II. Grammar Notes and Exercises. Find in Text Вsentences with modal verbs and translate them


1. Exercise

Find in Text Вsentences with modal verbs and translate them.

2. Exercise

Find in Text Вsentences with the word «as» and translate them.


III. Text Exercises

Read Text Вout loud and translate it.



Active words and phrases to the Dialogue

1. tobeassigned— получить задание; быть назначенным для...

2. toassign— назначать, определять; поручать; приписывать

3. tired— усталый, утомленный

4. sore— болезненный, чувствительный; больной; раздражительный

5. toscare— пугать, испугать

6. suture— шов

7. pillow — подушка

8. washbasin — умывальный таз / раковина

9. washcloth — салфетка из махровой ткани (употребляется как мочалка)

10. to exhale — выдыхать

11. to inhale — вдыхать

12. throat — горло

13. lunchtime — времявторогозавтрака



1. Howareyoufeeling? — Как Вы себя чувствуете?

2. Iwillhelpyou ... — Я помогу Вам (сделать что-либо)...

3. Hereis... — Вот, возьмите...

4. Iknowyouareworried — Я знаю, что Вы беспокоитесь / Вас беспокоит

5. IsthereanythingIcandoforyou — Вамещечто-нибудьнужно? /

6. Могу я что-нибудь еще для Вас сделать?

Before reading the dialogue and doing exercises

Look through (or listen to) the Dialogue and say
1) what the postoperative care starts from;

2) how soon the nurse has the postoperativepatient sit and walk.


Focus: Respiratory Function

Kate is working on a surgical unit as a nursing student. She is assigned to care for Margaret Bains, a 45-year-old woman who had abdominal surgery. She is assisting the patient on her first post-operative day.


Kate: Good morning, Mrs. Bains. My name is Kate and I will be helping you this morning with your care needs. How are you feeling this morning?

Mrs. Bains: Tired and sore. Is it time for my pain medication?

Kate: I amgoing to get it right now. I thought you could take your medication, and then after about 30 minutes we could begin getting you ready for the day with a bed bath and doing your coughing and deep breathing exercises.

Mrs. Bains: Oh! I really don’t like doing that. It scares me. I think that I will damage the area they operated on.

Kate: I know you are worried about it, but that is not the caseA. The sutures are very strong and they won’t be damaged in any way. And doing these exercises will help you to feel better more quickly. It will help if you hold a pillow over your abdomen when you cough. I will show you how. But first I will get your pain medication.

Mrs. Bains: Thank you, Kate.


Kate returns with the medication.

Kate: Here is your medication.

Mrs. Bains: Why do I still need an injection and not a pill?

Kate: Well, Mrs. Bains, even though you no longer have a nasogastric tube, you are still NPO, meaning you can take nothing by mouth. I will be listening to your abdomen for bowel sounds. A way to think about this isB that your intestines still have to wake up! Once we notice some activity in the intestines, you will be able to eat and drink and take medication by mouth. I will be back in 30 minutes. Is there anything I can do for you before I leave?

Mrs. Bains: No, Kate. Thank you.


30 minutes pass.

Kate: Hi, Mrs. Bains. I’m back.

Mrs. Bains: Oh, dear. I don’t know if I’m ready.

Kate: Well, let’s begin and we’ll take it slowly. Let me get your washbasin filled with good warm water. (She fills the basin.) Here is a washcloth. You can wash yourself as much as you can comfortably do and I will do the rest.


After the bath.

Kate: Now I’ll help you to do the breathing exercises. Can you breathe in through your nose? Good. Exhale through your mouth. Now I want you to breathe in fully. Put your hand on your abdomen. Can you feel it rise when you inhale?

Mrs. Bains: No.

Kate: That means you’re not breathing deeply enough. Give it another tryC. Good! I can see the difference. Now do that five times, nice and slow. And now I want you to cough. Use your pillow now. No, you should not cough from your throat; you should cough from your lungs. I know you can do it.

Mrs. Bains: This is not easy.

Kate: You’re right. But each time you do it, you move your recovery alongD.

Mrs. Bains completes these exercises successfully.

Kate: Now you can rest a little and then I will help you to sit up on the side of the bed. By lunchtime you will walk a little and sit in the chair for 10 minutes.

Mrs. Bains: If you can help me, I do want to do it. You’re a good nurse, Kate.



A that is not the caseзд: этогонеслучится

Ba way to think about this is...зд:объяснитьэтоможнотак...

Cgiveitanothertry— попытайтесьещераз/сделайтеещеоднупопытку

Dyoumoveyourrecoveryalong— выпомогаетесебевыздороветь / способствуетесобственномувыздоровлению


1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:













2. Pronounce the following words and guess their Russian meanings. Consult the dictionary to check your answers.

Student ['stju:dent], abdominal [æb'dominal], to operate (on) ['opəreit], injection [in'ʤekʃn].


3. Find in the dialogue English equivalents of the following Russian words and expressions:

Операция на брюшной полости; принять лекарство; длительная ванна (букв.: «ванная постель»); упражнения на глубокое дыхание; вдыхать через нос; выдыхать через рот.


4. Give Russian equivalents to the following fragments from the Dialogue:

a) to be assigned to care for somebody;

b) to get (take) pain medication;

c) to have a nasogastric tube;

d) to be NPO (nothing by mouth);

e) bowel sounds;

f) I will be listening to your abdomen for bowel sounds;

g) Let me get your washbasin filled...


5. Write out phrases

a) Kate uses to give support to her patient;

b) that show that the patient is worried.


6. Work in pairs.

The nurse (A) explains to the family member (B)how to care of the postoperative patient. (Use:
Text В and the Dialogue.)


A: to explain the goals and to give recommendations use: B: to explain your worries and ask questions use:
The goal is... It scares me.
I thought you could... Could you show me..?
I know you are worried... If you can help me..?
It will help if... Is it necessary to..?
I will show you how... What is the procedure of..?
Is there anything else What steps should we take to..?
you would like to know? Could you describe..?
Now, I will help you... Could you explain..?
That means...  




1.    General principles of nursing care of the pre-operative patient. (Use: Text A.)

2.    General principles of nursing care of the post-operative patient. (Use: Text B.)

3.    The psychological support of surgical patients.(Use: TextA, Text B, the Dialogue, and exercisesto texts and to the dialogue.)


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 529; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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