Doctrine about illness. An etiology, pathogenesis and sanogenesis

Subject and problems of pathphysiology

Name the basic method of pathophysiology:

1. Serologic


3. Comparative – evolutionary


5.Experimental – physiological


Name the second phase of pathophysiological experiment:

1. Study of physiological parameters in intact animal

2. Study of outcomes of morphological parameters in experimental animal

3. Modeling pathological process

4. Construction of a working hyvesselhesis about mechanisms of concrete pathological process

5. Diagnostics of illnesses of the man


Basic purpose of the third phase of pathophysiological experiment:

1. Check of a working hyvesselhesis and construction of the theory pathogenesis of investigated process

2. Development of principles of symptomatic therapy

3. to study parameters, which might be defined by the term "illness"

4.Creation of whole сhain of cause-sequence relationship

5. Substantiation of the diagnosis of illness


Who is the founder of pathological physiology, as an independent sciences:

1. Mechnicoff I.I.

2. Sechenoff I.M.

3. Pashutin V.V.

4. Pavlov I.P.

5. Sirotinin N.N.


Supporters of a direction in general etiology denying a role of conditions in originating of illnesses:

1. Psychosomatic medicine

2. conditionalism

3. monocausalism

4. constitutionalism

5. Theory of the factors


Modern direction in study of etiology of illness:

1. conditionalism

2. monocausalism

3. Dialectic causalism

4. constitutionalism

5. Psychosomatic medicine


How is disorder of adaptability referred to:

1. Acclimatization

2. Infringement of acclimatization in space, disadaptation

3. Preventive reaction

4. Defense reaction

5. Accommodation


How is the experience in exclusive cases conducted on the man referred to:

1. Incorporation

2. Parabiosis

3. Comparative pathology

4. " Experimentum crucis "

5. Deenergizing


What condition shortens the period of clinical death:

1. Long agonal period

2. Short agonal period

3. Warming an organism

4.Destruction of nervous cells

5.Cooling an organism


When are measures of reanimation applied:

1. An agony

2. Clinical death

3. Biological death

4. Preagonal period

5. During loss of consciousness


Name the second phase of physiological experiment:

1. Studying physiological parameters of intact animal (initial data)

2. Studying outcomes of morphological parameters of experimental animal

3. Modelling pathological process

4. Construction of a working hypothesis about mechanisms of concrete pathological process

5. Diagnostics of illnesses of the person


The basic purpose of the third phase of physiological experiment:

1. Check of working hypothesis and construction of the theory, pathogenesis of investigated process

2. Development of principles of pathogenetic therapy

3. Studying parameters which can be determined as illness:

4. Elemental reproduction of development-cause connection.

5. A substantiation of the diagnosis of illness, acknowledgement of the theory of pathogenesis


Supporters of a direction in the field of general etiology who deny causality:

1. phychosomatic

2. conditionalism

3. monocausalism

4. Constitutionalism

5. The theory of factors

A modern direction at studying etiology of illnesses:

1. conditionalism

2. monocausalism

3. Dialectic causalism

4. Constitutionalism

5. phychosomatic


Virchov's doctrine about only quantitative differences of illness from health:

1. heterotopy

2. heterochronia

3. heterology

4. hyperpletia

5. heterometria


A metaphysical direction in the medicine distinguishing local approach to problems of pathogenesis of illnesses:

1. Malthusians

2. Fraydism

3. Virchovism

4. Dialectic causalism

5. Constitutionalism


Name of experiment in unusual cases performed on man:

1. Inclusion

2. parabiosis

3. A comparative pathology

4. “Experimentum cruces”

5. Deenergizing


The basic purpose of the first phase of path. Physiological experiment:

1. Studying physiological parameters of intact Animal

2. Construction of a working hypothesis about mechanisms of pathological process

3. Modeling pathological process

4. Development of principles of pathogenetic therapy

5.Studying initial parameters in an experimental animal

Doctrine about illness. An etiology, pathogenesis and sanogenesis

What parts are included into a course of pathphysiology:

1. Typical pathological processes

2. Diagnostics of illnesses of the man

3. Prophylaxis of illnesses of the man

4. Path-chemistry

5. Histo-chemistry


How is the nonperishable defect of frame of tissue limiting freedom of life referred to

1. Illness

2. Pathological process

3. Pathological reaction

4. Morbid condition

5. Nosology


Note stages of organism dying:

1. Stage of latency

2. Prodromal stag

3. pre-agony, аgony

4. Period of expressed clinical attributes

5. Appearance of livores mortis


What current of disease is accepted to consider acute:

1. Duration 1. -2. weeks

2. Duration 1. -2. months

3. Duration 5.-6 months

4. Duration 3-5. years

5. Duration more than 5. years


Name outcomes of the disease:

1. Remission

2. Relapse

3. Complication

4. Complete convalescence, biological death

5. Clinical death


What attributes determine transferring the agony in clinical death:

1. Loss of consciousness

2. Downdrop of reflex activity

3. Arrest of respiration, absence of blood pressure

4. Infringement of respiration

5. rare pulse


What conditions shorten the period of clinical death:

1. Long agony

2. Short agony

3. Warming of organism

4. Destruction of nervous cells

5. Refrigerating of organism


When the measures of reanimation are applied:

1. аgony

2. Clinical death

3. Biological death

4. pre-agony

5. During a loss of consciousness


How to name temporary weakening or disappearing of clinical exhibitions of illness:

1. Remission

2. Exacerbation

3. Relapse

4. Complication

5. Convalescence


What is relapse:

1. Temporary disappearing or weakening of clinical exhibitions of illness

2. New cycle, after the period of complete disappearing of clinical exhibitions, intensifying of clinical exhibitions of illness after temporary weakening

3. Pathological process or illness originating of which is connected with disorders naturally arising at a given disease

4. Appearance of some signs of illness that were not expressed in the first stage of disease

5. appearances of signs of concomitant disease


How is the inadequate reaction to action of a stimulus referred to:

1. Illness

2. Pathological process

3. Pathological reaction

4. Morbid condition

5. Nosology


How is the temporary disappearing of clinical exhibitions of illness referred to:

1. Remission

2. Relapse

3. Complication

4. Exacerbation

5. Convalescence


What is the cause of illness:

1. Interaction of the etiological factor and organism under necessary and sufficient conditions

2. The factor influencing qualitative features of illness without which a given illness can not arise

3. The factor after the action of which the illness has followed

4. Factor which is not influencing originating of disease

5. factors promoting originating of disease


The concept "condition" in etiology:

1. Factor promoting and hindering originating of disease

2. Factor determining qualitative feature of disease

3. Factor indifferent for originating of disease

4. Factor which is not influencing originating of illness

5. factors invoking illness


How is referred to a direction in etiology that does not take into account values of conditions for originating of illness:

1. Monocausalism

2. Conditionalism

3. Constitutionalism

4. Theory of the factors

5. Dialectic causalism


How is the direction in etiology recognizing only a role of the causes in originating of illness referred to:


2. Conditionalism

3. Constitutionalism

4. Theory of the factors

5. Weissmannism


What is the cause of illness:

1. Factor influencing duration and gravity of disease

2. Factor promoting originating of illness

3. Factor influencing frequency of originating of illness

4. Factor necessary for originating of illness and determining its specificity

5. Factor which is not influencing originating of diseas


Short-term rising of arterial pressure under influence of negative emotions:

1. Morbid condition

2. Pathological reaction

3. Illness

4. Pathological process

5. Reflex reaction


The inflammation is an example:

1. Pathological reaction

2. Morbid condition

3. Typical pathological process

4. Illness

5. Pathology of organs and systems


Absolute attributes of biological death are:

1. Absence of cardiac activity

2. Absence of bioelectric activity of brain

3. Cadaveric spasm, livores mortis

4. Absence of respiration, heart beats

5. Infringement of reflex activity


How is the inadequate response to action of a stimulus referred to:

1. Illness

2. Pathological process

3. Morbid condition

4. Pathological reaction

5. Disadaptation


What current of disease is accepted to consider subacute:

1. Duration 1-2. weeks

2. Duration 1-2. months

3. Duration 3-6. months

4. Duration 3. years

5. Duration more than 5. years


What is concomitant disease:

1. Disease arising on the basis of available illness

2. Disease going simultaneously with basic, but by etiology is not connected with it

3. Disease turning in chronic form

4. Exacerbation of a basic disease

5. Complication of a basic disease


What is the etiological factor:

1. The factor which determines qualitative features of illness, without which the given illness can not arise

2. The factor after which the illness has followed

3. Factor is not influencing originating of disease

4. The factor which under certain conditions promotes originating of disease

5. factors complicating state of patient


Exogenous poisoning arise at:

1. Getting of toxicants through respiratory route

2. Formation of toxicants at intestinal obstruction

3. formation of toxicants at lesion of kidneys

4. Formation of toxicants at hypoxia

5. At introduction of medications with the medical purpose


Endogenous poisoning arise at:

1. Getting of toxicants through skin

2. Getting of toxicants parenterally

3. Getting of toxicants through gastrointestinal tract

4. Formation of toxicants at intestinal obstruction, pathologies of liver, kidneys

5. At traumatic shock


Kinetosis is:

1. Mountain disease

2. High altitude disease

3. Illness of moving

4. caisson illness

5. Illness of divers


The cause of kinetosis is:

1. Dropping of barometric pressure

2. Ionizing radiation

3. Acceleration, rotation on a circle

4. Hit

5. Compression


The cause of kinetosis is:

1. Decrease or augmentation of angular velocity

2. Rising of atmospheric pressure

3. Drop of atmospheric pressure

4. Stay in caisson

5. Stay in depth


Freezing promotes:

1. Obesity

2. Alcoholic intoxication, dropping of metabolism

3. Hyperthyroidisms

4. Rising of metabolism

5. Thyrotoxicosis


The pathogenesis is:

1. Doctrine about the causes and conditions of originating of disease

2. Doctrine about illness

3. Part of pathphysiology studying mechanism of disease development

4. Doctrine about reactivity

5. Doctrine about heredity


After operation stump, immovability of joints as a result of trauma are examples:

1. Typical pathological process

2. Pathological state

3. Pathological reactions

4. Certain nosological illness

5. Pathological reactivity


The pathogenesis answers a question:

1. Why did disease arise

2. How, what mechanisms of development of disease

3. What is cause of disease

4. What is condition of originating of disease

5. Cause and mechanism of disease


The etiology is:

1. Science about the causes of illness

2. Science about set of conditions producing illness

3. Science about the causes and conditions of originating of illness

4. Science about mechanisms of disease development

5. Science about general regularities in disease development


The condition is:

1. The factor which produces disease

2. Factor influencing the mechanism of development of disease

3. Factor is not itself producing development of disease but promoting originating of illness

4. Factor which is not influencing originating of disease

5. The factor which does not produce originating of disease


Iatrogenic diseases:

1. Diseases caused by improper behaviour of the patient

2. Diseases caused by improper behaviour of the medical personnel, low professionalism of the doctor

3. Diseases caused by the improper relationship between the patients

4. Diseases caused by negative influences of family organs

5.Connected to non-regular treatment


Dropping of barometric pressure is accompanied:

1. Fall of fractional pressure of Oxygen in alveolar air, dropping of partial pressure of Oxygen in inhaled air

2. Rising of partial pressure of Oxygen in alveolar air

3. Normal partial pressure О2. in alveolar air

4. Rising of partial pressure of СО2. in inhaled air

5. development of caisson disease


Atypical form of disease current:

1. Current with classical signs of disease

2. Current with complication

3. Current with relapse

4. Cyclic current

5. Abortive, poor signed current of illness


For clinical death is characteristic:

1. Absence of consciousness

2. Stopping of cardiac activity, absence of ophthalmic reflexes

3. Rising of arterial pressure

4. Periodic breathing

5. Cadaveric spasm


To pathological reaction it is possible to relate:

1. Scarring of tissues

2. Postoperative stump

3. Spastic stricture of arterioles as a result of action of pathogenic stimulus, short-term elementary reaction of an organism on any stimulus

4. Myocardial infarction

5. Dyspnea on exertion


Short-term rising of arterial pressure under influence of negative emotions is:

1. Illness

2. Morbid condition

3. Pathological process

4. Stress - reaction

5. Reflex reaction


Absolute attributes of biological death are:

1. Cadaveric spasm, absence of cardiac activity, respiration and appearance of livores mortis

2. Absence of bioelectric activity of brain, bradycardia

3. Absence of only respiration

4. Absence of pulse and infrequent respiration

5. Absence of respiration, cyanosis


Specify signs that are characteristic for the agonal period:

1. Absence of respiration, presence of the intense pulse

2. Downdrop of arterial pressure

3. Rising of arterial pressure

4. Harsh downdrop of reflex activity and arterial pressure

5. Rising of reflex activity


How is the temporary weakening or disappearing of clinical signs of illness referred to:

1. Relapse

2. Complication

3. Exacerbation

4. Remission

5. Incubation interval


To the physical factors of illness relate:

1. Action of acid

2. Ionizing radiation, electrical current

3. Hit

4. Virus

5. Poisoning with carbon monoxide


What falls into to the chemical causes of illness:

1. X-ray radiation

2. Acid and alkali, action of toxins and poisons

3. Electrical current

4. Acceleration

5. Pharmaceuticals in an adequate dosage


Consequences of action on organism of high temperature are:

1. Hyvesselhermia

2. Kinetosis

3. Ischemia and hypoxia of tissues

4. Cold

5. Overheating, thermal shock


Mountain disease arises at:

1. Action of the increased barometric pressure

2. Action of dropped barometric pressure

3. At escaping from increased barometric pressure

4. Transferring from decreased to standard atmosphere pressure

5. At normal barometric pressure with the dropped contents of Oxygen


How is the stable defect of structure and function of organ limiting freedom of life referred to:

1. Illness

2. Pathological process

3. Morbid condition

4. Pathological reaction

5. Sample infringements of process


How is the modern direction in study of etiology of illnesses referred to:

1. Monocausalism

2. Conditionalism

3. Constitutionalism

4. Theory of the factors

5. Dialectic causalism


Course of path physiology consists of:

1. General doctrine about illness, typical pathological processes pathphysiology of organs and systems

2. Infringement of functions of various systems of an organism

3. Diagnostics of illnesses of the man

4. Parasitology

5. Mycology


How is temporary weakening or disappearing of clinical signs of illness named:

1. Remission

2. Relapse

3. Complication

4. Exacerbation

5. Agony


Specify signs that are characteristics for pre-agonal period:

1. Infringement of respiration, downdrop of arterial pressure

2. Raised arterial pressure, downdrop of reflex activity

3. Rising of reflex activity

4. Coma

5. Collapse


Name the nonspecific factors of protection of organism:

1. Reaction of hypersensitivity

2. Mucous, skin

3. Bacterial substances

4. Development of antibodies

5. Immunoglobulins


Purpose of the second phase of pathophysiological experiment:

1. Construction of a working hyvesselhesis about mechanisms of concrete pathological process

2. Modeling of pathological process

3. Whole creation of all the chain of cause-sequence relationship

4. Development of principles of pathogenetic therapy

5. Study of morpho-functional parameters in experimental animal


Basic purpose of the third phase of pathophysiological experiment:

1. Study of physiological parameters in intact animal

2. Construction of a working hyvesselhesis about mechanisms of concrete pathological process

3. Modeling of pathological process

4. Development of principles of pathogenetic therapy

5. Study of parameters in experimental animal


How calls a proved defect of tissue structure limiting freedom of lifes:

1. Illness

2. Pathological process

3. Pathological reaction

4. A pathological condition

5. nosology


What current of disease is accepted as acute:

1. Duration of 1-2 weeks

2. Duration 1-2 months

3. Duration of 5-6 months

4. Duration of 3-5 years

5. Duration more than 5 years


Point the outcomes of illness:

1. Full recovery

2. Remission



5:Pathological state


How calls a short-term disappearance of clinical manifestations of illness:

1. Remission

2. Recidivate

3. Complication

4. An aggravation

5. Recovery


The direction in etiology is not taking into account conditions for occurrence of illness:

1. monocausalism

2. conditionalism

3. Constitutionalism

4. The theory of factors

5. Dialectic causalism


What change of resistance provides stress - reaction in the second phase:

1. Specific increase of resistance

2. Nonspecific down drop of resistance

3. Nonspecific increase of resistance

4. Specific down drop of resistance

5. Down drop of general resistance of an organism


What is the reason of illness:

1. The factor influencing duration and severity of disease

2. The factor promoting occurrence of illness

3. The factor influencing frequency of occurrence of illness

4. The factor necessary for occurrence of illness and determining its specificity

5.  The factor which is not influencing occurrence of disease


How calls an inadequate responce to action of irritator:

1. Illness

2. Pathological process

3. A pathological condition

4. Pathological reaction

5. disadaptation


Exogenous poisonings arise at:

1. Hit of toxic substances in respiratory ways

2. Formation of toxic substances at intestinal obstruction

3. Formation of toxic substances at damage of kidneys

4. Formation of toxic substances at hypoxia

5. At intoxication state


Endogenous poisonings develop at:

1. Hit of toxic substances through skin barrier

2. Hit of toxic substances intravenous

3. Hit of toxic substances through GIT

4. Formation of toxic substances at intestinal obstruction

5. At hemotransfusion


The pathogenesis is:

1. The doctrine about the reasons and conditions of occurrence of disease

2. The doctrine about illness

3. Section of path.physiology, studying mechanism of development of disease

4. The doctrine about reactivity

5. The doctrine about heredity


The physical cause of illness is:

1. Action of acid

2. Ionizing radiation

3. Mechanical impact

4. A virus

5. Stress emotional


The chemical cause of illness is:

1. X-ray radiation

2. Acids and alkalis

3. An electric current

4. Acceleration

5. Mechanical impact


Consequences of action on an organism of high temperature is:

1. Hypothermia

2. Kinetosis

3. A heatstroke

4. Cold

5. Stress


Mountain illness arises at:

1. Action of the increased barometric pressure

2. Action of the lowered barometric pressure

3. Action of low temperature

4. Transition from area of low pressure to normal pressure

5. Action of normal barometric pressure


Short-term increase of arterial pressure under influence of negative emotions is:

1. Illness

2. Pathological condition

3. Pathological process

4. Pathological reaction

5. Shock

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