B. Listen to your partner and help. Add more information.



    II. School – leavers have to choose the institution to enter and the faculty to study at. In pairs, advertise Donetsk National University or the faculty of mathematics. Use photos of the university above or draw your own pictures. Be creative!

For example: Welcome to Donetsk National University!

                     It is one the best universities in Ukraine!

                     The best teachers deliver lectures in Mathematics!

Practice set 6

The city was founded in 1869 by John Hughes.
There are 17 coal mines and more than 200 industrial enterprises including 5 metallurgical plants.
The best things about Donetsk are the people and its friendly atmosphere.
There are about 140 museums, the Art Museum and the Local Studies Museum being the most known.
Donetsk has 5 universities, 3 academies and 11 institutes.




I. Complete the mind-map ‘Donetsk’ to tell your partner about its history of foundation, its best things, its attractions for turists etc.


A. Start speaking.

B. Listen to your partner and help. Add more information.


II. In pairs, describe your favorite place in Donetsk and tell why you like it best of all.

III. In groups, imagine you are asked to be a guide for foreign tourists. Where would like to start your excursion? What would you like to tell them about?


(1) I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X (2) 1 2 3 4  5  6 7  8 9 10 (1)XX XXX XL XLIX IL L LX LXX LXXX XC (2) 20 30 40 49  50 60 70  80 90 (1) XCIX IC C CC CCC CD D DC DCC DCCC (2)  99 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 (1) CM CMXC M (2) 900   990 1000 (3) 9658 (4)5 kg. (5) 2 (6)2nd (7)+5 (8) – 5 (9) a, b, c…  (10)  (11) 2,4,6,8 (12) 1,3,5,7 (13)3,5,7,11 (14) (15)   (16) (17)      (18)   (19)  (20)0 357 (21)0 6666…= (22)3+2=5 (23)3–2=1 (24)3 2=6      (25) 6 2=3; 3x2=6

Practice set 7


1–26 numbers

1 Roman numerals

2 Arabic numerals

3 abstract number, a four-figure number [8: units; 5: tens; 6: hundreds; 9: thousands]
4 concrete number

5 cardinal number (cardinal)

6 ordinal number (ordinal)

7 positive number (with plus sign)

8 negative number (with minus sign)

9 algebraic symbols

10 mixed number [3: whole number (integer);  : fraction]

11 even numbers

12 odd numbers

13 prime numbers

14 complex number [3: real part; : imaginary part]

15–16 vulgar fractions                          

15 proper fraction [2: numerator, horizontal line; 3: denominator]

16 improper fraction, also the reciprocal of item 15

17 compound fraction (complex fraction)

18 improper fraction [when cancelled down produces a whole number]

19 fractions of different denominations [35: common denominator]

20 proper decimal fraction with decimal point and decimal places [3: tenths; 5: hundredths; 7: thousandths]

21 repeating (recurring) decimal

22–25 fundamental arithmetical operations

22 addition (adding) [3 and 2: the terms of the sum: + plus sign; = equals sign; 5: the sum]

23 subtraction (subtracting); [3: the minuend; –: minus sign; 2: the subtrahend; 1: the remainder (difference)]

24 multiplication(multiplying);[3:the multiplicand; ×: multiplication sign; 2:the multiplier; 2 and 3:factors; 6:the product ]

25 division (dividing); [6: the dividend;  division sign; 2: the divisor; 3: the quotient]


    I. Mind–map’ NUMBERS’. When you read this ‘mind-map’, you’ll meet words that are new to you. First try to guess their meaning and then look them up in a dictionary.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-26; просмотров: 237; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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