Kareva Anastasia. Speech manipulation modelling in printed advertisements

The author reports results of speech manipulation verbally represented in three hundred English cosmetics printed advertisements. The reseach carried out is based on three dimensional speech manipulation optimizing model by A.A.Leontiev. The model was applied in order to reveal speech manipulation implementing lexemes. The author highlighted speech manipulation implementing text fragments of advertising discourse. Then there was a speech manipulation techniques classification based on the analysis of text components in advertising discourse. The data given enabled the researcher to construct a verbal speech manipulation model implemented through cosmetics printed advertisements.


Kozhevnikova Tatiana. The role of public image in presenting argumentation based on American political interviews

The paper considers public image in terms of presenting argumentation within modern American political interview. The purpose of the paper is to describe the functioning of public image during the construction of argumentation. The paper presents a linguistic approach to defining the notion image using the notions stereotype and speech characteristics. As a result, two aspects of image functioning are distinguished: first, image is formed with arguments-tactics within the strategy of positive/negative self-presentation (axiological perspective), second, during the interpretation of argumentation image serves as a viewpoint within the so-called macro-argumentation (discourse perspective).


Kondrashova Vera(St Petersburg State University, Russia), Pospelova Aleksandra(St Petersburg State University, Russia). Discussing problems of indirect threatening in English discourse

The paper focuses on different approaches to indirectness in expressing threats in English discourse. The study aims to explore reduced forms of threats in which the directive part is omitted but can be inferred from the communicative context, while the commissive part of the threat is expressed implicitly. The paper analyses different ways of masking the speaker’s intention to harm the addressee. Various kinds of communicative reference are taken into consideration. The authors come to the conclusion that the shift of communicative reference is the most common way of masking the speaker’s communicative intention in this case. The utterance may also have either one or two kinds of communicative reference, in this case other ways of masking the speaker’s communicative intention are used. A special case of threatening without a directive part, vengeance, was identified. The authors believe that such threats belong to the periphery of the speech act of threat, but they still share а common feature with conventional indirect threats in which the directive part is implied. The research shows that reduced forms of indirect threats are commonly used in formal situations where there is a considerable social distance between interlocutors.

OvshievaNelia. On pragmatics of situational irony in English short stories

The relevance of this study is that situational irony, being a form of comic, along with satire and humor (Pokhodnia 1984, Kiryukhin 2011, Attardo, 2001, Brassett, 2009), is still not sufficiently studied in the discursive dimension. The aim of the work is to identify the specifics of the pragmatics of situational irony in short stories of English-speaking authors. Theories of literary irony usually use a rhetorical or Aristotelian approach, that is, they define irony as a certain configuration of dramatic roles and plot structures and, thus, ignore the specifics of its pragmatics. For example, D. Muecke (Cit. after: Shelley, 2001: 776) perceives irony as a kind of distance between the appearance and reality created by an ironist, from which the victim suffers. W. Booth (ibidem) views irony as a recognition or reconstruction of a literary technique similar to the recognition of figures of speech, such as metaphors, allegories and puns. L. Hutcheon (ibidem) defines irony as a strategy of "discursive politics" in the rhetoric of texts. In all these descriptions it is assumed that literary irony is the paradigm case, and that situational irony is a special case of life imitating art. According to R. Gibbs, the context that creates an "ironic situation" through the opposition between expectations and reality facilitates an ironic interpretation (2002). Situational irony is fundamentally different from other forms of irony: situational irony is observed, while other forms of irony are created. D. Muekke noted that we distinguish between verbal and situational irony when we say, on the one hand, "he or she is ironic," and on the other: "The irony is that ..." (1970: 50). Although verbal irony implies the presence of an ironist, most types of situational irony simply assume the presence of an observer. Situational irony can also be seen as a mismatch in a situation, arising from the tension between the expected or assumed and what actually happens. The discrepancy is often associated with a sense of unhappiness or injustice towards the participants in the situation. The discrepancy in the situation itself is unintentional, and often gets out of the control of the participants, who may be victims of situational irony. Thus, situational irony can be seen as an unexpected turn in the plot, which does not correspond to the expectations of the participants in the situation. It represents a mode of literary discourse, where pragmalinguistic techniques of its construction can be revealed.


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 437; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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