Malykhina Margarita. Gender stereotyping in contemporary English literature

The presentation looks into the patterns of gender stereotyping in the contemporary English literature and analyzes such publishing phenomena as “ladlit” and “chicklit”. The analysis of the novels by Nick Hornby and Helen Fielding sheds light on the structure of gender stereotype and the ways of its literary representations.

Markiev Vladimir. Metaphoric verbalizations of the concept LIFE in songs written in English

My thesis deals with conceptual sphere of American songs based on lyrics of punk genre. In my report I would like to research one of of the most recognizable concepts – LIFE. In particular, I want to tell about metaphoric verbalizations of concept LIFE in English-language songs lyrics of various genres. Metaphoric verbalizations were a subject of research of many scholars: from traditional research aspects (Aristotle, Arutyunova, Galperin, Telia, Karasik, Richards, Black, Davidson etc.) to modern cognitive aspects of research (Lakoff and Johnson, Schmitt, Turner and Fauconnier, Allan). Concept LIFE verbalization still attracts a lot of attention from many scholars which makes the report modern and up-to-date, nevertheless concept LIFE hasn't been investigated much with regard to English-language songs. I will investigate categorization of metaphors from the point of view of possible source domains. The material for the report is songs written in English; I have compiled and analyzed a text corpora to detect metaphoric verbalizations of concept LIFE, detected models for metaphoric verbalizations formation, analyzed all detected verbalizations in English language and compared them to Russian translation. Based on works of well-known scholars in the field of cognitive linguistics I detected basic trends in metaphorization. Literal aspect of concept LIFE was analyzed based on dictionary articles in Big definition dictionary of Russian language and Oxford English Dictionary for Russian and English languages respectively. Analysis of figurative aspect of the concept was conducted based on text corpora of English song lyrics. Multiple searches yielded 116 samples of metaphors divided into 20 categories as well as 20 metaphors without category.

Tuliakova Natalia. What’s the meaning of that expression ‘Got his goat’?: Phraseology in The White Monkey by John Galsworthy

The paper presents the results of stylistic analysis of Galsworthy’s novel The White Monkey, namely the usage of phraseological units in the narrator’s and the personages’ speech. The analysis of the corpora for the seven central personages shows that phraseological units are an important means of character presentation. Each personage uses phraseological units of different semantic and stylistic nature, and these units reveal the sphere which is the most vital for a character. It can also be concluded that idioms and collocations perform an important function in the narrative system of the novel, indicating shifts between viewpoints and creating polyphony, while being a source of imagery and leitmotivs on the semantic level. Thus, phraseological units contribute to text cohesion in the novel.


Zhikhareva Natalia. Indirect means of speech influence upon the interlocutor in conflict dialogues of English drama of the 19th -21stcenturies

The report presents an attempt to analyze the indirect speech act as a constituent part of accusative and didactive discourse acts used in conflict communication aimed at speech influence upon the interlocutor’s emotive perception of the text in English dramas of ХІХ-ХХI centuries. Special regard is given to the analysis of functional interdependence between contextually related direct and indirect stimulating and reactive remarks in English dramas as written fixation of natural communication. The interpretation of indirect speech acts is centered round the role of context in conflict communication. To reveal such speech manipulation mechanism the author applies to the dominant script model elaborated by A. A. Kotov.

Zonina Nina. Puritans and English 17th century drama

A negative role of Puritans in forming the morals and ideology of the 17th century English society and their militant policy against dramatic art and theatre became a commonplace. The closure of the theatres by the Puritan Parliament in 1642 labeled them for generations as bitter opponents to any dramatic entertainments. However a number of historical facts and evidences of ХVI-ХVII centuries demonstrate that such vision of the situation is rather simplified. They reveal more complicated relationship between puritans and theatre. In the beginning of the Reformation movement puritan activists showed no negative attitude to the dramatic art and its presentation on the stage. Moreover, a number of plays were written by devoted adherents of Puritanism ( Simon Fish, John Shelton, etc. ). In addition, very often prohibitions and restrictions in the field of drama came from monarchs, traditional patrons of playwrights and theatres (Henry XVIII - Elizabeth1). The documents insist that some claims of Puritans to drama and theatre actually were targeted not on the drama itself, but were provoked mainly by some social, public and religious factors and were of temporary character. Besides, numerous examples of negative attitude to dramatic art in Catholic Europe of that time and among fierce enemies to Puritans in England relieve the exclusiveness from the image of English Puritan as a hater and oppressor of drama and theatre.



Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 424; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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