Conversion as a productive way of replenishing the vocabulary of the language



Conversion as a productive way of widening language vocabulary.

1.1. Ways and patterns of derivation in modern English language.

1.2. The concept of conversion and its historical development.

1.3. Conversion as a productive way of word formation.

Key features of conversions in English language.

2.1. Basic models of conversion.

Converted neologisms.

3.1 The importance of converted neologisms and their meaning.





The development of languages is largely due to the development of their derivational system, by emergence of new word-forming patterns of words, changing the existing ones, increasing or decreasing of their productivity and many other factors of word-formation process.

Creation of new words is carried out, especially, as a reflection in the language of the needs of society in terms of new concepts, constantly arising as a result of the development of science, technology, culture, public relations and etc.

The emergence of new words in a language takes place in various ways: 1) by borrowing words from other languages; 2) by means of word formation (affixation, compounding, conversion, acronyms, portmanteau, etc.); 3) by the emergence of new meanings of existing words in the language.

One of the important ways of the formation of new words in English language is the conversion. The issue of the conversion was studied by such scholars as A.I. Smirnitsky, I.V. Arnold, T.S. Bochkareva, G.B. Antrushina, , and so on.

The relevance of this topic can be described in two important reasons. Firstly, knowing the conversion you instantly double, without any difficulty, your supply of useful English words. Imagine, you have spent time and learned one English word “love”. And in fact, you have learned two meaning of “love”. You know "любовь" and "любить" at the same time. Two words more were immediately added to your luggage. Secondly, the lack of knowledge in the conversion makes baffled even the translation of elementary simple English phrases. For example, chef sends his employee in a rather tense trip. He understands that there may be all sorts of moments, and gives him an indication: «If you face any problems call me day and night». The phrase is surprisingly simple. We are allegedly and seemingly familiar with all the words. However, when translating, "Если ты лицо какие-то проблемы звонок мне день и ночь." The translation is hard for understanding because we did not know that this (face) and here the word (call) are conversions. The “face” - it is the noun "person" and the verb "to come face-to-face." The word “call” is not only the noun "call", it is also the verb "to call". And then the phrase starts translating correctly: "Если ты столкнешься хоть с какими-то проблемами – звони мне в любое время." Therefore, for us, as the future translators and interpreters, it is important to become familiar with the conversion for more productive and easy way of learning English language, as the entire English is permeated with the conversions.


The object of this study is the verbs and nouns connected by derivational relationships in conversion.

The subject of this work is relations of word meanings of verbs and nouns, connected by derivational relationships in conversion.

The aim of this work is to study about conversions in English language.

The following tasks are drawn according to the aim: 1) to determine the conversion as a way of forming new words in modern English; 2) to get acquainted with the history of the conversion; 3) to identify the types of conversion; 4) to identify the converted neologisms in the English language.

Methods: 1) cognitive-synthesis; 2) comparative benchmarking; 3) inductive-deductive; 4) continuous sampling method;

The structure of the work: plan, introduction, main part, conclusion, list of bibliography.The work includes theoretical and practical chapters. The theoretical chapter deals with the derivation, namely conversion, as one of the productive ways of word formation, history and neologisms. The second chapter is devoted to the types of conversion, in which verbs are formed from nouns and etc., and identifying the most productive models of forming of new words by conversion.


Conversion as a productive way of replenishing the vocabulary of the language

Дата добавления: 2018-02-15; просмотров: 811; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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