Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующем времени, лице и числе

Mr Brown (to be) a successful American businessman. He (to be) in business for about 15 years. His company (to produce) good equipment. They (to sell ) it well in his own company, but he (to need) more customers. He (to have) an idea. Why not sell his equipment abroad? He (to want) to look for a new customers in foreign markets. He (to know) that it (to take) months or years to become a successful exporter. He (to decide) to go to Russia to study the market and the possibility to supply his equipment to Russia firms.

Mr Brown (to believe) that one of the best preparations for a trip (to be) reading magazines about the country to which he (to go). He (to learn) a lot about the Russian economy, the country’s trade, the main suppliers, customs and traditions of the people.

Before he (to leave) for Russia he (to contact) the commercial representative of his country I Russia to get some information about the market and import duties. His secretary (to book) a ticket, a room at a hotel and (to make) some business appointments for her boss.

4. Переведите на английский язык:

Иванов встречает делегацию в своем офисе. Он ведет гостей в зал заседаний, где их ожидает Сомов. Иванов представляет членов делегации. Они говорят о погоде в Москве и о погоде в родном городе клиентов, а также обсуждают программу их пребывания в Москве.

Затем они обсуждают деловые вопросы дня. Российские специалисты будут осуществлять конструкторскую работу для заказчиков. Лотов, инженер из конструкторского отдела, отвечает на все вопросы. В конце переговоров Сомов договаривается о встрече на следующий день.

Иванов и Лотов будут рады показать гостям Москву.

Вариант III

1. a) Переведите текст письменно;

b) выпишите глаголы и определите их время;

C) задайте к тексту 5 вопросов различных коммуникативных типов.

Maximize your working day

The simplest changes in your life style can mean you are more able to make the most of your physical and emotional well-being. Give yourself more time to relax. You don’t know where your time goes, do you? A few changes will help you gain extra hours. Then you can reduce stress and indulge yourself.

Firstly, keep a time-sheet diary to note what you do each day and where you are wasting time. You will be able to streamline routines and save minutes that will easily improve your day.

I heard someone say that many of us so busy that if God wanted to speak to us, He would have to leave a message on our answering machine! Being overly busy is one of the reasons I began to study my working day opportunities. I became aware that I was in the out of control race, and it was not the best choice or the pace for me. My life style might be easier, I realized.

I paid close attention to what I do with my time and abilities… I thought about why I stood busy: I had too many demands on my life. I liked to feel needed. I liked the approval I got from others. It is still hard for me to say no. I felt guilty when I was not busy. Being busy relieved me of the need to make decisions about how I spent my time. Busyness gave me a sense of control over my life.

Заполните пропуски предлогами, если необходимо.

The idea behind credit cards is simple. When you buy something you give your card … the shop assistant. He or she fills … a form. You sign it. Then, … the end … the month you receive a bill … the credit company. This lists everything you have bought … credit … the past four weeks. You can pay the bill … two different ways, either all at once, or a little at a time. If you pay a little at a time, the bill grows month … month. But that’s not all. You also pay a high rate … interest … top … the unpaid amount. Why? Because … fact you borrow money … the credit company. … some people this can become a real problem. They spend too much and can’t afford to pay it back, and get … debt. While … some people, credit cards are a useful and convenient alternative to cash.

Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующем времени, лице и числе.

  Money (to be) a commodity we commonly (to accept) as a medium of economic exchange. The idea of money as a universal equivalent (to be) familiar to us since our childhood. Money (to circulate) from person to person and country to country, thus facilitating trade, and it (to be) the principal measure of wealth. Money (to have) four functions: it (to serve) as a medium of exchange, a commodity universally accepted in exchange for goods and services and for the discharge of debts or for the discharge of contracts; it (to act) as a unit of account, the unit that (to make) the operation of the price system possible and (to provide) the basis for keeping accounts and calculating cost, profit, and loss; it (to serve) as a standard of different payments, the unit in which we (to make) loans and (to fix) future transactions; and it (to provide) a store of wealth, a convenient form in which to hold any income not immediately required for use.


4. Переведите на английский язык:

1) Деньги – это мера всех вещей и средство обмена.

2)Покупательная способность денег в наше время быстро меняется.

3) Когда человек кладет деньги в банк, он должен быть уверен, что они не пропадут.

4) Пошлины на вводимые товары защищают промышленность.

5) При помощи налога государство получает деньги на здравоохранение и армию.

6) Сумма налога должна зависеть от дохода налогоплательщика.

7) Банки советуют своим клиентам хранить чековые книжки и чековые карты отдельно, поскольку если карту украдут, то ей нельзя воспользоваться без чековой книжки и наоборот.

Вариант IV

1. a) Переведите текст письменно;

b) выпишите глаголы и определите их время;

Дата добавления: 2018-04-04; просмотров: 931; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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