I am ready to help my friends.

a. Каков порядок слов английского предложения? Изобразите английкое предложение в виде схемы (См. таблицу 1)

b. В каком времени стоит сказуемое данного предложения? Подчеркните сказуемое.

c.Какие формы приобретает глагол “to be” при спряжении в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени?

d. В каких случаях употребляется глагол “to be” ?


2. Group work.  Structure the information about the “to be”, making a cluster. 

“To be”  
Present Simple
Past Simple  
Future Simple  

3. a. Каков порядок слов английского общего и специального вопроса? Изобразите общий и специальный вопрос  в виде схемы (См. таблицу 1)

Как образуются вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с глаголом “to be”?

B. Составьте общий, специальный вопрос и отицательное предложение, используя следующее предложение: I am a first - year student .

c. Прочитайте спряжение глагола “to be” в утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной форме.

Утвердительная форма Ед.ч. I am a first-year student. (I’m) He is a first-year student. (He’s) She is a first-year student. (She’s) It is a first-year student. (It’s) Мн.ч. We are first-year students. (We’re) You are first-year students. (You’re) They are first-year students. (They’re)

Вопросительная форма


Am I a first-year student?

Is he a first-year student?

Is she a first-year student?

Is it a first-year student?


Are we first-year students?

Are you first-year students?

Are they first-year students?

Отрицательная форма

Краткие ответы на вопросы

Ед.ч. I am not a second-year student. (I’m not) He isn’t a second-year student. She isn’t a second-year student. It isn’t a second-year student. Мн.ч. We aren’t second-year students. You aren’t second-year students. They aren’t second-year students. Ед.ч. Yes, I am. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, it is. Мн.ч. Yes, we are. Yes, you are. Yes, they are. Ед.ч. No, I am not. No, he isn’t. No, she isn’t. No, it isn’t. Мн . ч . No, we aren’t. No, you aren’t. No, they aren’t.

4. Conjugate the verb “to be” in the sentence “I am a future architect.”

Grammar Focus

8. Translate the sentences and repeat them adding the word “ also”:

E.x: I am a good student. – I am also a good student.

It is interesting for me to study at the university. - It is also interesting for me to study at the university.


1. I am 17 years old. 2. I am from Nizhny Novgorod. 3. I am a first-year student of the University Architecture and civil engineering. 4. My future profession is an architect. 5. This profession is to my liking. 6. I am fond of mathematics. 7. I am good at making calculations. 8. It is very important for my future job. 9. I am always ready to answer my homework.   10. I am seldom late for lectures. 11. I am good at all the subjects. 12. I have problems with English. 13. It is interesting for me to work with sensitive instruments. 14. I am interested in music. 15. I am fond of playing the guitar. 16. Unfortunately, now I am short of time. 17. It is important for me to get a good education because my future depends on it.    


9. Repeat the sentences adding the word from brackets:

1. He is 17 years old. (18) 2. He is from Nizhny Novgorod. (Balachna) 3. He is a first-year student of the University Architecture and civil engineering. (a second-year student) 4. His future profession is a geomatics engineer. (an architect) 5. This profession is to his liking. (activity) 6. He is fond of mathematics. (physics) 7. He is good at making calculations. (making models) 8. It is very important for his future job. (future life) 9. He is always ready to answer his homework. (help friends) 10. He is seldom late for lectures. (seminars) 11. He is good at all the subjects. (mathematics) 12. He has problems with English. (descriptive geometry) 13. It is interesting for him to work with sensitive instruments. (make calculations) 14.He is interested in music. (architecture) 15. He is fond of playing the guitar. (playing sport) 16. Unfortunately, he is short of time now. (money) 17. It is important for him to get a good education because his future depends on it. (profound knowledge)  


5. Match the questions to their translation:


Are you from Nizhny Novgorod? Тебе интересно делать модели?
Are you a first-year student? Ты опаздываешь на лекции?
Is your future job an architect? Ты готов к занятию?
Is this profession to your liking? Архитектурное проектирование твой любимый предмет?
Are you fond of art?  Ты из Н. Новгорода?
Are you good at drawing? Ты учишься на первом курсе?
Are you late for lectures? Твоя будущая работа – архитектор?
Are you ready for classes? Эта профессия тебе по душе?
Is architectural design your favourute subject? Ты увлекаешься искусством?
Is it interesting for you to make models? Ты хорошо рисуешь?

b )

Who are you? Какова твоя будущая профессия?
What are you? Что тебе по душе?
How old are you? Какой предмет ты знаешь хорошо?
Where are you from? Кто Вы по профессии?
What year-student are you? Сколько Вам лет?
What is your future profession? Откуда вы?
What is to your liking? На каком курсе ты учишься?
What subject are you good at? Кто Вы? (имя, родственные отношения)


What are you good at? Чем ты интересуешься?
What is important for your future job? Что важно для тебя в жизни?
What are you ready to do for your friends? Чем ты гордишься?
What are you interested in? Чем ты увлекаешься?
What is important for you in your life? Что важно для твоей будущей работы?
What are you proud of? Что ты готов сделать для своих друзей?
What are you fond of? Что ты делаешь хорошо?

6. Match 2 parts of the sentence from 2 columns to create questions and use them in micro dialogues concerning the topic “About myself”. The following chart can be helpful:


Where are are you good at?
What year-student at making models?
What is you fond of?
Is this job you from?
What subject are you?
Is it interesting your future profession?
What are to your liking?
Are you good for you to make models?



What are late for lectures?
What are important for you in your life?
What is to your liking?
Are you you proud of?
What is you interested in?
What is your favourite subject?

7. Match the questions to the reaction on these questions:

Ann, are you a first-year student? Of course, not. It’s not for me. I am an organized and disciplined person.
By the way, Nat, what is your future profession? Unfortunately, I have some problems with English. It is really hard for me.
I say, Jane. Are you good at drawing? Certainly. It’s very important for me and my future depends on it.
What is your favourute subject, Dan? Oh, many things are to my liking. But I am really interested in architecture. It is so interesting, so exciting.
Julia, are you late for lectures, I wonder? Of course, I am. And I am proud of it.
Are you good at English, Edward? Don’t you know, Ann? My future profession is an architect. It is really to my liking.
Are you always ready for classes, Tonny? Sure. I am very good at drawing. It is really important for my future job.
What are you interested in, Eugene? No doubt, it’s architectural design. It is so interesting for me to make models.

Writing & Speaking

8. Make up questions concerning the topic “About yourself” in writing. Then project yourself (перевоплотиться) into a character of an English teacher and ask the students the questions. Get ready to communicate with your students creating a micro dialogue. The following chart will be useful.


Educatory Student-teacher’s corner (обучающий уголок учителя - практиканта )

Дата добавления: 2019-11-16; просмотров: 321; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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