Simple sentence. Types of sentences according to their structure. Communicative types of sentence

A simple sentence contains a single subject and predicate. It describes only one thing, idea or question, and has only one verb - it contains only an independent (main) clause.

Types of sentences according to their structure.A simple sentence comprises only one clause (main or independent clause). A main clause has both the subject and the verb and expresses a complete meaning. Hence, a simple sentence is simply a main clause. It has no dependent clause.

A compound sentence has two independent clauses joined by a linking word (and, but, or, so, yet, however). Each independent clause could be a sentence by itself, but we connect them with a linking word: I‘m happy, but my kids are always complaining.

A complex sentence has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.

A dependent clause cannot be a complete sentence by itself.

I’m happy, even though I don’t make much money.

A compound-complex sentence contains 3 or more clauses: 2 independent and at least 1dependent clause.

I’m happy, even though I don’t make much money, but my kids are always complaining since we can’t afford to buy the newest toys.

Independent clauses: “I’m happy” and “my kids are always complaining”
Dependent clauses: “even though I don’t make much money” and “since we can’t afford to buy the newest toys”
Linking word: “but”

Communicative types of sentence

Term Explanation Russian equivalent
Declarative sentence The declarative sentence is the sentence containing a statement which gives the reader of the listener some information about various events, activities or attitudes, thoughts and feelings. Повествовательноепредложение
Interrogative sentence The interrogative sentence is the sentence containing a question. The communicative function of such a sentence is asking for information. Вопросительноепредложение
General question The general question is the question about the whole sentence which can be answered either positively or negatively.In the case of such a question the speaker is interested to know whether a phenomenon/event asked about exists or not. Общийвопрос
Pronominal question The pronominal question is the question asked to get more detailed and precise information about the phenomenon/event known to the speaker/reader. The question opens with an interrogative pronoun or a pronominal adverb. Местоименныйвопрос
Tag question The tag question is a short “yes-no” question added to a statement. Подтверждающийвопрос
Alternative question The alternative question is the question which implies a choice between two or more variants of answer. it can take the form of a general question or a pronominal question. Разделительныйвопрос
Rhetorical question The rhetorical question is the question containing a statement disguised as a question. Usually no answer to the rhetorical question is expected. Риторическийвопрос
Imperative sentence The imperative sentence is the sentence which expresses a command which conveys the desire of the speaker to make someone (the listener) perform a certain action. Besides commands as such, such sentences can express (depending on the situation, context, wording and intonation). Побудительноепредложение
Exclamatory sentence The exclamatory sentence is the sentence which shows strong or sudden feeling. Восклицательноепредложение


Communicative competence and its elements

Communicative language teaching involves developing language proficiency through interactions embedded in meaningful contexts. This approach to teaching provides authentic opportunities for learning that go beyond repetition and memorization of grammatical patterns in isolation. A central concept of the communicative approach to language teaching is communicative competence: the learner’s ability to understand and use language appropriately to communicate in authentic (rather than simulated) social and school environments.

The table below illustrates how each communicative area contributes to communicative competence.

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