Рекомендации по выполнению контрольной работы №1

Для того чтобы правильно выполнить контрольную работу № 1, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы изучаемого курса иностранного (английского) языка:

1. Глаголы to be и to have.

2. Группа времен Simple

3. Группа времен Continuous

4. Группа времен Perfect

5. Группа времен Perfect Continuous

Устная тема: Рассказ о себе


Variant 1

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.

English Character

One of the most striking features of English life is the self-discipline and courtesy of people of all classes. There is little noisy behaviour, and practically no loud disputing in the street. People do not rush excitedly for seats in buses or trains, but take their seats in queues at bus stop in a quiet and orderly manner.

Englishmen are naturally polite and are never tired in saying «Thank you», «I'm sorry», «Beg your pardon». If you follow anyone who is entering a building or a room, he will hold a door open for you. Many foreigners have commented on a remarkable politeness of the English people. English people don't like displaying their emotions even in dangerous and tragic situations, and ordinary people seem to remain good-tempered and cheerful under difficulties.

The Englishman does not like any boasting or showing off in manners, dress or speech. Sometimes he conceals his knowledge: a linguist, for example, may not mention his understanding of a foreigner's language.

The Englishman prefers his own house to an apartment in a block of flats, because he doesn't wish his doing to be overlooked by his neighbours. «An Englishman's house is his castle».

Many Englishmen help their wives at home in many ways. They clean the windows on Saturday afternoon, they often wash up the dishes after supper in the evening.

2. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.

1. There … a lot of books in our library. 2. It … late when I returned home yesterday. 3. He … a handsome young man. 4. It … rainy and sleety tomorrow. 5. I … happy to meet you. 6. The day I got married … the happiest day in my life. 7. … you … present at tomorrow’s meeting. I think, I … . 8. What time … it now? It … 7 o’clock. 9. They … surprised to see me yesterday. 10. We … not struck by his behaviour last time we saw him.

3. Вставьте в пропуски необходимые артикли: определенный, неопределенный или нулевой.

1. Who is ...President of the United States? 2. He is ...most intelligent student in the college. 3. He went to ...bed at 10 p.m. 4. Dickens' father was sent to ... prison for debts. 5. She goes to ...school. 6. Where is ... Mississippi river? 7. Do you want to go to ... theatre with us? 8. What is … capital of Italy? 9. Is Paris in ... United Kingdom? 10. He has got... camera.

4. Задайте по 3 вопроса к каждому предложению.

1. Mary always speaks English at the lessons fluently. 2. The children are playing football in the yard now. 3. The text has just been translated by the children. 4. Nick spent his holidays in the South last year. 5. Sabina’s parents will be working in the garden the whole morning. 6. The letter was sent yesterday.

5. Употребите прилагательные, данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения.

1. My brother is much (young) than me. 2. The Opera House is one of (beautiful) buildings in the city. 3. The sound grew (faint) and (faint). 4. I have no one (near) than you. 5. Nick’s English is as (fluent) as mine. 6. To my mind, this restaurant is much (good) than that over there. 7. In my opinion, this last work is (bad) than the previous one. 8. Nizhni Novgorod is one of (large) cities of Russia. 9. This is (good) film I have ever seen. 10. I received from the book (little) information than from my teacher.

6. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на конструкции типа the more …the less.

1. The more you read, the more you learn. 2. The better we know the grammar rules, the fewer mistakes we make. 3. The higher we climb the mountain, the colder is the air around us. 4. The more we study English, the better we understand it. 5. The longer the night lasts, the shorter the day is. 6. The better you learn the words, the sooner you will master your English. 7. The more we know about the nature, the more control we get over it. 8. The better we know this girl, the more we like her.


Variant 2

1.  Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.

Everyday life

The Keane family from England had a two-week holiday in South Carolina, USA.

Tim and Katy Keane and their children, Bethany (8), Charles (9) and Joe (16), couldn't believe their luck when they arrived at Washington Drive, Greenville. «The houses were all enormous,» said Tim. «I expected to see film stars coming out of them!» The Millers' house has five bedrooms, a study, two bathrooms and an extra downstairs toilet. «Our bedroom was huge and it was lovely having an en-suite,» said Katy. «It was like staying in a hotel!» «We didn't see much of the children for two weeks!» says Tim. «They were either in the computer room, in the basement or outdoors.» The weather was fine for the Keanes' visit to South Carolina, so they made good use of the Millers' yard. «The Millers had sports equipment and a permanent barbecue in their yard,» said Joe. «And their neighbours had  a  swimming pool, which we used once. It was great!» «The children really enjoyed the yard,» said Katy, «but I found it a bit dull.

