KozlovskaiaArina(St Petersburg State University, Russia). Intertextuality in the feminist posters

The research presents an attempt to analyse functional-pragmatic features of indirect speech acts in compositions of modern English and American poets. The author regards speech acts in poems, finding the percentage ratio of their different types. The object of the article consists in determination of prevalent tendencies to directness/figurativeness in English poetry of the XXIth century. Proceeding from the findings of the study, we note the tendency of the most representatives of modern English poetry to parable and to extensive use of allegories. This trend, in our point of view, is a consequence of the national characteristics of English writers, as well as living conditions in modern society that forces a person to live permanently with other people unfamiliar to him. As a consequence, it appeals to the readiness to protect himself and his inner world from any external encroachment. In the poetic works under analysis, allegories are based on the use of indirect speech acts, mainly with a transposition of directive, quesitive and expressive illocutionary force.


Kudria Svetlana(St Petersburg State University, Russia), Butakova Anna(St Petersburg State University, Russia). Linguistic representation of specialized information in English-language texts for clients of institutional discourse (based on online resources for diabetes patients)

The paper presents the results of the functional-communicative analysis of linguistic representation of medical information in texts written for the general public. The paper focuses on the main linguistic features of information brochures and booklets: the structure of the texts, their specific temporal organization, the abundance of deictic means and means of modality, synonymous repetitions; much attention is paid to the choice of words that explain the meaning of medical terms. The paper considers various factors related to the characteristics of the recipient of the text that determine the choice of linguistic means, e.g. sex, ethnic and religious background of patients. At the same time, institutional context of the communication is taken into account as much as possible. The paper highlights cultural and linguistic peculiarities of information brochures and booklets designed for various English-speaking countries. The paper discusses some peculiarities of linguistic organization of such texts for children and adolescents.

Luneva Alina(St Petersburg State University, Russia). Markers of critical attitude to gender stereotypes

The article is devoted to the analysis of use of various markers of the critical attitude to gender stereotypes in prohibitive constructions with social role indication (boy, girl). It is meant to identify and classify language markers used with various prohibitive constructions. In the paper it is planned to divide the markers into several categories according to their attitude to stereotypes (negative, neutral, positive) and the presence of arguments in subsequent statements. Based on the results of the study, it is planned to count and find the proportion of various types of markers. The article will include several definitions of some linguistic terms, such as, for example, language marker, prohibitive construction, etc.


Maltseva Natalia(St Petersburg State University, Russia). Understatement as a linguistic instrument for creating the positive image in modern political discourse

The research dwells upon the phenomenon of understatement used in the modern political discourse within the strategy aimed to establish or improve the image of a politician/a speaker/a political situation /actions and events. It analyses possible communicative tactics typically used within the framework of the strategy; pragmatic functions of the tactics; possible language means used to create understatement; the mechanism of implication in understatement viewed as an element of the principle of speech cooperation.

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 341; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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