Kiseleva Maria. Functional aspects of biblical phraseological units in modern political discourse

In the framework of this report biblical phraseology is regarded as a cluster of phraseological units related to the Bible which includes both the units initially used in it and those ones which were formed on the basis of Biblical parables and stories. Biblical phraseology is deeply interlaced with the cultures and worldviews of those countries the main religion of which is Christianity thus remaining understandable for the greater part of their populations. At the same time it preserves its peculiar stylistic colouring, bookish and high-flown character. That is exactly the reason why so many politicians opt for the usage of biblical phraseological units in their speeches. However modern political discourse represented by the speeches of D.Trump, the 45th President of the USA, offers a number of unusual features associated with this type of word groups which are going to be analyzed in this paper.

Klychkova Margarita. On phraseological units in song names

The paper deals with some key features of the English song discourse and its role in terms of the language and culture of English-speaking countries. The text shows some key factors that influenced the development of a contemporary song. Globalization has led to a wide distribution of culturally specific musical trends and genres, and national concepts and values as well. However, the English song discourse remains the most widespread on a global scale, making modern songs one of the powerful channels for the spread of the English language and a means of popularizing the culture and lifestyle of English-speaking countries. The inseparable connection between the song discourse and the key values ​​and concepts of a culture results in a special interest in studying this phenomenon from the point of view of phraseology, since phraseological units are highly informative units of the language, often reflecting the uniqueness of a culture, its way of life and people's history, and the usage of phraseological units in lyrics and songs’ names (Capital Cities “Safe and Sound”; AC/DC “Beating Around the Bush”; Katy Perry “Dark Horse”) contributes to the realization of the key communicative strategy of the song discourse — the impact on the emotional sphere of a human’s personality.


Myachinskaya Elvira(St Petersburg State University, Russia). What brings “splendor and solemnity” to the atmosphere in “Hamlet”

A.Anikst, a prominent Soviet expert on Shakespeare, described in his commentary to “Hamlet” the atmosphere in the castle as full of “splendor, pomp and solemnity”. For the present study, we selected from the text of the playsets of words describing way of life, furniture, clothes, food, drinks, dishes and musical instruments, i.e. things, which can create splendor and pomp of the court life. The analysis has shown that practically nothing in the text produce this effect, except, perhaps, the mention of musical instruments in stage remarks. In a number of cases, way of life words in the Russian translation of the play may sound more elevated and make the general atmosphere more solemn. Also, centuries of stage performances have formed a stereotypical notion of the court life.


Nikulina Elena. English phraseological units as the titles of the articles: usual and occasional use

The report is dedicated to the use of English phraseological units in the titles of the articles in the Internet. The author will dwell on the expressiveness and emotiveness of the usually and occasionally used phraseological units and will try to demonstrate that certain PhUs may lose their colouring or undergo some transformations due to the context, theme or some other linguistic reasons.

Pankratova Svetlana. Cognitive-semantic potential of technical metaphors

The report deals with technical metaphors in connection with their ability to express and implement lexical and pragmatic potential. Technical metaphoric potential is revealed in the technical lexical sphere which serves as a basis of technical metaphors (ex: social engineering, to recharge one’s energy, rusting mind) and is closely related to the problem of forecast of direction of the metaphoric choice. The metaphoric choice forecast is topical due to its ability to identify psychological type, nature and intentions of the communicative agent. This is possible through the analysis of metaphorical expressions selected by agents in their speech. Mechanisms of knowledge acquisition are universal, this allows taking as a basis technical metaphor to describe cognitive-pragmatic aspects of the metaphoric choice. Meaningful outcome of the analysis of numerous (more than 120 units) technical metaphors is the detection of cognitive processes, which accompany metaphoric choice. The process in question is multileveled and can be divided into several segments, such as framing, reframing, cognitive model complementation, mixing thematic spheres. Based on a number of cognitive functions (form of word presentation, means of predication, ‘presumption of truthfulness’, logic of image scheme development) the conclusion is made as to varying nature of metaphoric meaning production – from explicit feature predication within source-target paradigm to non-predicated diaphoric implication. Authentic examples from English literature sources allowed us to define heuristically successful technical metaphors.


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 527; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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