Role of a reactivity in a pathology

What, from below given definitions correctly reflectes concept " a reactivity of an organism ":

1. Reactivity - ability of an organism to variation under influence of environmental factors

2. Reactivity - ability of an organism to accept influences of an internal environment

3. Reactivity - property of an organism to definitely respond influences of the factors of external and internal environment

4. Reactivity - protective-compensatory reaction of an organism

5. Reactivity - property of an organism as whole to answer by changes of vital activities on influences of environment


Point a cellular level of reactivity of an organism:

1. Reaction of an organism at stress

2. Change of the curve of dissociation of hemoglobin at hypoxia

3. Change of circulation at hemorrhage

4. Activation of phagocytosis in inflammation

5. Swelling of mitochondrions in hyvesselonic medium


Point cellular level of reactivity of an organism:

1. General adaptation syndrome

2. Dyspnea at hypoxia

3. Damage of lysosomes at inflammation

4. Vacuolation of cells at dystrophia

5. Augmentation of erythrocytes at hypoxia


Point organic level of reactivity of an organism:

1. Necrobiosis and paranecrosis

2. Tachycardia at hyperthermia, cirrhosis of liver at alcohol abuse, tonogenic dilatation of myocardium at valves diseases

3. Activation of proteases of lysosomes at damage of cells

4. Phagocytosis at inflammation

5. Swellings of mitochondrions


Point organic systemic level of reactivity of an organism:

1. inhibition of synthetases results in activation of hydrolyzing enzymes in lysosomes

2. Reticulocytosis at posthemorrhagic anemia, rising arterial pressure in erectil stage of shock

3. Exit of K ions hemolysis of erythrocytes

4. General adaptation syndrome

5. "Syndrome" abstinent in drug addicts


Point organic level of reactivity of an organism:

1. General adaptation syndrome, change of vital activity at acute anaphylaxis, development of "withdrawal" syndrome in drug addicts

2. Change of sorption properties of cells at paranecrosis

3. Denaturation of proteins at infringement of acid-alkaline equilibrium in a cell

4. Phagocytosis of bacteria

5. Antibody formations to an antigen


In what interrelation are reactivity and resistance of an organism at "anabiosis":

1. The resistance of an organism is sharply reduced at raised reactivity

2. The parameters of reactivity and resistance are sharply reduced

3. The reactivity is sharply reduced and resistance increases to infection contamination, intoxication

4. Reactivity and resistance of an organism increases sharply

5. Reactivity and resistance of an organism do not change


Specify 1. degrees of reactivity of an organism (by Zayko):

1. Resistance

2. Sensitivity

3. Tolerance

4. Lability

5. Irritability


Specify 2. degrees of reactivity of an organism (by Zayko):

1. Resistance

2. Sensitivity

3. Tolerance

4. Lability

5. Irritability


Specify 3 degrees of reactivity of an organism (by Zayko):

1. Tolerance

2. Sensitivity

3. Resistance

4. Lability

5. Irritability


Specify the earliest form of an immune reactivity in ontogenesis (passive form of reactivity):

1. Development of cellular phagocytic reactions

2. Hypersensitivity of organism - allergy

3. Mechanisms of humoral immunity and production of antibodies

4. Tolerance

5. Reaction of graft rejection


Specify the latest form of reactivity of an organism in ontogenesis:

1. Development of cellular phagocytes reactions

2. hypersensitivity of organism - allergy

3. Mechanisms of humoral immunity and development of antibodies

4. Tolerance

5. Reaction of graft rejection


Specify local reaction of an organism on action of damaging factor:

1. Tumor, inflammation

2. Shock

3. Neurosis

4. Coma

5. Fever


Specify general reaction of an organism to damage:

1. Inflammation

2. Shock, fever, coma

3. Hypertrophy

4. Dystrophia

5. Tumor


Point reaction of an organism to damage expressed at оrganic level:

1. Stress

2. Shock

3.Hypertrophy of heart, inflammatory edema

4. Fever

5. Lability


Among the listed definitions of parameters of reactivity point sensitivity:

1. Ability of analyzers to accept the special irritators and to come in a state of excitation with minimal force of an adequate stimulus

2. Motility of nervous processes

3. Ability to answer by changes of vital activity on influences of environment

4. Time during which the stimulus in two rheobases invokes answer-back reaction

5. Chronaxia


Among the listed definitions of parameters of reactivity point irritability:

