Key vocabulary

issue - спорный вопрос; предмет спора или тяжбы

determine - определять, устанавливать

juror – присяжный

witnesse - свидетель, очевидец

voluntarily - добровольно, свободно

waive - отказываться (от права, требования)

testimony - свидетельское показание

specific - особенный, особый, специфический

swear (swore, sworn) - клясться; присягать

statement – заявление

evidence - свидетельское показание

expert – эксперт

subpoena - вызов в суд, повестка о явке в суд

contempt – неуважение

In a trial, issues of fact are determined by a jury if one is used. The jurors listen to the witnesses and decide who and what to believe. Both the plaintiff and the defendant may voluntarily waive (give up) the right to trial by jury. If they do so, the judge alone listens to the testimony and decides the facts.

Issues of law, however, are always decided by the judge. The judge explains to the jury what rules of law to apply to the facts.

A trial jury is a group of independent citizens (usually 12) selected to determine questions of fact. The method of jury selection can be different.

The procedure in a jury trial is the following. After the jury for a specific case has been selected and sworn, the attorney for each side may give an opening statement. These statements briefly outline what will be proved. The evidence is then presented to the jury, first by the plaintiff and then by the defendant. Evidence includes anything that provides information used to prove or dis­prove the alleged facts. Evidence may consist of written documents, audio and video records, weapons, photo­graphs, and other objects, but usually it is the testimony of witnesses. Testimony consists of statements made by witnesses in court. A witness is someone who was present during the incident and has personal knowledge of the facts. Sometimes expert witnesses (witnesses who possess better knowledge about a subject in dispute) are called upon to give expert opinions.

A witness is invited to the court by means of a subpoena. A subpoena is a written order by the judge commanding the named person to appear in court at a given time and place to give testimony. Willful failure (unexcused failure) to appear in court is a type of contempt of court and can be punished by the judge, without a trial.


Задание № 1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям:

1… явиться в суд … 2… в назначенное время … 3 … мнения экспертов … 4 … свидетелями в суде … 5 … могут включать письменные документы … 6 … и другие предметы … 7 … представляется присяжным … 8 … является следующей… 9 … может быть различным …

Задание № 2. Перескажите текст, используя слова и словосочетания, приведенные в Key vocabulary

Г.Д. Солгалов


Сборник текстов для чтения на английском языке



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