Task 2. Scan the text and answer the following questions.

1) How can you characterize the existing world order?

2) What are the examples of success and failure in regard to secession?

3) How does secession correlate with the right to self-determination?

4) What are the attributes of a “people” according to UNESCO?

5) Describe the two-part test applicable to identify the degree of appropriateness to conflate the right to self-determination with the right to secession.

6) What does internal self-determination refer to?

7) What are the main features of external self-determination?

8) Why do secessionist movements emerge?

9) What major components constitute the “pull factor” in emergence of a secessionist movement? Describe them in detail providing relevant examples.

10) What are the major “push factor” components? Give their detailed description illustrated by relevant examples.

11) Why is the topic of secession considered complex and multifaceted? What does international community have to consider in respect of providing a shared opinion?

12) What are the prospects for the world given the inter-state community eventually accepts the emergence of new sovereign entities as a standard practice?

13) What does a redefinition of the basic features of states imply?

14) Why can the creation of a new adjudicative body be required to meet the needs of redefined understanding of sovereignty and statehood?

Task 3. Give your definitions of the following concepts:

1. separatism/secessionism/secession/ secessionist politics

2. a sovereign nation

3. sovereignty/ statehood/ territorial integrity

4. the right to self-determination

5. unrecognized states/ de facto states/ de jure states

6. rotating presidency in the UN Security Council

7. the norm of non-intervention


Task 4. Scan the text and be ready to discuss the issues below:

1. epochal changes and events of an exceptional nature in the international order that took place in the 20th century;

2. benefits internationally recognized statehood brings to a nation;

3. what makes border-redrawing processes complex and complicated;

4. functions a new adjudicative body responsible for secessionism should bear



Task 1. Scan the text again and find all possible word-combinations with the following words:

sovereignty, statehood, secession, integrity


Task 2 . Give Russian equivalents of the word-combinations printed in bold in the text.


Task 3. Find in the text English equivalents of the following word-combinations:

1. процесс деколонизации

2. нарушать территориальную целостность

3. проводить ограниченную внешнюю политику

4. право на самоопределение

5. религиозное или идеологическое сходство

6. рассматривать что-то с долей осторожности

7. предпринимать такие серьезные шаги/меры

8. создать привлекательный климат для международных инвесторов

9. играть роль в определении повестки

10. методы, предполагающие применение или неприменение силы

11. процессы создания и распада государств

12. появление новых суверенных единиц/образований

13. процессы пересмотра границ

14. подвергнуть другие группы дискриминации

15. создание нового арбитражного органа


Task 4. Explain the following in your own words:

ü fragmentation of geopolitical space

ü supranational organizations

ü to create some ambiguity

ü “pull factor” and “push factor” of secession

ü individual or multilateral financial donors

ü to be inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations

ü states achieving de facto status

ü redefinition of the basic features of states

ü to be regarded as an old-fashioned perspective in international relations

ü geopolitical units of the world system

ü limited foreign policy

ü cultural homogeneity

ü “irrevocable institutionalized injustice”

ü an adjudicative body


Task 5. Match the words from two columns to make up collocations and give their Russian equivalents.

1. racial or ethnic 2. to overcome 3. to have access 4. to protect states 5. in theory 6. ethnically concentrated 7. violent and non-violent 8. to develop 9. to pursue 10. to feel 11. political and economic 12. to find expression a) secessionist projects b) from the aggression of other states c) an ongoing injustice d) in the UN Charter e) to foreign aid f) means g) and practice h) grievances i) identity j) comprehensive frameworks k) economically deprived l) federal states

Task 6. Find definitions of the following terms in a monolingual dictionary and translate the terms into Russian:

secession, separatism, sovereignty, the norm of non-intervention, integrity

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 480; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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