 I like nice English gardens with lots of flowers. All the Millers had a few trees.» And Katy didn't think much of the decor either. «It was all very smart and clean» she said, «but it wasn't very colourful. It's obvious that Americans spend more time outdoors than the British! We had good weather, but luckily we didn't need to use the air-conditioning system. The Millers had lots of security systems and alarms that we had to fiddle with every night and morning - that was complicated enough!»

2. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.

1. Ben … my friend. Where … he now? 2. I … in my room now. 3. … Tom and Sally your kids? Yes, they … . 4. My cousin … not at home the day before yesterday. 5. Our friends … in Moscow last week. 6. Who … present at tomorrow’s conference? 7. My father … fond of sports when he was younger. 8. … you interested in music? Yes, I …. 9. Mary and I … in the cinema long ago. 10. … it cold or hot last summer in your region?

3. Вставьте в пропуски необходимые артикли: определенный, неопределенный или нулевой.

1. Is Paris in ... United Kingdom? 2. He has got... camera. 3. We go to ...beach in summer. 4. Christopher Columbus crossed… Atlantic Ocean. 5. He plays ...tennis. 6. My father isn't at... home. 7. Paula comes from ... Canada. 8. It's ... glove Michael Jackson wore in the "Bad" video. 9. This is ... old pair of trousers. 10. He lives in ...Colorado.

4. Задайте по 3 вопроса к каждому предложению.

1. Angela went to London last year. 2. The students will be taught English next year. 3. Mike rarely does his morning exercises. 4. Nora has been to England recently. 5. She is having a rest now. 6. Helena had baked a cake before she saw her guests in.

5. Употребите прилагательные, данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения.

1. This sentence is (difficult) than the first one. 2. The cat is much (happy) in its new home. 3. This piece of homework is as (bad) as the previous one. 4. Winter in London is (foggy) than in Paris. 5. This was (large) power station I have ever seen. 6. He bought the toys at (near) shop. 7. Her illness was (serious) than we thought before. 8. It’s becoming (hard) and (hard) to find a job. 9. As the day went, the weather got (bad). 10. Everest is (high) mountain in the world.

6. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на конструкции типа the more …the less.

1. The warmer the weather, the better I feel. 2. The more I got to know him, the more I liked him. 3. The more goods you will sell, the more your profit will be. 4. The longer she waited, the more impatient she became. 5. The higher the prices, the better the goods. 6. The more tired you are, the harder it is to concentrate. 7. The sooner we leave, the sooner we will arrive. 8. The more expensive the hotel, the better the service.


Variant 3

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.


The idea of success is important to Americans. They believe that if they work hard they can have what they want and be what they want. This is part of what they call «the American Dream.»

Perhaps this is why Americans are so hard-working. They do not take many vacations. There are only five national holidays that are celebrated in every state. These are New Year's Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. On these days, government offices, post offices, and banks are closed.

There are other important public holidays, but they are not celebrated everywhere. Seven states, for example, do not celebrate Columbus Day. And some special days are not public holidays at all.

December 25th-Christmas Day

This is the biggest holiday of the year and the one many people-especially children-enjoy the most. Soon after Thanksgiving people start sending Christmas cards and decorate their houses. Almost every home has a Christmas tree. German soldiers started this tradition in the U.S. during the Revolutionary War of 1776.

The evening before Christmas Day is called Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve many people go to church and sing Christmas carols, and the President gives his Christmas message on TV. Parents tell children that Santa Claus will come to their house in the night and leave presents for them.

On Christmas Day people open their presents and then they prepare a traditional dinner of turkey or ham with vegetables, salads, and desserts. There are also special cookies, candies, nuts, and fruits. Christmas dinner is eaten late in the afternoon. During the day many families watch special Christmas TV and children play with their new toys. Some people go ice-skating or drive around town to look at the decorations.

2. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.

1. There … a big parade today. 2. There … two lamps in the room. 3. ... there any new words presented at the last lesson? 4. It … cold yesterday. 5. I … glad to see you here now. 6. He …not … at home tomorrow. 7. ... it dark in the street? 8. My friends … not present at the last conference. 9. Who … not here? 10. My friend … an economist.

3. Вставьте в пропуски необходимые артикли: определенный, неопределенный или нулевой.

1. Who is ...President of the United States? 2. He is ...most intelligent student in the college. 3. He went to ...bed at 10 p.m. 4. Dickens' father was sent to ... prison for debts. 5. She goes to ...school. 6. Where is ... Mississippi river? 7. Do you want to go to ... theatre with us? 8. What is … capital of Italy? 9. Is Paris in ... United Kingdom? 10. He has got... camera.

