The Information gap technique


Syntax. The definition of the phrase. Types of phrases and ways of expressing syntactic relations


The word syntax derives from the Greek word syntaxis, which means arrangement. Morphology deals with word formation out of morphemes; syntax deals with phrase and sentence formation out of words.Syntax is the study of the principles and rules for constructing phrases and sentences in a language. Syntax focuses on the word order of a language and the relationships between words.

Syntax is a subfield of grammar.

The definition of the phrase:

A phrase is a syntactic structure that consists of more than one word but lacks the subject-predicate organization of a clause. General characteristics of the phrase are:

1) A phrase is a means of naming some phenomena or processes, just as a word is. As a naming unit it differs from a compound word because the number of constituents in a word-group corresponds to the number of different denotates (a black bird – a blackbird; a loud speaker – a loudspeaker).

2) Each component of the word-group can undergo grammatical changes without destroying the identity of the whole unit: to see a house - to see houses – saw houses (grammatical modifications of one phrase). A sentence is a unit with every word having its definite form. A change in the form of one or more words would produce a new sentence.

3) A word-group is a dependent syntactic unit, it is not a communicative unit and has no intonation of its own. Intonation is one of the most important features of a sentence, which distinguishes it from a phrase.

Types of phrases and ways of expressing syntactic relations


· Adpositional Phrase

· Noun Phrase

· Pronominal

· Verb Phrase

The main syntactic relations between components of a phrase are coordination, subordination, interdependence and cummulation.

In coordination (сочинение )the constituents of a phrase are independent of each other and we can change their places, e.g. Mary and John(John and Mary), boys and girls(girls and boys).

In subordination (подчинение) we have the head and the adjunct, and the adjunct is subordinated to the head. Such syntactic relations are found in all headed phrases, e.g. beautiful girl, country doctor.

Interdependence is relations between subject and predicate. The constituents are interdependent; the subject depends on a predicate and visa versa, e.g. he smiles, I know.

The forth main type of syntactic relations in a phrase is cummulation, which can be found in non-headed dependent phrases, e.g. my old (friend), his own (dog). The difference between cummulation and coordination is that in coordination you can change the places of the constituents but in cummulation you can not do that.

To additional types of syntactic relations in a phrase refer agreement, government, and enclosure.

By agreement согласование we mean a method of expressing a syntactical relationship, which consists in making the subordinate word take a form similar to that of the word to which it is subordinateThis is practically found in two words only this and that, which agree in number with their headword.

By government we understand the use of a certain form of the subordinate ( придаточный) word required by its head word, but not coinciding with the form of the head word itself.

Enclosure” (примыкание). Some element of a phrase is enclosed between two parts of another elements.

The Direct Method

The direct method of teaching, which is sometimes called the natural method, and is often (but not exclusively) used in teaching foreign languages, refrains from using the learners' native language and uses only the target language. It was established in Germany and France around 1900 and contrasts with the grammar–translation method and other traditional approaches, as well as with C.J.Dodson's bilingual method.

In general, teaching focuses on the development of oral skills.[2] Characteristic features of the direct method are:

· teaching concepts and vocabulary through pantomiming, real-life objects and other visual materials

· teaching grammar by using an inductive approach (i.e. having learners find out rules through the presentation of adequate linguistic forms in the target language)

· centrality of spoken language (including a native-like pronunciation)

· focus on question-answer patterns


1. Question/answer exercise – the teacher asks questions of any type and the student answers.

2. Dictation – the teacher chooses a grade-appropriate passage and reads it aloud.

3. Reading aloud – the students take turn reading sections of a passage, play or a dialogue aloud.

4. Student self-correction – when a student makes a mistake the teacher offers him/her a second chance by giving a choice.

5. Conversation practice – the students are given an opportunity to ask their own questions to the other students or to the teacher. This enables both a teacher-learner interaction as well as a learner-learner interaction.

6. Paragraph writing – the students are asked to write a passage in their own words.


· Direct method aims to build a direct relation between experience and language, word and idea, thought and expression

· This method intends for students to learn how to communicate in the target language

· This method is based on the assumption that the learner should experience the new language in the same way as he/she experienced his/her mother tongue

The Information gap technique

An information gap activity is an activity where learners are missing the information they need to complete a task and need to talk to each other to find it. An Info Gap activity takes place between students, not between a student and a teacher, though a teacher can certainly demonstrate the activity. The two students will be asking each other questions to which they don’t know the answer; these questions are called referential questions. The goal of the activity is for the students to discover certain information, whether about the other person or related to a specific activity.

Info Gap activities are useful because they are very meaningful; all students are involved in the process equally and they are all moving towards a specific purpose. Each student has the task of finding out certain information, and therefore must find a way in which to ask for this information. Motivation is usually quite high in these activities. These activities help move the students from working in a more structured environment into a more communicative environment; they are hopefully using lots of the target language, and in the process discovering where they have gaps. Knowing where these gaps are gives them a direction in which to improve.


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