Выберите правильный вариант ответа


1. Nick has lived in the same place ____twenty years.


1) for              2) from           3) since           4) during


2. I have known her ____ we were at school.


1) since            2) before          3) for               4) when


3. She's been an actress ____1969.


1) in                 2) since           3) from            4) for


4. She is not in the office now but she'll be back ____ fifteen minutes.


1) across          2) at                 3) by                4) in


5. The investigation must be done ____ May.


1) by                2) at                 3) on                4) until


6. We met a lot of interesting people ____ our holiday.


1) while           2) during         3) for               4) at


7. They'll be away ____ Tuesday.


1) until            2) by                3) to                4) in


8. I haven't heard from him ____ we last met.


1) for               2) from            3) since            4) during


9. They've been friends ____ ages.


1) during         2) since            3) for               4) in


10. They have been married ____1933.


1) from            2) for               3) since            4) in



Контрольный тест

Выберите правильный вариант ответа


1. The doctor waited ____ another month and sent the bill again.


1) for               2) during         3) in                 4) –


2. I think I can finish the job ____ Friday.


1) for               2) by                3) till               4) until


3. The manager said he would come ____ a minute or two.


1) on                2) during         3) after            4) in


4. My grandparents met ____ the war.


1) since            2) on                3) during         4) for


5. I hope I'll come and see you ____ a few minutes this afternoon.


1) during         2) for               3) –                 4) after


6. She has been unemployed ever ____ she left school.


1) after            2) since            3) from            4) till


7. Rob's had this Mercedes ____ January.


1) since            2) from            3) in                 4) for


8. He has been living in Moscow ____ a year.


1) for               2) since            3) during         4) from


9. The animal walked right ____ the trap.


1) on                2) to                3) in                 4) by


10. He is worried ____ his wife's health.


1) on                2) in                 3) about           4) with




Союзы употребляются для соединения членов предложния и предложений.

Наиболее употребительные союзы


And – и, а                                                Since – так как, поскольку; с тех пор                   

But – но                                                   Till / Until – пока; до тех пор, пока

As well as – и, так же как и                    Wherever – куда бы ни …; где бы ни …

Either … or – или … или                      Because потому что; так как

What – то,что; что                               For – так как; ибо

That – что, который                               So that / In order to – для того, чтобы

Where – где, куда                                   In order that – с тем, чтобы

When – когда                                          If -- если

Whether—ли (в косвенных вопросах) Lest – чтобы не

Why – почему                                         Provided – при условии; если только

How – как                                                Unless – если не…

Which – который                                    Though -- хотя

Who – кто, который                               Although -- хотя

Whom – которого, которому                As if – как будто

Whose – чей                                            As … as – так же … как и …

While – в то время как                           Not so … as – не так … как

Before – перед тем, как; до того, как   As soon as – как только

After – после того, как                          As long as – до тех пор пока

As – когда; в то время, как; так как     Both… and – и…и

Neither…nor - ни…ни                          Not only…but also – не только, но и



Тренировочные упражнения

Выберите правильный вариант ответа


1. Julia speaks ____ Spanish ____ French.


1) not only ____ but also             3) so that

2) as well as                                 4) either


The secretary want to leave yet.


1) Either the director nor             3) Both the director

2) Neither the director nor           4) As well as the director


3. He studied very hard ____ could pass the test.


1) because he   2) so that he    3) as he         4) since he


4. She ____ distrusts him.


1) and admires and                     3) admires and both

2) so admires and                         4) both admires and


5. Paul ____ said anything.


1) neither looked at her nor          3) either looked at her nor

2) didn't look at her nor               4) neither looked at her and


Are known all over the world.


1) And Dickens and Shakespeare 3) It's Dickens and Shakespeare

2) Both Dickens and Shakespeare 4) Both Dickens or Shakespeare


7. ____ leave the University.


1) Either you pass the exam or    3) Either you pass the exam nor

2) Both you pass the exam or      4) You pass either the exam or

Got the job.


1) Neither Paul nor Sally             3) Either Paul nor Sally

2) Neither Paul or Sally               4) Neither Paul and Sally

Robert is talented ____ handsome.


1) as well as    2) both and      3) together    4) but


10. Joe is practicing the guitar ____ he can play for the dance.


1) so that         2) because       3) as              4) since



Контрольный тест

Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. She is sending the package early ____ it can arrive in time for her sister's birthday.


1) since            2) because       3) so that      4) as

The teacher, ____ her students, is going to the concert.


1) as well as    2) both and      3) together    4) and


3. ____ I call the police.


1) Either you leave the house nor 3) Either you leave the house or

2) You both leave the house or    4) Either you leave the house and

He collects ____ coins.


1) both paintings or                     3) both paintings and

2) and paintings and                    4) as paintings and


I'd like to live in ____ an old country house.


1) either a new flat nor                 3) either a new flat and

2) either a new flat or                   4) a new flat and both


You can ____ apples.


1) either have fruit juice or           3) both have fruit juice or

2) either have fruit juice and        4) either have fruite juice nor


I think you are ____.


1) wrong and right neither           3) either right nor wrong

2) neither right and wrong           4) neither right nor wrong


It is _____funny to do this job.


1) both difficult and                         3) neither difficult and

2) either difficult and                       4) both difficult or


My best friend ____ drinks.


1) doesn't smoke nor                    3) neither smokes nor

2) doesn't smoke neither                 4) nor smokes nor


10. She is ____ intelligent ____ a very hard working person.


1) neither... or...                           3) not only... but also

2) either... nor...                           4) not such... that

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