I. Reproduce the passages from the text in which the vocabulary is used. II. Paraphrase the following using the vocabulary: I don’t really like red wine

II. Paraphrase the following using the vocabulary:

  1. I don’t really like red wine.
  2. You may not like him, but you’ve got to appreciate and respect his persistence.
  3. The idea of parachuting out of a plane terrifies me.
  4. He persistently claimed the truth of his story, even though the police refused to believe him.
  5. He is one of Britain’s most scandalous criminals.
  6. I’m used to having biscuits with my coffee.
  7. Has he regained consciousness?

8. At the beginning of term, the library provides students with books that they are expected to read.

III. Translate the following using the vocabulary:

1. Я не собираюсь обсуждать с вами условия оплаты. Сначала я договорюсь с владельцем помещения.

2. Поедем на прогулку сегодня днём?

3. Часто у неё бывают истерики?

4. Давай остановимся, переведём дыхание.

5. Майк, зачем ты отобрал у брата игрушку?

6. У него с моей сестрой есть что-то общее, он никогда не таит злобы против людей.

7. Становится поздно – пора оправляться в гостиницу.

8. По крайней мере, из-за уважения к старшим ты мог бы вести себя пристойно.

9. Он сделал ей предложение и она приняла его.

10. Тот несчастный случай преподал мне хороший урок, я больше не буду ездить слишком быстро.

11. Мы заключили пари на исход следующих выборов.

IV. Paraphrase or explain the following:

1. “…everyone told him he was doing a very foolish thing, as there was no doubt at all that the place was haunted.”

2. “She had a magnificent constitution, and a really wonderful amount of animal spirits.”

3. “I have seen things with my own eyes, sir", she said, "that would make any Christian’s hair stand on end…”

4. It was said to have turned Lord Raker’s wig grey in a single night, and had certainly made three of Lady Canterville’s French governesses give warning before their month was up.

5. On reaching his room he entirely broke down, and became a prey to the most violent agitation.

V. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following sentences in Russian:

1. Теперь вся семья проявляла живейшую заинтересованность; мистер Отис стал подумывать, не проявил ли он догматизма, отрицая существование привидений; миссис Отис высказала намерение вступить в общество спиритов, а Вашингтон сочинил длинное письмо господам Мейерс и Подмор касательно долговечности кровавых пятен, порождённых преступлением.

2. О привидениях никто даже словом не обмолвился, и все были удивительно далеки от того состояния повышенной восприимчивости, которое так часто предшествует материализации духов.

3. Бросившись вниз по лестнице, они увидели, что на каменном полу валяются большие рыцарские доспехи, снятые с пьедестала, а в кресле с высокой спинкой сидит кентервильское привидение и, морщась от боли, потирает себе колени.

4. Для своего появления он наметил пятницу семнадцатого августа и большую часть дня перебирал свой гардероб, остановившись наконец на большой широкополой шляпе с красным пером, саване с рюшками у ворота и на рукавах и ржавом кинжале.

5. На груди у призрака висела доска с непонятной надписью, начертанной старинными буквами; о страшном позоре, казалось, вещала она, о диких грехах и ужасных злодействах; и в поднятой правой руке его был зажат меч из блестящей стали.

Discussion points

1. Describe the Otis family (their origin, way of life). Find evidence in the text that shows them as materialistic people with little regard for the supernatural.

2. How do the descriptions of nature add to the overall atmosphere of the place, preparing the reader for something mysterious to happen?

3. How is the everlasting opposition of American and British cultures displayed in the conversation of the Otis family at supper?

4. How does the reaction of the family to the appearance of the Ghost characterize them? Do you think Mr. Otis sounded rather sarcastic addressing the Ghost? Give evidence from the text to support your point of view.

5. How is the clash of the materialistic and the supernatural shown by the author? How is it revealed in the reaction of the Ghost to the behaviour of the Otis family? Observe the cultural signs (words, phrases, names of people and objects) that help to create the image of the world in which the Otis family lived and the world which the Ghost was bound to live in.

6. Recall the episode of the Ghost’s encounter with a spectre. Express your attitude towards it.

7. Collect information about each character. Speak about a) Mr. Otis, b) Mrs. Otis, c) Virginia, d) Washington, e) the twins, f) the Ghost.

Assignment II (Chapters 4-7)


1. Why did the poor Ghost continue walking along the corridor though he was terribly afraid of the twins and took all precautions against being heard or seen?

2. The Ghost visited the twins in their bedroom. How did the whole affair finish?

3. Why was the Ghost so eager to visit the young Duke of Cheshire?

4. Why did Virginia decide to speak to the Ghost? How did the Ghost behave during the conversation?

5. What did you learn about Sir Simon from Chapter 5?

6. What did the Ghost ask Virginia to do for him and why?

7. Describe the evening in the chase when Virginia disappeared.

8. How did Virginia explain her absence?

9. What did the Otis family learn about Sir Simon de Canterville?

10. Why didn’t Lord Canterville agree to take the jewels the Ghost had given to Virginia?

11. What is the end of the story?

12. Sum up the contents of Chapters 4-7.


Word List

to deserve smth.

to be under one's control

to escape from one's obligations

to take precautions (against)

to humiliate

to serve one’s purpose

to make an effort

to give up hope

seized with a panic

to drive smb to bay

in a state of despair

to live on to a great age

to hush smth up

to smb’s surprise

to admit smth.

to starve smb. to death


to tell on smb.

to have mercy on smb.

to harm smb.

to wring one’s hands

to be grateful to smb.

to play a trick on smb.

to be frightened to death

to observe a custom

to have interest in

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