Dictionaries in the Translation Process

Theory and Practice of Translation

Self-Study Material


Self-Study 1

Types of Translation


1. General principles of classifying different translation types.

2. Genre-and-style classification (V.N. Komissarov).

3. Psycho-linguistic classification (V.N.Komissarov; L.S.Barhudarov)

A List of Literature

1.1, p.46-49;

2.9, ch. IV;   

3.10, ch.6;   

4.14, p.10-21;

5.19, ch.11; 

6.22, p.4-5;  



Self-Study 2

Theory of Regular Correspondences


1. The main task of a translator according to prof. Retsker.

2. The notion of “integrity”.

3. The criterion of evaluation of the TT accuracy.

4. Integral translation.

5. The correlation of words in the Source and Target languages and its regularities.

6. The main types of correspondences according to Retsker and their main features. Give two names for each type.

7. The differences in the sphere of functioning of the correspondences.

A List of Literature


Self-Study 3

Theory of Language Meanings

Discussion questions:

1. How does prof. Barhudarov define “translation”? What is “content plane”?

2. What were his arguments against prof. Smirnitskiy’s approach toward translation?

3. What is “language meaning”?

4. What are the types of language meanings? Characterise them.

5. Is there any difference between “the referent” and “the denotation”?

6. Do all the words possess all three meanings by all means?

7. What is the degree of preservance in the TT for each of the language meanings?

8. How to distinguish which meaning should be reproduced first?

A List of Literature




Self-Study 4

Theory of the Levels of Equivalence

Discussion questions:

1. What’s “equivalence” according to V.N.Komissarov?

2. Which two aspects of equivalence does he point out?

3. What is prof. Komissarov’s theory of equivalence based on?

4. What are the levels of equivalence? Characterise them.

A List of Literature


2.9, p.6-33;  

3.10, ch.2,3.



Self-Study 5

Modelling in Translation

1. Denotative model of translation:

a) the essence of the theory;

b) its merits and demerits.


2. Transformational model of translation:

a) the essence of the theory;

b) the main directions of its development;

c) its merits and demerits.


3. Semantic model of translation:

a) the essence of the theory;

b) the main directions of its development;

c) its merits and demerits.



4. Pragmatic model of translation:

a) the pragmatic potential of the ST and is reproduction in the TT;

b) the pragmatic adaptation;

c) the main objective of the pragmatic model of translation.


A List of Literature

1.1, p.106-133;

2.8, ch.2;     

3.9, ch.9;     

4.10, ch.5;   

5.20, c.6-11;

6.29, p.34-43, 47-54.


Self-Study 6

Phraseologisms and Their Translation


1. Definition of a phraseologism from the viewpoint of translatology.

2. Classification of phraseologisms from the viewpoint of translatology.

3. Difficulties in translating phraseologisms. Reasons for those difficulties.

4. Ways of translating phraseologisms:

a) equivalents;

b) analogues;

c) equivalent-lacking phraseologisms.

5. Transformed (re-structured) phraseologisms and their translation.

A List of Literature


2.4, ch.3;     



5.11, part 1, p.51-65;    


7.17, ch.12; 


9.23, ch.5;   



Self-Study 7

Neologisms and Their Translation

1. Definition of a neologism. Reasons and sources of their rise.

2. The most frequent types of neologisms.

3. Difficulties in translating neologisms.

4. Possible ways of translating neologisms.

A List of Literature




4.11,Part 1,p.127-135;







Self-Study 8

Internationalisms and Their Translation

A List of Literature

1.4, p.19-23;

2.11, part 1, p.88-89;

3.16, p.99-102;

4.14, p.47-58;

5.22, p.16-17.



Self-Study 9

Translating Terminology

A List of Literature

1.3, part 2, ch.7;

2.11, part 1, p.98-111;

3.22, p.14-16;


5.27, p.217-226;




Self-Study 10

Abbreviation in the translation Process

A List of Literature

1.3, part 2, ch.9.



Self-Study 11

Addresses in the Translation Process

A List of Literature

1.3, part 2, ch.3.



Self-Study 12

Puns and Play on Words in the Translation Process

A List of Literature

1.3, part 2, ch.8;        

2.11, part 2, p.162-167;           

3.27, p.259-261.


Self-Study 13

Allusions and Their Translation

A List of Literature

1.11, part 2, p.167-171;

2.26, p.31.



Self-Study 14

Onomatopoeia and Interjections in the Translation Process

A List of Literature

1.3, part 2, ch.4.



Self-Study 15

Style of the ST and Its Reproducing in the TT

A List of Literature

1.10, p.112-121; 

2.11, part 2, p.145-188;     



5.23, ch.4;          

6.29, p.140-160.



Self-Study 16

Newspaper-and-Informative Style and Its Translation

A List of Literature

1.11, part 2, p.213-248;


3.27, p.208-216;

4.29, p.160-206.



Self-Study 17

The Problem of the Context in the Translation Process

A List of Literature

1.1, p.169-174;

2.11, part 1, p.12-16;

3.22, p.20-24;

4.23, p.17-24.



Self-Study 18

Dictionaries in the Translation Process

A List of Literature

1.9, p.192-194;

2.11, part 1, p.147-159;

3.22, p.24-29;

4.23, ch.7;

5.26, p.75-80.



Self-Study 19

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