4. Задайте по 3 вопроса к каждому предложению.

1. He lived in Spain 10 years ago. 2. Willie usually walks to work. 3. Nel has already invited his friends to the concert. 4. George was caught by the police yesterday. 5. Garry will tell us the truth. 6. Nick was reading a new detective story at 5 o’clock yesterday.

5. Употребите прилагательные, данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения.

1. You looked depressed this morning but you look much (happy) now. 2. Since she has been in Britain, her English has got (good). 3. I’m a bit late. I got here as (fast) as I could. 4. We stayed at (cheap) hotel in the town. 5. That’s (boring) film I have ever seen. 6. The hole in my pullover is getting (big) from day to day. 7. It is (valuable) picture in the gallery. 8. It was (bad) experience in my life. 9. As I waited for my interview, I became (nervous). 10. I’m afraid the problem is much (complicated) than it seems.

6. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на конструкции типа the more …the less.

1. The younger you are, the easier it is to learn. 2. The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be. 3. The more I thought about the plan, the less I liked it. 4. The shorter the night, the longer the day. 5. The happier you are, the better it is for me. 6. The stronger the wind, the colder the weather. 7. The better you know the words, the more fluent your speech will be. 8. The more I walked around the town, the more people I got acquainted to.



Variant 4

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.

May Week at Cambridge

The most interesting time of year in which to visit Cambridge is during May Week. This is neither in May nor a week. For some reasons which nobody remembers, May Week is the name given to the first two weeks in June, the very end of the University year.

May Week denotes not so much a particular period of time as the general atmosphere of relaxation at the end of the year's work. It starts for each undergraduate when he finishes his examinations.

Everything as far as possible has to happen in the open air-parties, picnics, concerts and plays. May Week seems like a celebration of the coming of spring, till then ignored in favour of examinations, and this spirit of release seems to take over the entire (the whole) town. People go to the river behind the colleges which stand next to the river to watch May boat races, in which young energetic men are ready to show off their skill.

Music and drama also have a part to play in the festivities. Nearly every college of the University (and there are over 20 of them) holds a May Week concert or presents a play in the open air.

But the most important events are the May Balls for which some girls do their best for month in advance to get invitations. College May Balls are the climax of May Week and for many undergraduates are the final event of their university life, when the river is lit with coloured lights, ballroom orchestra plays for dancers and punts glide romantically down the river.

2. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.

1. What … the weather like today? 2. … you ready for the lesson yesterday? 3. I … at home the whole evening tomorrow. 4. Where … he when I came to your place yesterday? 5. My parents … out of town today. 6. How … your mother? 7. It … not polite to be late. 8. Your summer plans … rather interesting. 9. Paul … glad to see you once again. 10. What subject … your favourite?

3. Вставьте в пропуски необходимые артикли: определенный, неопределенный или нулевой.

1. Is Paris in ... United Kingdom? 2. He has got... camera. 3. We go to ...beach in summer. 4. Christopher Columbus crossed… Atlantic Ocean. 5. He plays ...tennis. 6. My father isn't at... home. 7. Paula comes from ... Canada. 8. It's ... glove Michael Jackson wore in the "Bad" video. 9. This is ... old pair of trousers. 10. He lives in ...Colorado.

4. Задайте по 3 вопроса к каждому предложению.

1. It was raining heavily the whole day yesterday. 2. He always meets his girlfriend after school. 3. Ann was asked a very difficult question at the lesson. 4. George is waiting for Mary at the station. 5. Gary will visit his granny tomorrow. 6. The telephone is broken.

5. Употребите прилагательные, данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения.

1. Travelling is becoming (expensive) than it was some years ago. 2. My bags seemed to get (heavy) as I carried them. 3. I enjoyed our visit to the museum. It was (interesting) than I had expected. 4. Jack isn’t as (old) as he looks. 5. She is (intelligent) student in the class. 6. It is one of (nice) rooms in the hotel. 7. As the conversation went on, she became (talkative) than before. 8. Your English is improving. It is getting (good) and (good). 9. Canada is (large) than the United States. 10. She is (good) player in the team.

6. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на конструкции типа the more the less.

1. The less baggage you have to carry, the better. 2. The faster the train, the earlier we will arrive. 3. The more I thought about my departure, the more frightened I got. 4. The cheaper the hotel, the worse the service. 5. The more I speak to him, the less trouble I have. 6. The more I learn the words, the better I read. 7. The sunnier the day, the happier I feel. 8. The more you travel, the more interesting it is to speak to you.

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 378; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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