VI. Найдите и выпишите слова по теме «Семья».

g f a t g m a r r i e d o
r r d w r u u u l n s g s
a e a i a m n n a e m r g
n l u n n m t c r p a a r
d a g s d y a l g h l n a
m t h i c d f e e e l d n
o i t s h c a h b w y s d
t v e t i o m u b i g o f
h e r e l u i s g s o n a
e o n r d s l b a h b y t
r o s e r i y a t i t o h
n i e c e n e n d a d e e
w g r a n n y d f o u r r

VII. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

Our family, his cousin, their aunt, her uncle, your niece, their nephew, my relatives, our grandmother, their grandfather, her husband, their children, his wife, your grandchildren, her grandson, his granddaughter, their parents, our mother, her father, his daughter, their son, your married brother, my sister, our grandparents.

VIII. Переведите словосочетания на английский язык.

Моя бабушка, их мама, наш папа, его сестра, её племянник, наши двоюродные братья и сестры, твои бабушка и дедушка, их родители, его дядя, наша тетя, моя племянница, их дети, её дочь, его жена, их родственники, твой сын, наша внучка, её внук, его брат, их дедушка, её муж, наши внуки, моя замужняя сестра.

IX. Назовите родственников противоположного пола:

Father, aunt, distant, relative, niece, married, a family man, wife, grandmother, son, nephew, uncle, grandfather, daughter, mother, sister, grandson, unmarried, brother, close relative, single, husband, granddaughter.

X. Замените выделенные слова притяжательными местоимениями.

1. This is Jack’s brother. 2. This is Susan’s nephew. 3. This is Bob and Dick’sfather. 4. This is my and my sister’s granny. 4. This is Boris’s niece. 5. This isMary’s sister-in-law. 6. These are Henry’s parents. 7. These are Betty’sgrandparents. 8. This is my and my brother’s grandpa. 10. This is Richard’sstepson. 11. These are John and Nelly’s children. 12. This is Mrs. Green’s daughter. 13. These are the Greens’ grandchildren. 14. This is my and my stepsister’s family. 15. This is William’s cousin.

XI. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения по смыслу.

1. This is Jack’s uncle, he is … uncle. 2. This is Susan’s aunt, she is … aunt. 3. This is Bob and Dick’s dad, he is … father. 4. This is my and my sister’s granny, she is … granny. 5. This is Boris’s niece, she is … niece. 6. This is Mary’s sister-in-law, she is … sister-in-law. 7. These are Henry’s parents, they are … parents. 8. These are Betty’s grandparents, they are … grandparents. 9. This is my and my brother’s grandpa, he is … grandpa. 10. This is Richard’s stepson, he is … stepson. 11. These are John and Nelly’s children, they are … children. 12. This is Mrs. Green’s daughter, she is … daughter. 13. These are the Greens’ grandchildren, they are … grandchildren. 14. This is my and my stepsister’s family, it’s … family. 15. This is William’s cousin, it’s … cousin.

  1. Перефразируйте, используя притяжательный падеж.

The brother of my mother, the parents of my friend, the sister of my father, the business of my parents, the daughter of my uncle, the cousin of my mother, the niece of my father, the children of my aunt, the house of my uncle and aunt, the name of my cousin, the dog of my nephew, the doll of my niece, the car of my elder brother, the bike of his son.

  1. Закончите предложения.
1. My mother’s mother is my … 7. My parents’ daughter is my …
2. My mother’s father is my … 8. My aunt’s children are my …
3. My mother’s parents are my … 9. My sister’s daughter is my …
4. My mother’s brother is my … 10. My brother’s son is my …
5. My mother’s sister is my … 11. My mother and my father are my …
6. My parents’ son is my … 12. My mum is my Granny’s …
  1. Напишите, кем вы являетесь для своих родственников.

I am a ………..

  1. Напишите, какие родственники у вас есть.

I have a …..

  1. Составьте диалог о своей семье.
o Do you have many or few relatives? o What relatives do you have? o Is your family large or small?   o How many of you in the family? o What is your mother’s name? o How old is she? o What is she? o What is your father’s name? o How old is he? o What is he? o Do you have brothers or sisters? o What is her/his name? o How old is he/she? o What is he/she? o Do you have grandparents? o Are they old? o Do they work?   o Are you a friendly family? o I have many/few relatives? o I have … o My family is large / small; not very large / not very small. o We are … : o My mother’s name is …. o She is … o She is a … o My father’s name is …. o He is … o He is a … o I have a ……. o Her/his name is …… o He/she is …. o He/she is a …. o Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. o Granny is …, Grandpa is … . o Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. They are pensioners. o I think we are a friendly family, but sometimes we have problems.
  1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

About My Family

My family is not very big, just a typical family: Dad, Mom, me, my brother and sister and me.

My Mummy is forty-one, she is a teacher of Spanish at the University. She is a born teacher. She has teaching abilities.

My Dad is forty-two, he is a professional painter and he works for a design company. My parents both like their work very much.

My elder sister Natasha is nineteen, she goes to the University and she wants to be a teacher of history. She is fond of reading books on history and fiction.

My younger brother Igor is only six years old, he goes to the kindergarten. He is very funny; I like to spend my free time teaching him something. Igor likes to play with our cat.

My grandparents are retired. They like gardening. They spend a lot of their time in the garden. They grow vegetables and fruits. We enjoy having fresh vegetables and green on our dinner table.

I love my family very much. We always help each other. Everyone in my family is my best friend.

Vocabulary: typical — типичный Spanish — испанский ability — способность painter — художник fiction — художественная литература funny — смешной to spend — проводить to grow — выращивать to enjoy — наслаждаться to be retired — выйти на пенсию green — зелень to be fond of smth. — нравиться кому-либо Questions: 1. How many are they in the family? 2. How old is mother? 3. What is she? 4. How old is father? 5. What is he? 6. How is the sister? 7. What is her name? 8. What is she? 9. What is she fond of? 10. How is the brother? 11. What is his name? 12. Do the grandparents work? 13. What do they like to do? 14. How do they get along in the family?
  1. Напишите о своей семье, используйте диалог и текст.


My Working Day”

I. Прочитайте слова .

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