D. Complete the sentences below by using prepositions to complete the prepositional phrases

Test 2 - Module 2



A. Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes the sentence.  


1. Although the food at this diner is nothing to write home about, the service is                  as the waitresses are
very polite and efficient.

a. unspoilt                       b. idyllic                       c. outstanding           d. lush

2. Edwin Anderson is a double agent who remains a(n)                  figure throughout the novel as the reader
never finds out his true identity.

a. shadowy                      b. prosperous              c. commendable        d. exclusive

3. Edward VIII reigned as King for a short period of time and was the only British monarch to voluntarily                 
the throne.

a. extinguish                    b. relinquish                 c. vanquish               d. distinguish

4. This seminar                  a large variety of activities that are sure to help you achieve the level of competency
required to work independently.

a. enables                        b. encloses                  c. encompasses        d. enchants

5. The witness’s testimony gave                  to the defendant’s claim that he had been dining at Harrington’s at
the time of the murder.

a. vent                             b. lie                            c. ground                  d. place

6. Having not thought of an alternative course of action, I found myself in a difficult situation when my plan        .

a. backwashed                 b. backlashed              c. backtracked          d. backfired

7. If he accepted the promotion, it would involve him being                  to the head offices in France.

a. transformed                 b. transported              c. transferred             d. transmitted

8. Local delicacies make trying the                  cuisine worth your while.

a. lush                             b. traditional                 c. elegant                  d. vibrant



B. Use the word given to form a suitable idiom and complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

1. I personally would feel terribly embarrassed wearing a dress like the one Sally wore to the party
yesterday night..                                                                                                                         DEAD
I personally                                                                                                                     wearing a dress like the
one Sally wore to the party yesterday night.

2. Mary really offended John yesterday when she said that he didn’t stand a chance of getting into law school. FOOT
Mary really                                                                                                                     when she said that John didn’t
stand a chance of getting into law school.



3. I was extremely frightened when I heard a growling noise coming out of my wardrobe; fortunately it was only
my brother playing a prank on me.                                                                                                SKIN
I nearly                                                                                                                     when I heard a growling noise
coming out of my wardrobe, fortunately though it was only my brother playing a prank on me.

4. I found it difficult to look serious when my supervisor, who is never at a loss for words, sat speechless looking
mindlessly at a colleague of mine who threw her resignation in his face.                                        FACE
I found it difficult to                                                                                                                     when my supervisor,
who is never at a loss for words, sat speechless looking at a colleague of mine who had thrown her
resignation in his face.

5. Samantha has been very happy ever since she got a place on that graduate training scheme.       CLOUD
Samantha                                                                                                                     ever since she got a place on
that graduate training scheme.

6. Ben had never met any of Sissy’s relatives so he felt really uncomfortable and out of place at her family
get-together.                                                                                                                                FISH
Ben had never met any of Sissy’s relatives so he felt                                                                                                                    
at her family get together.



C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

disarm                orbit                deport                inter                               disorientate          refrain                lurch               reserve



1. It is said that when the great queen died she was                                                     along with her favourite

2. After bumping his head, Andrew became terribly                                                     and found it difficult to find his
way back to the camp.

3. Jack found himself overpowered when he attempted to single-handedly                                                     the
burglars he saw breaking into his neighbour’s house.

4. My husband had                                                     a luxurious suite with a balcony overlooking the sea for our
silver wedding anniversary.

5. I would appreciate it if you would                                                     from smoking in my presence as I have an
allergy to cigarette smoke.

6. The ring particles that                                                     about Saturn are made up almost entirely of water ice.

7. The passengers all                                                     forward when the bus driver suddenly slammed on the

8. Until the necessary arrangements have been finalized, the illegal immigrants who are to be                                                    
are being kept at removal centres.


D. Complete the sentences below by using prepositions to complete the prepositional phrases.

1. I work                          walking distance from my house so I save a heap on daily transportation expenses.

2. This quaint little village is quite literally                          the middle of nowhere, so make sure you take plenty of
supplies with you.

3. Living                          the outer suburbs means I get the best of both worlds because I can enjoy the wide
open spaces but still live close enough to commute to the city centre on a daily basis.

4. Make sure that you are in top form before going on a bicycle vacation that takes you                          the
beaten track. 

5. I love visiting my grandmother who lives in a picturesque, little cottage situated                          the outskirts of

6. Just                          the coast of the peninsula one could see the battered bow of what had once been a
majestic ship jutting out of the water.

7.                          my way to work yesterday I bumped into an old friend of mine, whom I hadn’t seen since
graduating from college five years ago.

8. Legend has it that he buried the treasure                          the foot of a mountain under a crooked, little olive



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