. thirst                 c. imagination         d. potential

8. Sam is terribly lazy and irresponsible; he’s always trying to                  out of his duties.

a. chicken                       b. weasel             c. monkey              d. beaver 



B. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.

1. Action needs to be taken to prevent unscrupulous businessmen from exploiting / manipulating children in
a bid to profit from their labor.

2. Look out for the fairtrade logo / slogan that certifies that international fairtrade standards have been met in
the production of the goods on which it is found.

3. This small company has made / taken the lead in robotics and is making progress in leaps and bounds.

4. Scientists at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research are faced with the daunting / paramount
task of recreating conditions that existed before the earth was created.

5. The geothermal power plant in the Philippines generates / develops 18% of the country’s electricity.

6. CERN is the world’s largest fully functional / designed physics laboratory, whose main aim is to provide
accelerators for research that requires a lot of energy.

7. Nostradamus is said to have predicted / forecast many major world events.

8. Although the fresh products / produce sold at the farmers’ market is cheaper than that sold at a
greengrocer’s, it is not necessarily of the same quality.



C. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the words in the box.

bargain       living       affairs       campaign                                         income       control         fist            mouth



1.The current state of                                                          is so disheartening that many young people are
contemplating leaving the country to seek their fortune elsewhere.

2.It is feared that the current state of the economy will lead to a large portion of the population living from hand
to                                                         .

3.My only source of                                                          at the moment is the baby-sitting I do once a week, but
that is certainly not enough to cover my personal expenses.   

4.Our rigid quality                                                          standards ensure that our baby products are not only
durable but also safe. 

5.They decided to launch a publicity                                                          to promote their new line of health and
wellness products for expectant mothers. 

6.It is only by                                                          hunting that consumers can ensure that the products and
services they buy are good value for money.

7.Francis decided to become a partner in his brother’s company when he saw that he was making money
hand over                                                         .

8.The cost of                                                          has risen to such an extent that low-income families are having
a difficult time making ends meet.




A. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, beginning with the word that has been given.

1. Zoé is getting the promotion because she proved that she has a keen mind and good business sense.
If                                                                                                                                                    .

2. You must not permit members of the audience to enter the dressing rooms of performers.
Under                                                                                                                                           .

3. It didn’t cross my mind even once that I would be required to undergo such a gruelling interview cycle to
qualify for the position.
Not                                                                                                                                           .

4. I was given a transfer by my superior, not a promotion.
What                                                                                                                                           .

5. I heard the sound of a deafening explosion just when I reached the underground.
Scarcely                                                                                                                                         .

6. The only way you will manage to climb the corporate ladder in a company such as this is by exercising
will-power and determination.
Only                                                                                                                                           .

7. Max is very intuitive and that’s why he grabbed the opportunity when it arose.
If                                                                                                                                               .

8. Jenny didn’t miss that important phone call because she didn’t leave as early as she had expected.
Had                                                                                                                                           .

9. I handed in my business proposal on Friday, not on Monday.
It                                                                                                                                                    .


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