FEATURE 4 Competition and Consumer Sovereignty

Fundamentals of a Market Economy


Market economies have several distinct characteristics. Earlier in this chapter you

read about the fundamental feature of a market economy—the fact that people’s economic behavior is motivated by self-interest. Self-interested behavior is behind two other features of a market economy. One is private property rights, the rights of individuals and groups to own property. In economic terms, property means everything that an individual owns. This includes factories, offices, clothes, furniture, house, car, and other belongings; money; and even intellectual property, such as songs or ideas developed for inventions. It also includes the labor individuals provide to earn money to buy what they own.

The other feature that stems from self-interest is the market, any place or situation in which people buy and sell resources and goods and services. It may be the farmers’ market on Saturdays in the town square, or it may be an enormous cybermarket on the Internet, such as eBay. Large or small, real or virtual, the market is where people can exchange their private property for someone else’s.


FEATURE 1 Private Property and Markets

For markets to operate efficiently, private property rights need to be well defined and actively enforced by law. If you have ever bought a car, you know that an essential part of the transaction is getting possession of the title. You need proof that the person you are buying it from actually owns it and has the right to sell it. Since clear ownership is vital to any sale or exchange, private property rights are necessary to make markets work properly. If buyers could not trust that the sellers actually had the right to offer their products on the market, trade would break down. Further, suppose you are a musician but know that your songs can be downloaded for free, depriving you of your right to exchange what you own for money. In such a situation, it is doubtful that you would be motivated to record music. In protecting private property rights so that producers have motivation and consumers have trust, the government performs an important role in a market economy.

FEATURE 2 Limited Government Involvement

Sometimes the government’s economic role is to stay out of the marketplace. The principle that the government should not interfere in the economy is called laissez faire, a French phrase meaning “leave things alone.” The concept of laissez faire is often paired with capitalism, an economic system that is based on private ownership of the factors of production. Capitalism, the foundation of market economies, operates on the belief that, on their own, producers will create the goods and services that consumers demand. Therefore, according to laissez faire capitalism, there is no need for government involvement in the marketplace. Laissez faire capitalism is a market economy in its pure form. However, there are no pure market economies—all real-world market economies have some degree of government involvement.

FEATURE 3 Voluntary Exchange in Markets

When a buyer and seller agree to do business together, they engage in a voluntary exchange, a trade in which the parties involved anticipate that the benefits will outweigh the cost. Both sides in a voluntary exchange believe that what they are getting is worth more than what they are giving up. In a market economy, most trade is based on an exchange of a product for money rather than for another product.

Self-interest guides voluntary exchanges. Suppose you buy a new guitar. Even though you spend a good part of your savings, your self-interest is served because you’ve wanted this particular model of guitar. The seller’s self-interest is likely served by profit, a financial gain from a business transaction. If you pay more for the guitar than the seller did, the seller earns money. In voluntary exchange, then, both sides must believe that they are gaining by trading.


FEATURE 4 Competition and Consumer Sovereignty

Market economies are also characterized by competition, the effort of two or more people, acting independently, to get the business of others by offering the best deal. You are able to choose today between a Macintosh and a Windows PC operating system because of the competition in the computer market. In the case of these competing systems, each has somewhat different features but mainly performs the same functions as the other. You are free to decide which you prefer based on whatever combination of price and value appeals to you more. When you buy over-the-counter medications, you can also clearly see the competitive aspect of the market. Often next to a well-known brand-name product you will see a product with the same ingredients, similar packaging, but a different name and lower price. The producers of the lower priced item are competing for the business established by the brandname product. If the producers of the brand-name product want to keep your business, they must lower their prices or find a way to add some other value. That’s because you, the consumer, hold the real power in the market place.

Consumer sovereignty is the idea that because consumers are free to purchase what they want and to refuse products they do not want, they have the ultimate control over what is produced. Sovereignty means supreme authority, which is what consumers exercise as key economic decision-makers. Let’s look at the over-the-counter medications again. If there were no competition, the brand-name producers could charge higher prices. It would be in their self-interest to charge as much as they possibly could. Competition, however, acts as a control on self-interested behavior, guiding the market toward a balance between higher value and lower prices. Rather than lose your business, the brand-name producers will either lower their prices or raise the value of their product. Because producers must compete for the consumer’s dollar, they have to work at pleasing you, the consumer, while pleasing themselves.

Дата добавления: 2019-11-16; просмотров: 143; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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