Future of mainland the North America- destruction of mainland the North America- see Bible- Revelation-16-18

On 2017 planned chipping inside

According prophecy of Vanga in 2040 will be Doomsday.

How it will be -explained in Revelation-




first reason of Doomsday is chipping



In 2017 planned

1 Continue chipping people


2 continue chipping inside

3 chipping All children of our the World



Are going widely use chipping associated with medicine

In all russian medicines -chips


 Please don`t use russian medicines!


Behind an attempt to do chipping of all the inhabitants of our the Earth are Guterres, UN, WHO and President of Switzerland. Prime minister- of Malta-Europresident now



And behind them stays – Elizabeth2 ,who hates and destroys humanity



for chipping of children of our theworld for chiping inside sitizens of our theworld Elizabeth will die in this year

Obama- was chipped in nose - through drops


Netanyahu- was chipped in eyes - through drops



Behind chipping them is - Elizabeth

And former President of Switzerland- his face appears on faces both of them



they were chipped with help of WHO.
WHO headquarters is located in Switzerland



On 2017 planned do chipping of people, children inside -with help of vaccines, etc., for example -vaccination against influenza -with help of WHO
in vaccines against influenza added menstruation and chips

Than all those who will do vaccination from influenza
- will have in their bodies menstruation and chips

menstruation and chips after vaccination will be in their bodies forever

Recipe of vaccines created by British

British would like do chipping of all sitizens of our the World

through vaccination from influenza etc

1Firast they do artifical anxiety- all begin ill

2 second they do vaciination from influenza

and really do chipping of all sitizens inside

chips inside impossible take off ever

People will be сyborgs forever


Than please don`t do vaccination from influenza ever


methods of treatment from influenza are

tea with jam,

milk with honey, etc.



New President of Switzerland, europrezident - Prime Minister of Malta, , have task chipping of people inside, particularly Europeans


Guterres, a new UN-chief has task

chipping all inhabitants of planet inside,

chipping All children of our the World inside


Elizabeth ordered do chipping

She is 90 years old -she is marasmus



for chipping of inhabitants of our the world -

1-will be Doomsday- about in 2040
(reason of doomsday-is Chipping)

2 almost all inhabitants of our the Earth will go to hell
3 Mainland North America will be dstroyed

see- Revelation" 16-18


Therefore, chipping is pointless

All do chipping

1 to be subordinate to the NATO computer beast



2 Doomsday will be

3 all will go to the hell

4 mainland of North America will be destroyed


There was an ancient karma of Israel

responsibility for chipping inside always goes on Mr.Obama, Americans, Israelis-prophecy

Он пишет о каких-то
монстрах, выходящих из банок, из пробирок и реторт. Эти чудища будут "заменять людей”.

Exist ancient karma -relations of Israel and Eva

Israelis once spoke that they don`t need Eva-they could be created artificially



For this -bad karma associated with medicine always goes to Israel -they are all kinds of chipping inside, IVF, etc.



therefore-1 now going to do a massacre of humanity chipping all people inside


2It is going to do through the UN , WHO , Prime-minister of Malta-Europresident President of Switzerland etc.


3 and bad karma for chipping inside will always go on

1 Obama (US)

2 Israelis.

3 the WG



they are doomed to only monkey`s forms of reincarnation



for chipping of children will be doomed

1 Mr.Obama

2 Americans

3 Israelis

4for chipping - President of Switzerland will be obsessed

5 for chipping of children of our the world
for chiping inside sitizens of our the world
Elizabeth 2 will die in this year

6 for chipping of children of our the world
for chiping inside Mr.Guterres will die early

he even now looks older 



7 for continuing chipping- for activity of Guterres, UN,WHO- mainland the North america will be destroyed

because reason of destruction of mainland the North America- is chipping- Revelation-16-18

1 european Guterres doom mainland the North America

7 for chipping of children of our the world
for chiping inside sitizens of our the world
Mr.Obama will die early- because

responsibility for all types of chipping inside
and chipping of children always will go on Mr.Obama

8for chipping of children of our theworld children of Catherine Elizabeth,

Duchess of Cambridge will die in early age

really she is such-


if will do chipping of children-than her children will die in early age

9 for chipping of pregnant women -PrinceWilliam of Wales, Duke of Cambridgewill die early


Now do chipping of pregnant women fordiagnostics of

Zodiak sign of William is рак. It was need find another situation with рак.


10 for using knoweledge of system England will perish- sink
To it return karma for tsunami 2004 where were killed 300 000 people For joke of William about beach and beach Phuket

also-for using of knowledge of system Princess Charlotte of Cambridge will die

also-for using of knowledge of system -according spitit knoweledge future reincarnations of those who use system is reincarantion as - prostitute or dog
than candidates on such reincarnations- prostitute or a dog are 1 Catherine Elizabeth,Duchess of Cambridge

2 Chief of WHO etc
in case of using knoweledge of system

Than please don`t use knowledge of system ever because it is against will of God!

Than please


stop all types of chipping of children of all our the Earth –because chipping of children is against Will of God



stop all types of chipping inside all sitizens of our the Earth –because chipping is against Will of God



turn off all chips in chipped children of our the Earth and all chipped inside sitizens of our the Earth

About this need agree with NATO


Because only in such manner it is possible prevent problems of the
Mr.Obama(all americans- )
and Israel
save mainland the North America


cost of paper, according to the plan of chipping of people inside, chipping children-


1 Doomsday


2 destruction of mainland the North America


3 humanity of all our the Earth will go to the hell



What to do chipped inside


How prevent Doomsday

future of mainland the North America- destruction of mainland the North America- see Bible- Revelation-16-18

to save mainland the North America please do this-



1 http://haarppetition.blogspot.com/2016/11/england-try-to-subjugate-usa-with-help.html …





http://haarppetition.blogspot.com/2016/11/how-prevent-doomsday.html …

2 future of Europe is



1 chipping inside all europeans (planned by England to Europeans)


2 chaos (for migrants etc)


3 Doomsday

2.1to decide problems of Europe it is need to do this- http://haarppetition.blogspot.com/2016/11/summit-eu-2016.html …



2.2 to all europeans try do chipping inside


England try in 2017 seize power over all the world
prime-minister malta-man of England.

if EUROpresident will be prime –minister of Malta – than


11England will subdue EU and
1 2 all europeans will be chipped inside –to be slaves of England


Please don`t do EUROpresident prime –minister of Malta –because just through him will do chipping of all europeans

first were chipped italians inside
with help of Prime-minister of Italy
and now they try do chipping of all europeans inside through prime-minister of Malta-man of England.



2.3 Please help- stop all wars in Syria and at all the East and decide problem of migrants in Europe etc


http://haarppetition.blogspot.com/2016/11/summit-eu-2016.html …



2.4 future of Europe is Doomsday.



To prevent Doomsday-please do this-



a-stop all types of chipping


b stop all flights into spase


c - http://haarppetition.blogspot.com/2016/11/how-prevent-doomsday.html …


3 future of England is this-England will perish-sink(for karma-for tsunami)-(according prophecy)


England will perish-sink


1 for chipping and


2 for seize power at our the Earth


future of sitizens of our the Earth and our the Earth-is Doomsday


How prevent Doomsday


Дата добавления: 2018-02-15; просмотров: 293; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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