1. The time during which comes answer-back reaction on stimulus

2. Ability of analyzers (visual, acoustical) to accept irritator

3. Ability to answer by changes of vital activity on influences of environment

4. Functional motility of nervous system

5. Motility of nervous centers


Among the listed definitions of parameters of reactivity point excitability:

1. Ability to answer by changes of vital activity on influences of environment with minimal force of a stimulus

2. Functional motility of nervous centers

3. Time during which comes answer-back reaction on stimulus

4. Quantitative characteristic of irritability with minimal force of stimulus capable to cause answer-back reaction

5. Rates of replacing of excitation by inhibition


Among the offered definitions of parameters of reactivity point lability:

1. Functional inactivity of nervous centers

2. Ability of sense organs to answer an irritator

3. Rate of replacing a state of excitation by inhibition

4. Quantitative characteristic of irritability

5. Minimal force of a stimulus which is capable to cause answer-back reaction


Among the offered definitions of parameters of reactivity point chronaxia:

1. Rate of replacing a state of rest by activity

2. Change of a state of rest by a state of activity under action of threshold stimulus

3. Functional motility of nervous processes

4. Time during which the current in two rheobases invokes answer-back reaction

5. Minimal force of a stimulus necessary for formations of a state of activity


Point an endocrine infringement where hyperergic inflammation is observed:

1. Aldosteronism, hyperthyroidism

2. cortizolizm

3. hypoaldosteronism

4. hypocortizolizm

5. Hyvesselhyroidism


Point an example indicating specific reactivity of an organism:

1. Predilection to neurosis in people and animals with weak HNA type

2. Erythrocytosis of neonatal, leukocytosis at inflammation

3.Seasonal change of vital activity in animals (anabiosis) directed locomotion (taxis) of elementary organisms

4. Immune deficiency state

5. Dyspnea


Point an example of physiological reactivity of an organism:

1. Fever

2. Dyspnea at exertion, Erythrocytosis of neonatal

3. Abundant diaphoresis at overheating

4. Stable rising of BP

5. Rising of temperature


Point an example of pathological reactivity of an organism:

1. Dyspnea at lung diseases, sub-febrile fever at tuberculosis

2. Erythrocytosis in mountain inhabitants

3. Immune reactivity 

4. Hypertrophy of myocardium in sportsmen

5. Erythrocytosis at hypoxia


Which from the below-mentioned processes are accompanied by development of specific pathological reactivity:

1. Experimental and pathological epilepsy

2. Shock processes

3. Immediate hypersensitivity, reaction of graft rejection

4. Narcosis

5. Epilepsy, shock, fever


Point a state of an organism accompanied by an acceleration of chronaxia:

1. Narcosis

2. term of sensitization, epilepsy before an attack

3. deinnervation of tissue

4. Involution of nerve

5. Desensitization


State "hysteria" of nervous centers can evolve at following morbid conditions, EXCEPT FOR:

1. Tetanus, rabies, poisoning by Strychninum

2. Rabies, poisoning by morphin

3. Poisoning by Strychninum, morphin

4. Poisoning by morphin

5. Coma


Specify an example of specific reactivity:

1. Seasonal changes of vital activity in animals (Anabiosis, hibernation)

2. Reaction of healthy organism to stimuli of environments

3. Natural immunity

4. Reaction of an organism to action of disturbing factors (Stress, trauma)

5. Reaction of an organism at epilepsy, parabiosis


Point an example of physiological individual reactivity

1. Reaction of an organism at hemorrhage

2. Erythrocytosis in mountain inhabitants, hypertrophy of heart in sportsmen

3. Reaction of biological incompatibility of tissues

4. Alimentary leukopenia

5. hypertrophies of myocardium in valve disease


Specify an example of specific pathological reactivity of an organism:

1. Hemolysis of erythrocytes in hyvesselonic medium

2. Seasonal migrations of auks, fishes

3. Reaction of an organism in state of shock, narcosis

4. Shock, coma

5. Development of acute anaphylaxis on repeated, parenteral introduction into sensitized organism of anaphylactogen


Specify an example of nonspecific pathological reactivity:

1. Cramp at experimental epilepsy, myogenic dilatation of myocardium at hypertonia

2. Synthesis of immunoglobulins

3. Reaction of graft rejection

4. Paradoxical reaction of vessels to epinephrine in torpid stage of traumatic shock

5. high sensitivities of an organism on repeated introduction of an antigen


Point a morbid condition of an organism which is characterized by nonspecific pathological reactivity:

1. Fever, shock, narcosis

2. Allergy, shock

3. Immunity, narcosis

4. Shock, immune-deficiencies

5. Narcosis


Among examples of reactivity of an organism point 1 degree - sensitivity (by Zayko):

1. Change of lung ventilation, rate of blood flow, amount of blood cells

2. Resistance to osteal tissue to loads

3. Development of antibodies on an antigen

4. Reaction of analyzers to adequate irritator, ability to answer an irritation by excitation

5. Stimulation of glukoneogenesis at hypoglycemia


Specify examples of 2 degrees of reactivity - resistance active, nonspecific (by Zayko):

1. Change of lung ventilation at hypoxia,resistance of osteal tissue to loads

2. Change of blood flow rate at hyvesselonia

3. Development of antibodies on an antigen

4. Activation of immune responses

5. Cramps at epilepsy


Specify examples of 2 degrees of reactivity - passive resistances (by Zayko):

1. Stimulation of hemogenesis at hemorrhage

2. Activation of phagocytosis

3. Cramp at epilepsy

4. Formation of complexes antigen+antibody

5. Barrier function of skin to action of electrical current, betta-radiation


Specify examples of 2 degrees of reactivity- specific resistance (by Zayko):

1. Development of erythropoietins in kidneys at hypoxia

2. Development of bacteriolysins at infection contamination

3. Formation of cell-bound immune complexes at autoimmune diseases, formation of regins (immunoglobulins Е) at atopic illnesses

4. Stimulation of phagocytosis in inflammation

5. Absolute Erythrocytosis at hypoxia


Specify an example of 3 degrees of reactivity - endurance (by Zayko):

1. Stimulation of hemogenesis at hemorrhage

2. Homeostasis of animal during hibernation

3. Stimulation of glukoneogenesis at hypoglycemia

4. Shortening of subordinate chronaxia at narcosis

5. Tachycardia on exertion


Specify examples of 2 degrees of reactivity - specific resistance (by Zayko):

1. Activation of hemogenesis

2. Antibody formation, sensitization of lymphocytes

3. Acceleration of blood flow rate

4:Activation of phagocytosis

5. Complement activation


Point a morbid condition of an organism which is characterized by typical pathological reactivity:

1. Dyspnea

2. Experimental epilepsy

3. Diaphoresis

4. Fever

5. Rising of BP


The pathological reactivity at narcosis is characterized by the following signs:

1. More serious current of bacterial intoxication

2. Oppression of phagocytosis, development of antibodies

3. Intensifying of inflammatory reaction

4. Fast wound healing, magnificent granulation

5. Excitation in cortex of brain


Specify a state of hyperreactivity of organism which is accompanied by development of hyperergic inflammation:

1. Intoxication of pregnant women

2. Bronchial asthma, hey fever

3. Mantu test

4. Reaction Burne

5. Reaction of graft rejection


The downdrop of reactivity in animal at hibernation is accompanied:

1. Hyperergic inflammation

2. Oppression of regeneration and connective tissue growth, drop of temperature of body and dropping of phagocytic activity of leucocytes

3. drop of body resistance to infection and poisoning

4. Fever

5. Activation of phagocytosis



The elongation of subordinate chronaxia is observed in the following cases:

1. Narcosis, involution of nerve

2. Sensitization of an organism

3. Anaphylaxis

4. Epilepsy, before an attack

5. Intensifying of tendon reflexes


Example of passive resistance is:

1. Process of neutralization of toxins of microbes

2. Erythrocytosis at dehydration

3. Dermal integument and mucous preventing infiltration of microbes

4. Phagocytosis of bacteria

5. State of the osteo-ligamentary apparatus in conditions of dropped load


Example of active resistance are:

1. Dermal integument of insects, turtles

2. Skin and mucous preventing infiltration of microbes

3. Bone and other tissues of locomotive apparatus

4. Phagocytosis and killing of bacteria, immediate hypersensitivity

5. Hypersensitivity of delayed type


Example of active resistance are:

1. Antibody formation, sensitization of lymphocytes

2. Bone and other tissues of locomotive apparatus

3. Skin and mucous

4. Dense integument of insects, turtles

5. Specialized barriers


Example of active resistance at inflammation are:

1. Leukocytosis at inflammation, intensifying of phagocytic activity of leukocytes

2. Skin and mucous integument

3. Chitin integument of insects and turtles

4:Bone and other tissues of locomotive apparatus

5:Tightness of hemato-hepatocytic barriers


Example of active resistance are:

1. Process of neutralization of poisons, agglutination, precipitation of bacteria

2. Dense integument of insects, turtles

3. Skin and mucous

4. Bone and other tissues of locomotive system

5. Specialized barriers


The healing of wounds in animal in a state of hibernation proceeds:

1. much faster than in norm

2. As in norm

3. Does not heal

4. Much more slowly than in norm, phagocytic activity of leukocytes and development of antibodies are reduced

5. Phagocytic activity of leukocytes and development of antibodies are increased


During hibernation are marked:

1. Dropping of phagocytic activity of leukocytes, drop of standard metabolism

2. Rising function of thyroid gland

3. Augmentation of the contents of complement in blood

4. Acceleration of processes of regeneration

5. Activation of adrenals


Of influenza some people are sick hard, others easy, third at all are not sick, though the originator is in an organism. It is an example:

1. Specific reactivity

2. Group reactivity

3. Individual reactivity

4. Age reactivity

5. Nonspecific reactivity


Indicators of nonspecific reactivity are:

1. Irritability, excitability, fastness of barrier systems

2. Intensity of antibody formation

3. Antibodies titer

4. Formation of antigen-antibody complexes

5. Graft rejection


The removing of adrenals results in the following infringements of reactivity:

1. Fall of body resistance to pathogenic influences

2. Enlarges protective forces of an organism

3. Does not influence body resistance

4. Results in development of disergy

5. Results in hypertension


The old men are acquisitive to an infection. It is an example:

1. Specific reactivity

2. Group reactivity

3. Individual reactivity

4. Biological reactivity

5. Age reactivity


The immune reactivity is an example:

1. Specific reactivity

2. Group reactivity

3. Specific reactivity

4. Passive resistance

5. Pathological reactivity

Exhibiting of nonspecific pathological reactivity is:

1. Allergy

2. Immune deficiency state

3. Immune depressive states

4. Vital activity of an organism in shock processes

5. Vital activity of an organism during narcosis


The primary reactivity is:

1. Individual reactivity

2. Group reactivity

3. Age reactivity

4. Biological reactivity

5. Specific reactivity


The state of a hyperreactivity is referred to as:

1. Hypoergy

2. Hyperergy

3. Anergy


5. Perverted reactivity


The good healing of wounds testifies:

1. About high reactivity of an organism

2. About hyporeactivity of an organism

3. About absence of reactivity of an organism

4. About the perverted reactivity of an organism

5. The healing does not depend on a reactivity


Example of passive reactivity are:

1. Process of neutralization of poisons

2.  Leukocytosis at inflammation

3. Dense integument of insects, turtles, skin of the man

4. Antibody formation

5. Raised salivation at intoxication


The rising of sensibility to infection in senile age is caused:

1. Weakening function of barrier systems, drop of immune reactivity

2. Dropping function of nervous system

3. Intensifying phagocytic activity of cells

4. Raised ability to development of antibodies

5. Dropping function of endocrine system


The high reactivity is observed:

1. In newborns

2. In early children's age

3. In senile age

4. In youth, in mature age

5. The age does not play any role


The hibernation of animals is an example:

1. Specific reactivity

2. Group reactivity

3. Individual reactivity

4. Pathological nonspecific reactivity

5. Biological reactivity


The seasonal migration of auks and fishes is an example:

1. Specific reactivity

2. Group reactivity

3. Individual reactivity

4. Physiological specific reactivity

5. Biological reactivity


Neonatal tolerate hypoxia better than adults. It is an example:

1. Specific reactivity

2. Sexual reactivity

3. Age reactivity

4. Individual reactivity

5. Immune responsiveness


 Frogs tolerate hypoxia easier, than rats, guinea pigs and the rabbits. It is an example:

1. Group reactivity

2. Specific reactivity, biological reactivity

3. Individual reactivity

4. Age reactivity

5. Physiological reactivity


The neurosis occur frequently in extreme types of HNA(by Pavlov). It is an example:

1. Specific reactivity

2. Group reactivity

3. Individual reactivity

4. Biological reactivity

5. Age reactivity


Example of physiological specific reactivity is:

1. Immediate-type allergy

2. Allergy of delayed type

3. Immune deficiency state

4. Autoimmune diseases

5. Antibody formation, immunity


Example of pathological specific reactivity are:

1. Immunity, allergy

2. Allergy, autoimmune diseases

3. Change of reactivity at traumatic shock

4. Change of reactivity at narcosis

5. Autoimmune diseases


Exhibiting of nonspecific pathological reactivity is:

1. Change of reactivity at traumatic shock, epilepsy

2. Allergy

3. Immunity

4. Immune depressive states

5. Autoimmune diseases


The resistance is:

1. Property of organism to answer any influences of environment

2. Body resistance to influence of the pathogenic factors of environment

3. Property of an organism to answer adequate stimulus of environment

4. Property of an organism to answer only extreme influences of environment

5. Individual reactivity


Specify 1 degree of reactivity of an organism (by Zayko):

1. Resistance

2. Sensitivity

3. Acceptability

4. Lability

5. Exitability


Specify 2 degree of reactivity of an organism (by Zayko):

1. Resistance

2. Sensitivity

3. Acceptability

4. Lability

5. Irritability


Some people are sick of an influenza severely , others easily, the thirds absolutely fine, though the activator is in an organism. It is an example of:

1. Specific reactivity

2. Group reactivity

3. Individual reactivity

4. Age reactivity

5. Passive reactivity


Initial reactivity is:

1. Individual reactivity

2. Group reactivity

3. Age reactivity

4. Biological reactivity

5. Specific reactivity


Newborn tolerate hypoxia easier than adults do. It is an example:

1. Specific reactivity

2. Sexual reactivity

3. Age reactivity

4. Individual reactivity

5. Immunological reactivity


Point, what from the below-mentioned examples, characterizes artificial active immunity:

1. After certain infectious diseases

2. Placentar immunity (the fetus receives antibodies which develops in mother’s organism)

3. At immunization by vaccines or by anatoxins

4. Arises from birth and does not depend on influence of surrounding environments

5. Ingection of the serum containing antibodies against microbes or toxins


Specify local reaction of an organism to action of damaging factor:

1. An intoxication

2. A shock

3. A neurosis

4. An inflammation

5. A fever


Among the listed definitions of parameters of reactivity point - sensitivity:

1. Ability of analyzers to perceive special irritations

2. Mobility of nervous processes

3. Ability to answer by changes of vital activity on influences of environment

4. Ability of organs to change size

5. Time, during which, stimulus in two rheobase causes response


Specify, what changes in an organism accompany normoergic form of septic diseases:

1. Wrong oscillation of temperature

2. Flaccid unfolding of disease

3. Neutrophylia, shift to the left, activation of phagocytosis

4. Lymphocytosis

5. Monocytosis, basophilia


Point an example of physiological reactivity of an organism:

1. Fever

2. Tumor

3. Perspiration at overheating

4. Erythrocytosis of newborn

5. Permanent increase of BP


Point the condition of an organism accompanyed by acceleration of chronaxia:

1. Anaesthesia

2. Anaphylaxis, during period of sensitization

3. Deinnervation of tissue

4. Degeneration of a nerve

5. Narcosis


Specify an example of specific reactivity:

1. Seasonal changes of vital activity in animals (anabiosis, hibernation)

2. Reactions of a healthy organism in favorable conditions of environment

3.  Reaction of organs and tissue at burn shock

4. Reaction of an organism on action of damaging factors (stress, a trauma)

5.  Reactions of an organism at an epilepsy, parabiosis


Point a pathological condition of an organism which is characterized by typical pathological reactivity:

1. Dyspnea

2. Experimental epilepsy

3. Diaphoresis

4. Fever

5. Increase of BP


Specify a condition of the increased reactivity of an organism which is accompanied by development of hyperergic inflammations:

1. Intoxication of pregnancy

2. Bronchial asthma

3. Coma

4. Diabetes mellitus

5. Narcotic dream


An example of passive reactivity is:

1. Process of neutralization of microbal toxins

2. Erythrocytosis

3. Skin and mucous interfering with invasion of microbs

4. Phagocytosis

5. Production of antibodies


To atopic reactions relate:

1. Phenomenon Artus

2. Quincke's edema, non-contagious bronchial asthma

3. Reaction of graft rejection

4. Acute anaphylaxis

5. Phenomenon Overy


The plasma cells develop:

1. Histaminum

2. Immunoglobulins of class Е

3. Enzymes

4. Chalones

5. Antichalones


At acute anaphylaxis the systemic arterial pressure:

1. Increases sharply

2. Does not change

3. Is depressed or droped sharply

4. Does not depend on phase of shock

5. In the beginning is depressed, then increases


The factors promoting development of allergy and auto-sensitization:

1. Inflammatory processes of muscles

2. Hyperpermeability of dermal and mucous barriers, inflammation of myocardium and kidneys

3. Inflammatory diseases of nervous stems

4. Exuberant feeding

5. Starvation


The passive transmission of GIT from a sensitized animal is possible with the help:

1. Cloud of neutrophils

2. Cloud of monocytes

3. Cloud of T lymphocytes

4. Serum, blood plasma

5. Cloud of eosinophils


To GDT relate:

1. Anaphylaxis

2. Phenomenon Artus’s

3. Serum disease

4. Pollinoses

5. Bacterial allergy, reaction of graft rejection


Blood cells participating in reaction of graft rejection:

1. Erythrocytes, thrombocytes

2. Neutrophils, basophils

3. Eosinophils, B-lymphocytes

4. Monocytes, T lymphocytes

5. Megacaryocytes


The basic exhibitions of acute anaphylaxis in dogs:

1. The acute anaphylaxis is not replicated

2. The renal failure evolves

3. The portal circulation is broken, the acute vascular failure educes

4. Rising permeability of capillaries of small circle

5. Edema of brain


The immunoglobulins participate in development of atopic and anaphylactic reactions:

1. Class M

2. Class G2.

3. Class G1, class Е

4. Class G4

5. Class A


To allergic reactions of immediate type relate:

1. Reaction to tuberculin

2. Quincke's edema, serum disease

3. Reaction of graft rejection

4. Mycotic allergy

5. Burne reaction


The cytotoxic type of allergic responses is linked to participation:

1. Immunoglobulin Е

2. Immunoglobulin M and Е

3. Immunoglobulin G1., immunoglobulin M of complement

4. Immunoglobulin A

5. Neutrophils


Function role of T-lymphocytes-killers:

1. Cytolytic action

2. Activators of function of B-lymphocytes

3. Phagocytes

4. Inhibit antibody formation

5. Immunological memory


Tissues of an organism isolated during phylogenesis from immune system:

1. Hemopoietic tissue

2. Lens, colloid of thyroid gland

3. Liver

4. Muscle tissue

5. Kidneys


The allergy falls into type of reactivity:

1. Physiological

2. Physiological nonspecific

3. Nonspecific

4. Specific, pathological

5. Biological


The гисто-morphological characteristic of GDT is expressed in the following:

1. Accumulation of cell-bound immune complexes

2. Stimulation of phagocytic activity of macrophages and microphages

3. Development of productive inflammation, formation of granulomas

4. Activation of enzymes of glycolysis

5. Oppression of activity of enzymes of glycolysis


For pathophysiological stage of acute anaphylaxis in man is characteristic:

1. Spastic stricture of bronchioles, spastic stricture of sphincters of hepatic with development of hypovolemia

2. Local cutaneous edema

3. Lacrimation

4. Necrosis of hypodermic fat in region of injection of an allergen

5. Wide-spread edema


The phenomena uniting immunity and n allergy:

1. Arise in an organism at hit of foreign materials - various antigens, at the mechanism of their development essential value have the processes of interaction of antigens with antibodies

2. Damage of an organism

3. Immunity to infectious diseases

4. Rise nonspecific resistance

5. Invoke local allergic responses


To mediators of allergic responses of delayed type relate:

1. Histaminum

2. Serotonin

3. Leukotriens

4. Factor of aggregation of thrombocytes

5. Lymphokines


To primary auto-allergens relate tissues:

1. Lens, colloid of thyroid gland

2. Tissue of kidneys

3. Liver

4. Iridescent environments of an eye

5. Optic nerve


The factors promoting allergizations of an organism:

1. Wide vaccination of the population, wide use of conservants in food stuffs

2. Wide application of massage in the medical purposes

3. Dropping of well-being level in population

4. Hypo-diet

5. Inadequate feeding


Transitory swelling on skin, mucous is not accompanied with itch in:

1. Auto-allergy

2. Quincke's edema

3. Pollinoses

4. Anaphylaxis

5. Phenomenon Artus’s


The local inflammatory - necrotic reaction of skin and hypodermic fat educes in reply to multiple introductions of protein in peer large doses. Specify as this allergic response refers to as and to what type it relates:

1. Phenomenon Artus’s, local allergic response of immediate type

2. Quincke's edema

3. Phenomenon Overy’s

4. Local allergic response of delayed type

5. General immediate-type allergy


State of hypersensibility to repeated parenteral introduction of foreign protein As this allergic response refers to and to what type it relates:

1. Immune-complexes type

2. Auto-allergy

3. Anaphylaxis, reagin type

4.Cytotoxic type

5. Phenomenon Overy’s


Periodic pain, edema of mucous at hit on them of blossom dust of plants. As refers to and to what type of allergic responses relates:

1. Pollinosis, atopic reaction

2. Anaphylaxis

3. Quincke's edema

4. Anaphylactic reactions

5. Immune-complex reaction


Passive sensitization arises at:

1. Parenteral introduction of a foreign protein in an organism of  animal

2. Introduction to recipient of Serum of other sensitized animal

3. Repeated introduction of an anaphylactogen

4. After experienced acute anaphylaxis

5. Development of antianaphylaxis


To allergic responses of immediate type relates:

1. Bacterial allergy

2. Reaction of graft rejection

3. Mantu test

4. Acute anaphylaxis, serum disease

5. Reaction of Burne


Cells and tissues of an organism get properties of auto-antigens:

1. At disorder of metabolism

2. At action of physical, chemical, contagious factors

3. At formation of pyrogenic materials

4. At fever

5. At inflammation


Vegetative allergens invoke the following allergic diseases:

1. Contact dermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema

2. Rhinitis, bronchial asthma

3. Auto-allergy

4. Phenomenon Artus’s

5. Acute anaphylaxis


At serum disease the antibodies of a type are found out:

1. Reagin

2. Immunoglobulins of class M, immunoglobulins of class G1., G3

3. Precipitins

4. Blocking

5. Immunoglobulins of class A


The pathophysiological stage of GDT is caused:

1. Accumulation in an organism of freely circulating antibodies

2. Activation of B - system of immunity

3. Development of desensitization

4. Direct cytotoxic action of sensitized lymphocytes, action of lymphokines

5. Action of Histaminum, serotonin


Etio-pathogenic components of GDT are:

1. "«Antibody"- circulating immunoglobulins

2. Allergen – soluble proteins

3. Effector materials - lymphokines, passive sensitization - introduction of sensitized lymphocytes

4. Passive sensitization with introduction of immune Serum

5. Passive sensitization by introduction of Serum of sensitized animal


To mediators of allergic responses of immediate type relate:

1. Cytotoxins

2. Leukotriens, Histaminum

3. Serotonin

4. Lymphokines

5. Macrophages, monocytes


The pathogenetic factors of GDT are:

1. Allergen – soluble proteins

2. Passive sensitization - introduction of immune Serum

3. "«Antibody" sensitized lymphocytes, effector materials - lymphokines

4. Antibodies-circulating immunoglobulins

5. Allergen - soluble proteins


Cells participating in development of antibodies:

1. Monocytes

2. Fixed macrophages

3. T -lymphocytes

4. Plasma cells

5. Circulating macrophages


To general anaphylactic reactions of immediate type relate:

1. Acute anaphylaxis, serum disease

2. Quincke's edema

3. Phenomenon Artus’s

4. Reaction of graft rejection

5. Reaction of a graft against the host


To local anaphylactic reactions relate:

1. Phenomenon Artus’s, reaction of Shulz-Deil

2. Allergic responses of tuberculin type

3. Pollinoses

4. Acute anaphylaxis

5. Quincke's edema


The repeated parenteral introduction of an allergen results in development:

1. Contact dermatitis

2. Allergic responses of tuberculin type

3. Reaction of graft rejection

4. Acute anaphylaxis, serum disease

5. Urticaria


Specify what characterizes allergic responses of immediate type:

1. Formation of immunoglobulins of class E, M, G, passive "«transmission" from a sensitized organism to healthy with the help of Serum

2. Formation of lymphokines

3. Passive "«transmission" with the help of lymphocytes

4. Passive "«transmission" with the help of erythrocytes

5. Formation of cytokins


For allergic response of immediate type is characteristic:

1. Interaction of T- lymphocytes with a cell-target

2. Originating in minutes or hours after repeated parenteral introduction of an allergen; bond of allergen with antibody on membrane of mast cell or basophil

3. Damage of cells - targets by cytokins

4. Damage of cells by monocytes

5. Infringement of development of immunoglobulins


To allergic responses anaphylactic reagin type relate:

1. Quincke's edema, pollinosis, serum disease

2. Glomerulonephritis

3. Hemolytic anemia of allergic genesis

4. Immune-complex type

5. Reaction of graft rejection


To allergic responses of cytotoxic type relate:

1. Pollinosis

2. Quincke's edema

3. Medicinal agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia of allergic genesis

4. Glomerulonephritis

5. Myocarditis


The pathophysiological stage of GDT is caused:

1. Cytotoxic action of lymphokines

2. Toxic action of leukotriens

3. Histotoxic action of cell-bound immune complexes

4. Toxic action of Serotonin, Histaminum

5. Activation of B- system of immunity


The allergy arises to components of blossom dust of plants is realized mainly by immunoglobulins Е. Specify to what type of allergic responses it relates:

1. Reagin

2. Cytotoxic

3. Immune-complex

4. cellular - mediated

5. Antireceptor


To allergic reaction of I reagin by classification of Dzhell and Kumbs relate:

1. Leukopenia, asospermy of allergic genesis

2. Atopic reaction, anaphylactic reactions

3. Endocarditis, myocarditis, encephalitis

4. Granulocytopenia

5. Reaction of immune-complex type


To allergic responses of III immune-complex by classification of Dzhell and Kumbs relate:

1. Phenomenon Artus’s, rheumatoid arthritis

2. Acute anaphylaxis

3. Systemic lupus erythematosis

4. Pollinosis

5. Quincke's edema


To the allergic reaction of IY cellular – mediated by classification of Dzhell and Kumbs relate:

1. Contact dermatitis, reaction of graft rejection, autoimmune thyroiditis

2. Hemolytic anemia

3. Myocarditis post-infarction

4. Acute anaphylaxis

5. Urticaria


At atopic syndromes multiple introduction of small doses of allergen lead to:

1. no clinical signs of allergic responses

2.Results in desensitization

3.  Results in development of acute anaphylaxis

4. Does not render on organism any influences

5. Results in sensitization to them


The pathophysiological stage of GDT is caused:

1. Cytotoxic action of lymphokines

2. Toxic action of leukotriens

3. Histitoxic action of cell-bound immune complexes

4. Toxic action of Serotonin, Histaminum

5. Activation of B - system of immunity


To the mediators of allergic reactions of the delayed type relate:

1. Histaminum

2. Serotonin

3. Leukotrien

4. The factor of aggregation of thrombocytes

5. Lymphokines


The passive sensitization arises at:

1. Parenteral infusion of alien fiber in an organism animal

2. Infusion to recipient wheys of another sensibilized animal

3. Repeated infusion of an anaphylactogen

4. After transferred anaphylactic shock

5. Development of an antianaphylaxis


To allergic reactions of cytotoxic type relate:

1. Pollinosis

2. Quinke edema

3. Medical agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia of allergic genesis

4. Glomerulonephritis

5. Anaphylaxis


To allergic reactions 3 immunocomplexic type on classification by Jell and Cumbs relate:

1. Phenomenon Artus, anaphylactic a shock

2. Rhematoid arthritis

3. Glomerulonephritis

4. System lupus erythromatosis

5. Pollinosis


To allergic reaction of 1-st reagent type on classification by Jell and Cumbs relate:

1. Reaction of regection of tissue

2. Leukopenia, usospermic allergic of a genesis

3. Atopical reactions, anaphylactic reactions

4. Endocarditis, myocardites, encephalitises

5. Granulocytopenia


Pathogenetic factors of hypersensitivity slowed down type are:

1. Allergen - soluble fibers

2. Passive sensitization - infusion of immune serum

3. Antibody-sensitized lymphocytes

4. Allergen of infectious nature

5. Antibodies – circulating immunoglobulins


Repeated parenteral infusion of an antigene results in development:

1. Contact dermatitis

2. Allergic reactions tuberculin’s type

3. Reactions of tearing away of a transplant

4. Pollinosis

5. Serum illnesses


Pathophysiological stage of hypersensitivity of slowed type is caused:

1. Cytotoxic action of lymphokines

2. Toxic action of leukotriens

3. Hystotoxic action of immune complexes

4. Toxic action of a serotonin, Histaminum

5. Activation of System of immunity


The allergy arises to components of pollen of plants, is realized, mainly by immunoglobulins Е. Specify to what type of allergic reactions does it relate:

1. 1 type (reagent)

2. 2 type (cytotoxic)

3. 3 type (immune complexes)

4. 4 type (cellular - depending)

5. 5 type (antireceptor)


To allergic reactions 3 immunocomplexic type on classification by Jell and Cumbs relate:

1. Agranulocytosis

2. Rhematoid arthritis

3. Anaphylactic shock

4. Systemic lupus erythromatosis

5. Pollinosis

Дата добавления: 2018-02-18; просмотров: 821; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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