Schooling in England is compulsory for all children from 5 to 6 years old. Besides, they can continue their schooling and have two more years of school studying. In England, the primary education is up to 11 years old. First, children enter an infant school and then move on to a junior school (which is often in the same building) at the age of 7, and then, when they are 11, go on to study in a secondary school.

About 90 per cent of children receive their secondary education at «comprehensive » schools where children of all backgrounds and abilities are educated in a single school. For those who wish to stay on, а secondary school can include the two final years of secondary education, sometimes known in Britain (for historical reasons) as «the sixth form». In many parts of the country, these two years are spent at a sixth-form college, which provides academic and vocational courses.

The academic year begins in late summer, usually in September, and is divided into three terms, with holidays for Christmas, Easter and for the month of August, although the exact dates vary a little from area to area. In addition in each term there is normally a mid-term one-week holiday, known as a «half-term».


1) English children can choose when to start or finish their schooling.

2) Some children stay at school at 16 for two more years.

3) Infant school is a stage of primary education.

4) Children who study at «comprehensive» schools have special abilities and talents.

5) The two final years of secondary education are traditionally called «the sixth form».

6) English pupils have no holiday in spring.

III. Complete the text with the words (a—f). There are two choices you don’t need to use.

a) selfish

b) dishonest

c) boring

d) reliable

e) envious

f) hard-working



First of all, be honest and reliable. A (1)__________person has no chance of having true friends. Keep your promises; do what you say you are going to do, and most importantly — don’t lie! Lying is when you say «Okay, I will...», but you never do.

Be (2)_________. If your friend tells you something in confidence, don’t talk about it to anyone else. Don’t discuss your friend behind his/her back. Don’t let others say bad things about your friend.

Don’t be (3) ________. Be attentive to your friend. Always find time to listen to him or her and not only to speak about your problems.

Never be (4) _________or jealous of your friend. Live by the golden rule — always treat a friend as you would want to be treated.


8th form



I. Listen to the text and put “+” if the sentence is right and “-“if one is false.    

1. One day three friends went for a walk.

2. One of them had a dog.

3. He put a coin in the ground on the road.

4. At that time a traveller walked along the road.

5. The dog ran after the traveller.

6. The dog wasn’t very clever.

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. What did the traveller think the dog lost?

a) its bone   b) its home     c) its friend    d) its master

2. Where did he take the dog?

a) to his house   b) to his yard   c) to his flat    d) to his room

3. What did the traveller give the dog?

a) some meat  b) a tasty dinner  c) a good supper  d) a little water

4. The traveller was ready to go to...

a) the park    b) bed    c) the bathroom     d) the dining room

5. What did the dog snatch?

a) his shirt      b) his night cap c) his pyjamas d) his trousers

6. The dog took his trousers because there was ... in his pocket.

a) a coin     b) a bone     c) a candy    d) an apple

III Fill in the gaps using the words from the box. One of the words is extra one.

Rex, money, amazed, dog, kicked, coin

1. I put this ... on the ground.

2. I lost a coin, …

3. The traveller’s horse ... the coin from the ground.

4. You have the … in your trousers which is not yours.

5. That’s why my ... brought me your trousers.

6. The traveller was... 


8th form





    One day two friends went for a walk. One of them had a dog. “See here, John,” one of the men said. “I am going to put this coin here in the ground. I know my dog will find it.” He put the coin in the ground on the road. Then the two friends went on.

In half an hour the man took out the coins he had in his pocket and said to his dog: “I lost a coin, Rex. Go and look for it, quick!” The dog ran back along the road and the two friends went home.

At that time a traveller drove along the road. His horse kicked the coin from the ground and the traveller picked it up. The dog scented out the coin in the pocket of the traveller’s trousers and ran after him. Soon they came to an inn.

The traveller thought: “Poor dog. It lost its master.” As he liked the dog very much he took it to his room and gave it a good supper. Then the traveller took off his clothes. He put his pyjamas and his night cap on and was ready to go to bed.

The dog stood at the door. The man thought: “The dog wants to go out,” and he opened the door. The dog snatched the man’s trousers and ran out of the room. The man ran after it with his night cap on.

The dog ran to its master’s house. The man ran after it. He was very angry.

“Sir,” said the dog’s master, “my dog is very clever and if it ran away with your trousers, it is because you have in them the money which is not yours.”

The traveller became still more angry. “I’m sorry”, said the other, ”but I know there is the coin in your trousers’ pocket which you picked up on the road. It’s my coin. That’s why my dog brought me your trousers.”

The traveller was amazed. He laughed together with the dog’s master. Then he took out the coin and gave it to him. He took his trousers and went to his inn.


8th form



Variant 1

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